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Grand Theft Auto V Talk.

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Freemode's fun as long as you can get over the fact that for every time you kill someone and smugly say "dumbass," someone's gonna kill you and say the same thing. Plus if you can catch enough friends/crew on willing to have your back, you can go on and just bat people around. It's cathartic. I dunno what that one guy was thinking who had two of us breathing down his neck in cars and three more parachuting on top of him, but I'd say it was "oh well, it was time for bed, anyway."


Plus you have to not mind dying repeatedly after spawning and immediately picking up a 2-star wanted level - along with tons of cops next to you shooting you - 'cause you're in the wrong place at the wrong time. 

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I might have posted this but me and my buddy had the best fuck you moment a few weeks ago.

I was in the jet, which was useless as usual. My buddy is in the little bird. Anyway they attack him a few times while I'm getting the jet, and chase after him. He sets it down on the roof of a building and we realize the trick. They're in a car park, he flies over as I begin the approach. He dips down and lands on a car as bullets fly in. I lock on to him, fire a missile and kill maybe five people and their personal cars.

They slowly all quit after that


I have five confirmed sniper kills on players showing up at the car park behind my penthouse on Alton Street and trying to practice the Parking Garage glitch.


Freemode is not that bad.  Like with anything, you have more fun if you are the windshield and less fun if you are the bug.

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Just bring Private Pyle (melraz) with you.  Pretty much assures you're on the windshield side.  I've got a bunch of kills on people he's pissed off so badly that they're totally focused on him, and not paying any attention to who else might be waiting out there with a shotgun.


With free mode, you just can't expect it to be something it's not.  Sure, it's mostly a Darwinian nightmare, but that doesn't mean doing your bit for natural selection can't be fun.  If I'm in by myself I mostly follow the Golden Rule, unless they come after me.  Then all bets are off. 


If I'm in with crew, it's more wait till somebody goes after one of us, then kill everybody.  In one server last week, we had run off all but two people.  The last two poor bastards had to know they were doomed.  We had 3 helicopters inbound on their location, plus 2 more folks on the ground.


The exceptions are tanks and people that are obviously glitching.  Fuck those people.


One free mode question for those who might know.  Several times recently I've been hiding in an out of the way place, and in good cover, when I've had somebody drive right up to me.  Clearly they knew exactly where I was, though my dot should've been obscured, and there's no way they could have eyeballed me.  Any idea how that happens?  Using Lester to reveal my location, or maybe somebody spotting from an apartment?

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That reminds me of a couple play sessions back - I think there were about 5 of us messing with some dudes that were in the fort. Two took off in helicopters, and all I had was a plain helicopter myself - no buzzard. So I threw a sticky bomb on my chopper and took off. I wanted the kill so bad, but I couldn't catch either of them. I could just see the confused look on the dude's face when he's thinking "it's just a Maverick - what's he gonna do?" and then we both go up in a fireball.


It worked out in the end though because I circled back to the fort just in time to see one of them run into the hangar to get a jet. Not today, junior.


After that, Stout and Melraz stood outside the fence sniping them as they tried to escape on the highway. I think they ended up leaving the room if I remember correctly.


That should be the new DVDR tagline. "Room full of jabronis? This town not big enough for the both of us? Call 555-DVDR."

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The rule of thumb seems to be that those that don't wish you any harm will honk their horn as they drive by.  Anyone that comes to a dead stop near your position is someone you are going to have to shoot first.


You can always expect assholes to do the unexpected like park dump trucks in front of your garage so that you have to exit out of your front door into an obvious ambush.

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Another fun with aircraft moment the other day was when we were fucking about with the Chinook. I picked him up and told him I was gonna drop him in the ocean. Instead we went and found someone to drop him behind and give chase. The guy took me out, then my buddy got him. As I spawned, I saw my chopper taking off. It got in the sky, started to turn and then imploded. Neither of us have RPGs, so I asked him if he'd picked one up. "No, I just thought you might be a twat so I took out an insurance policy on you and sticky bombed your chopper".


This game is too good I swear.

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Free mode is my favorite. Just treat it like a big ass death match and go to town. Live by the motto: I'm gonna piss of every sum bitch in this map. And then get after it.

That's pretty much why I don't like free roam. Death matches bore me. To each thier own, but I'm pretty much done with this until some real DLC comes out.

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Insurance indeed.  I had nearly the same scenario once. 


I got to the Simeon Premium I/E vehicle (Obey Tailgater! 12K payday!) first and rolled off to the paint shop after ditching the cops.  Some Level 19 guy who had been griefed earlier in the session asked me for some money so that he could recover from the medical bills and I offered to split the cash from the car sale 50-50 instead. 


He waited until I got to the entrance of the terminal and decided to kill me.


As he pulled away gloating about how he'd spend the money, I detonated the remote bomb I planted in the car and I shot him a couple more times for good measure. 

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Insurance indeed.  I had nearly the same scenario once. 


I got to the Simeon Premium I/E vehicle (Obey Tailgater! 12K payday!) first and rolled off to the paint shop after ditching the cops.  Some Level 19 guy who had been griefed earlier in the session asked me for some money so that he could recover from the medical bills and I offered to split the cash from the car sale 50-50 instead. 


He waited until I got to the entrance of the terminal and decided to kill me.


As he pulled away gloating about how he'd spend the money, I detonated the remote bomb I planted in the car and I shot him a couple more times for good measure. 

Hahaha that's badass

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So I get an invite to the big DVDVR chat session this evening, and I'm like a grenade that gets thrown into the room:

(jstout423 has joined the party)

"bedtime, fellas, good night."

"I gotta go, my ass is on fire."

"Godzilla just passed by my window, and it's my night on Godzilla watch, gotta go."

"I've got a coupon getting ready to expire, gotta go."

"Gotta go, Stone Cold just broke into my house carrying a gun."


I'm like "aw, geez, fellas."



Totally sucked ass tonight. Shoulda just shot myself and went to bed.

What he means is we kept running into entirely stupid scenarios involving tanks and passive mode and another guy who disappeared into a building or something, had to have.


At least you didn't get taken out by a guy in a cargobob carrying a tank blindsiding you with the tank he was carrying.


One clod was pretty good, but he got twitchy for some reason and kept grabbing tanks. Melraz, who totally sucked ass tonight, sniped him out of it twice. The guy took a long spell of driving around us honking his horn while we tried to deal with two or three other people around us, then when we actually had him pinned down, out comes the passive mode. 


Robert did manage to knock him off the perch he was on at one point, making him turn cartwheels and land on the ground while both of us swept in for the kill.


I'm not really sure how he managed to extrapolate this into "kicking you guys' asses all night long," but he kept sending me voice messages "taunting" us. I learned I'm a redneck, black jew, for example.


Then there was the kid on the general chat who said "no one's taking my bounty." I'm like "huh?" and figure out who the kid is and he's a level 28. Two players climb his tree and take his bounty about 30 seconds later. He then says "no one else in here is killing me," and I set a waypoint for him at that point. I drive past him and he says "who just passed me? No one passes me without my permission," and he tries to take me out with his car. So I kill him - with him insisting I'm in God mode - and I'm getting ready for more when I hear his mom in the room telling him he's gotta try on something right now. So he just drops the controller without putting it in passive mode or anything.


This leads me, just for total funsies, to run him around the map headshotting him with my sniper rifle over and over (at least 10 times) until I got some kind of headshot medal. Eventually the kid left the game.  

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So I get an invite to the big DVDVR chat session this evening, and I'm like a grenade that gets thrown into the room:

(jstout423 has joined the party)

"bedtime, fellas, good night."

"I gotta go, my ass is on fire."

"Godzilla just passed by my window, and it's my night on Godzilla watch, gotta go."

"I've got a coupon getting ready to expire, gotta go."

"Gotta go, Stone Cold just broke into my house carrying a gun."


By the time you come on at midnight or some other ungodly hour, the early bird crew has been PITing each others cars and shooting each other in the head for two hours or more. :)


That and Rippa, Mark, and I are old men.  We need our sleep.


I wish I could win the lottery so I could have your amount of playtime.

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Bah, your problem is you forgot how to use a normal pistol, man. :D  The loss of range is culture shock for high ranked guys used to carrying the Advanced Rifle and the Heavy Sniper in free wandering mode..




And so, it came to pass that mere days after being told I'd forgotten how to use a Pistol, I completed the Pistol Whipped award and unlocked the (quite ugly but respectable in a 'look what I fucking unlocked' way) Way of the Gun Tattoo.


Deathmatch record as of last night: 150 wins, 187 losses. Burning Heart Tattoo still locked, goddammit.

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I did tell y'all about the amount cover on that one.  Might as well have been in a maze


Well not just that but every single type of weapon was available for pick and the only choice for Forced weapon was the Minigun.

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So I get an invite to the big DVDVR chat session this evening, and I'm like a grenade that gets thrown into the room:

(jstout423 has joined the party)

"bedtime, fellas, good night."

"I gotta go, my ass is on fire."

"Godzilla just passed by my window, and it's my night on Godzilla watch, gotta go."

"I've got a coupon getting ready to expire, gotta go."

"Gotta go, Stone Cold just broke into my house carrying a gun."


By the time you come on at midnight or some other ungodly hour, the early bird crew has been PITing each others cars and shooting each other in the head for two hours or more. :)


That and Rippa, Mark, and I are old men.  We need our sleep.


I wish I could win the lottery so I could have your amount of playtime.


I was on yesterday at 4 p.m. - it was my day off. I had such a crap day I was like "gotta go kill strangers."


And I don't have really any other obligations or anything I'd rather do than play, depending on the circumstances. I'd rather just sit here at the house and play than go out and do anything, and I really don't like most TV shows or movies. I could've watched the Pacers play the Lakers last night, but I kinda knew how that was gonna go. Combine that with my unfortunate tendency to sleep about 3 hours a night, and I can game a bit longer than most folks with lives. Don't hate the playa. 


I was actually gonna quit after everyone ran at the sight of me :) when Melraz came on, and you don't pass up an opportunity to run around Freemode with Private Pyle.

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Late session last night was a mess with all the damn tanks.  We'd jump into a new session, and within 2 minutes it's "Shit!  Tanks!" again.  One tank was rolling around downtown in passive mode, which is something I'd never seen before.  I couldn't steal a car without pickup a bounty.  About the only thing I did accomplish was to find one tank guy's personal vehicle, so that stout could take out his frustrations on it.  melraz did get the LSPD tint for his heavy sniper, something that would take me roughly one dodecadillion hours to accomplish. 


Herby is probably going to be the only Austrian with a southern accent after a few weeks playing with melraz, jstout, misanthrope & myself.

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And I don't have really any other obligations or anything I'd rather do than play, depending on the circumstances. I'd rather just sit here at the house and play than go out and do anything

You've gotta go out once in a while for a Pal's chili bun, man. For shame...

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And I don't have really any other obligations or anything I'd rather do than play, depending on the circumstances. I'd rather just sit here at the house and play than go out and do anything

You've gotta go out once in a while for a Pal's chili bun, man. For shame...


I had Pal's for lunch yesterday before gaming. Double Big Pal with cheese, lettuce and mayo only, saucy burger. All a man needs right there.

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Jesus, insomnia.  I wish my girlfriend wouldn't call so late.


Anywho, I booted up the 360 about an hour after Dragon and Rippa signed off.  Claimed Car Bomb Victim #24 and then Amy and her homegirl jumped into my session... just as the Special Crate timer came on.  We grabbed a chopper and headed to the drop zone but it was already camped by three Rank 100ish assholes. Fuckers hit our tail rotor with an RPG but I managed to make an emergency landing. 


We exchanged gunfire for about five minutes until some Rank 50 dude swooped in and got the crate.


I was a little disappointed, but at least someone other than the ubers that could probably use the RP and the medal got to the box.    The Rank 100ish dudes were not too thrilled and tried to grief us, but we held them off in Sandy Shores until they got discouraged and bailed.   Right when we all decided to call it a night, Melraz signed on.  I coulda used some Private Pyle right about then..


These two keep really late hours, so I will be looking to the 360 night shift to hold things down when they are in a session with you guys. 


Only 480 more player kills to go until I get my Seven Sins tattoo.  That should take me a million years.


I am going to try to go back to bed now.

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