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So, apparently the first real exposure to pro wrestling for my girlfriend was the NXT event during the first week of the Network being up. She dug some of it (Cesaro/Zayn), and thought other things were ridiculous (Emma/semi-goth).

So if you were to introduce someone to wrestling, who has never seen ANYTHING, what do you show? I'm looking "good wrestling", classic matches, guilty pleasures, EVERYTHING...

So far I'm thinking at least one Cactus/Vader match, maybe the Mankind/Taker HIAC, Steamboat/Flair w/Funk pile driving Flair postmatch, Funk/Flair I Quit, and maybe that Kamala/Andre cage match everyone was talking about this past week.

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Go with Shield vs. Wyatt's at Elimination Chamber and the rematch on Raw.

Not only are they amazing matches with easy-to-understand stories, but it gives her something in the current product to care about so she can hit the ground running.

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She's never going to like wrestling.  At best you can hope for the occasional raised eyebrow at something particularly awesome or the occasional funny comment as she's flipping through IN STYLE while you're watching a show (for instance, last week when Batista was whining about Daniel Bryan she noted that he reminded her of "that guy from MODERN FAMILY...you know, the really old guy who's always tired and complaining."  But it won't ever get past her tolerating her boyfriend's weird obsession and telling herself it's some hipster irony thing but deep down knowing that it's not.


My wife is often around during, like, RAW just because she'll watch anything while she's fiddling around on her computer, and while she always points out Heyman, she has no idea who he manages or what storyline he's involved with.  She just likes his mic work.


After all this time, she has no idea who the Shield is or The Wyatts (other than liking their entrance).  She noticed and loved Emma and Santino. 



She will tolerate it in the same way that you will tolerate her telling you all the details of some fight her friend had with some guy who used to work at her old job before he ran off with some other girls fiance, you know the one who thought she was such hot shit...did I ever tell you what she said to me on my first day of work there?  No?  Listen to this!  She was like, "In a year I'll be married to your boss."  Like, who thinks that way about a job at Cold Stone Creamery?  It's like she thought she was on SUITS but in a really small building and with everyone in shorts and instead of lying about going to Harvard everyone is lying about passing the GED...OH, speaking of lying, you have to read this email...here...I'll wait....I can't wait, let tell you what it says while you're reading it...and then you have to look at this text that goes with it, but it's not totally related but it is totally reated.


Your experience just now, reading that paragraph, is roughly equivalent of her experience hearing you detail the story of The Shield and The Wyatts.


That's just, like, nature, man.

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Show her Savage/Warrior from WM7, explain to her the history between Macho and Liz and watch her bawl her eyes out at the reunion.

Honestly, I'd show her Savage's progression through his WWF tenure so that she could get the most out of the Macho and Liz reunion.


Maybe start with Savage/George Steele from WrestleMania 2 and show her all of his Mania matches (and appropriate promos/video packages if possible) from 2-7 with the 1988 and 1989 SummerSlam main events sprinkled in between the appropriate WrestleManias.. Obviously not all the matches were great, but it'd be worth it.

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So, apparently the first real exposure to pro wrestling for my girlfriend was the NXT event during the first week of the Network being up. She dug some of it (Cesaro/Zayn), and thought other things were ridiculous (Emma/semi-goth).


What did she like about Cesaro/Zayn and why did she think Emma/Paige was ridiculous?

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She's never going to like wrestling.  At best you can hope for the occasional raised eyebrow at something particularly awesome or the occasional funny comment as she's flipping through IN STYLE while you're watching a show (for instance, last week when Batista was whining about Daniel Bryan she noted that he reminded her of "that guy from MODERN FAMILY...you know, the really old guy who's always tired and complaining."  But it won't ever get past her tolerating her boyfriend's weird obsession and telling herself it's some hipster irony thing but deep down knowing that it's not.


My wife is often around during, like, RAW just because she'll watch anything while she's fiddling around on her computer, and while she always points out Heyman, she has no idea who he manages or what storyline he's involved with.  She just likes his mic work.


After all this time, she has no idea who the Shield is or The Wyatts (other than liking their entrance).  She noticed and loved Emma and Santino. 



She will tolerate it in the same way that you will tolerate her telling you all the details of some fight her friend had with some guy who used to work at her old job before he ran off with some other girls fiance, you know the one who thought she was such hot shit...did I ever tell you what she said to me on my first day of work there?  No?  Listen to this!  She was like, "In a year I'll be married to your boss."  Like, who thinks that way about a job at Cold Stone Creamery?  It's like she thought she was on SUITS but in a really small building and with everyone in shorts and instead of lying about going to Harvard everyone is lying about passing the GED...OH, speaking of lying, you have to read this email...here...I'll wait....I can't wait, let tell you what it says while you're reading it...and then you have to look at this text that goes with it, but it's not totally related but it is totally reated.


Your experience just now, reading that paragraph, is roughly equivalent of her experience hearing you detail the story of The Shield and The Wyatts.


That's just, like, nature, man.


At least you guys come together for your love of Psych, right? My wife and I do.

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Ehhhhh dude I gotta second the "don't waste your time with trying this"

I've been with my girl 14 years and she doesn't care about wrestling at all. It doesn't bother me.

Sometimes you need things that are just your things or the only time you'll have to yourself is when you're pinching a loaf. Everyone needs alone time and it's better to not have to choke back shit fumes during it.

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She's never going to like wrestling.  At best you can hope for the occasional raised eyebrow at something particularly awesome or the occasional funny comment as she's flipping through IN STYLE while you're watching a show (for instance, last week when Batista was whining about Daniel Bryan she noted that he reminded her of "that guy from MODERN FAMILY...you know, the really old guy who's always tired and complaining."  But it won't ever get past her tolerating her boyfriend's weird obsession and telling herself it's some hipster irony thing but deep down knowing that it's not.


My wife is often around during, like, RAW just because she'll watch anything while she's fiddling around on her computer, and while she always points out Heyman, she has no idea who he manages or what storyline he's involved with.  She just likes his mic work.


After all this time, she has no idea who the Shield is or The Wyatts (other than liking their entrance).  She noticed and loved Emma and Santino. 



She will tolerate it in the same way that you will tolerate her telling you all the details of some fight her friend had with some guy who used to work at her old job before he ran off with some other girls fiance, you know the one who thought she was such hot shit...did I ever tell you what she said to me on my first day of work there?  No?  Listen to this!  She was like, "In a year I'll be married to your boss."  Like, who thinks that way about a job at Cold Stone Creamery?  It's like she thought she was on SUITS but in a really small building and with everyone in shorts and instead of lying about going to Harvard everyone is lying about passing the GED...OH, speaking of lying, you have to read this email...here...I'll wait....I can't wait, let tell you what it says while you're reading it...and then you have to look at this text that goes with it, but it's not totally related but it is totally reated.


Your experience just now, reading that paragraph, is roughly equivalent of her experience hearing you detail the story of The Shield and The Wyatts.


That's just, like, nature, man.

I believe you are correct. I have no idea what I was thinking.

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So, apparently the first real exposure to pro wrestling for my girlfriend was the NXT event during the first week of the Network being up. She dug some of it (Cesaro/Zayn), and thought other things were ridiculous (Emma/semi-goth).


What did she like about Cesaro/Zayn and why did she think Emma/Paige was ridiculous?

She liked two handsome dudes fake-fighting in their drawers.

She liked the concept of two girls fake-fighting, but the wacky dancing drove her nuts.

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So...yeah...this isn't working out too well.

The only match we watched this weekend was Savage v Steele, WMII.

Positives: she liked the Macho Man tights.

Negatives: I explained Steele's character, and she was stricken with horror by the concept.

Maybe American Males IS the way to go.

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My wife tolerates my fandom, since she knows she has her things that other people would consider silly, just like I do.


The picture I would paint that would be the most accurate would be a large group of us had a view part for a WrestleMania, the guys huddled around the big screen and the wives/girlfriends kibbitzed in the back of the room, being wiseassed occasionally (in particular, Shawn Michaels' hair plugs and Sheamus' complexion) but for the most part not really watching. 


Although if you put a gun to my head and told me I had to start SOMEWHERE, it would probably be something like Hogan-Rock. Recognizable names, easy story to follow. 

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She's never going to like wrestling.  At best you can hope for the occasional raised eyebrow at something particularly awesome or the occasional funny comment as she's flipping through IN STYLE while you're watching a show (for instance, last week when Batista was whining about Daniel Bryan she noted that he reminded her of "that guy from MODERN FAMILY...you know, the really old guy who's always tired and complaining."  But it won't ever get past her tolerating her boyfriend's weird obsession and telling herself it's some hipster irony thing but deep down knowing that it's not.


My wife is often around during, like, RAW just because she'll watch anything while she's fiddling around on her computer, and while she always points out Heyman, she has no idea who he manages or what storyline he's involved with.  She just likes his mic work.


After all this time, she has no idea who the Shield is or The Wyatts (other than liking their entrance).  She noticed and loved Emma and Santino. 



She will tolerate it in the same way that you will tolerate her telling you all the details of some fight her friend had with some guy who used to work at her old job before he ran off with some other girls fiance, you know the one who thought she was such hot shit...did I ever tell you what she said to me on my first day of work there?  No?  Listen to this!  She was like, "In a year I'll be married to your boss."  Like, who thinks that way about a job at Cold Stone Creamery?  It's like she thought she was on SUITS but in a really small building and with everyone in shorts and instead of lying about going to Harvard everyone is lying about passing the GED...OH, speaking of lying, you have to read this email...here...I'll wait....I can't wait, let tell you what it says while you're reading it...and then you have to look at this text that goes with it, but it's not totally related but it is totally reated.


Your experience just now, reading that paragraph, is roughly equivalent of her experience hearing you detail the story of The Shield and The Wyatts.


That's just, like, nature, man.


Same with my fiancee. She'll watch RAW with me sometimes and also when I host ppv parties but she mainly will just drink wine and talk with the other women who are there with my guy friends. They'll make the occasional comment but will hardly pay attention. Every now and then something will suck them in (the Rumble match is always good fun for that b/c we pick names out of a hat and you drink and get points and a prize for your guy throwing guys out and doing his finishing move) but for the most part, if someone didn't like it before, they're not gonna fall in love with it now. On the other hand, I have gotten her daughter hooked on wrestling. It's funny b/c she's a really prissy girly girl type 10 year old but she loves The Wyatts. I would've thought she'd have been rooting for The Shield but nope, The Wyatts are her guys. I thought it was b/c they have a cool entrance but she really likes their matches and would be glued to the screen if Harper/Rowan were doing a 5 minute squash match with The PTP.

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