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"The guy who made those new Halloween sequels is about to make one to my movie, The Exorcist. That's right, my signature film is about to be extended by the man who made Pineapple Express. I don't want to be around when that happens. But if there's a spirit world, and I can come back, I plan to possess David Gordon Green and make his life a living hell."

An actual quote from the late William Friedkin who passed away this year.

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I saw an interview on the television show, Made In Hollywood, this morning while folding laundry.  Jason Blum and David Gordon Green were being interviewed about Exorcist:  Believer.   I am not certain if Blum was trying to convince the reporter that it was a good movie or trying to convince himself that it was a good movie.

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I just caught The Terrifier last night for the first time. I liked it a lot. I didn't know anything about it other than a bunch of people I know have said it's got some gruesome kills. And it really does. You can tell it was a low budget with some of the effects but very solid old school slasher movie. Will have to check out the sequel soon. The sawing the woman scene was insanity.

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13 hours ago, NoFistsJustFlips said:

I just caught The Terrifier last night for the first time. I liked it a lot. I didn't know anything about it other than a bunch of people I know have said it's got some gruesome kills. And it really does. You can tell it was a low budget with some of the effects but very solid old school slasher movie. Will have to check out the sequel soon. The sawing the woman scene was insanity.

My daughter is programming the movie schedule for the JMU Student Union.  She decided to run midnight showings of Terrifier 1 and 2 over the weekend and they were pretty well received overall.  Kids are smart.  They know that the movies are gorehound fodder.  If you can accept that the violence is the joke, you can enjoy the Terrifier films for what they are.

My daughter has the same opinion as I do about the movies.  They're not bad movies per se, but the shameless promotion of Art the Clown as a horror icon can be tiresome and off putting.  I do concede that the movies are building a fascinating mythology.  The idea that Art is unaware that he is the pawn of a greater extra-planar evil is interesting.

Call me a hypocrite, but I do prefer my psycho killers to be emotionless machines of death, though.  There is enough gallows humor in the Elm Street franchise to make you ignore the uncomfortable fact that Freddy Kreuger is a sadist and a child murderer.  Unlike his contemporaries, Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers, Freddy LIKES what he does and I find that to be rather disturbing. 

I still enjoy the Elm Street movies and I love the work that Robert Englund has done to breathe "life" into the character.  However, Kreuger is solid antagonist materiel, undeserving of pity or remorse.  I can split the difference between icon and idol when it comes to Freddy Kreuger.

Other than evulz = lolz or carnage = humor, there is no such dark comedic filter in the Terrifier movies and I feel that Art's enjoyment of his work is very distasteful.  For the run of the mill slasher killer, a simple knife to the gut or axe to the head will suffice.  Art the Clown is not happy unless he has stabbed you in the crotch with a butcher knife like fifty times or bludgeoned you with a nail-embedded baseball bat until you are unrecognizable. 

That is more than a little excessive.

At least Art has the common sense to use a gun on occasion to get his killing done.

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As one might expect from a prequel to a remake no one asked for, Pet Sematary Bloodlines was pretty dumb. The general concept isn't a bad idea and when I initially read the book I thought there was more to the mythology that could be explored. The backstory just doesn't get fleshed out enough (no mention of the wendigo) and even leaving it open ended for audience speculation, there still isn't much there. The lack of Maine accents is perhaps the most egregious offense. 

VHS 85 was a nice pallet cleanser. Normally horror franchises run out of ideas the more they go, but maybe it's the anthology element but these are doing exactly the opposite with every installment getting better. Just about every episode is solid to really good, with two of them interconnectiong (and I have a theory that two of the others connect as well). I don't know if the whole thing was shot on video or not, but it achieves the retro look without beating you over the head with a "hey, remember the 80s!" aesthetic. Most of the stories did legitimately look like ultra low budget horror movies with graphic practical effects that VHS collectors are always after. The wraparound story is kind of weak, but it's by no means bad.

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I caught the end of Saw... I believe it was VI?... while I was struck with insomnia last night. God, the soap opera level acting. It really looked poor (then again, Cary Elwes doing drama isn't a far jump, right from the very start). The acid gag with slopping-over gut-filled lower torso was beautiful, though. 

They played more but I didn't bother.

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Hey @J.T., how do you feel about another set of icons in the horror community, namely The Firefly family from Rob Zombie's Firefly Trilogy?

I haven't seen the Terrifier films, so i can't make any comment as to Art The Clown, but the Firefly's seem to share many of the traits you attributed to Art.

Now that I think more, Zombie's Michael Myers has some of the same characteristics, as well.

I find the Firefly's films to be a hard rewatch, although I do pop on House Of 1000 Corpses when I'm feeling sentimental that way.

But Zombie's Halloween films are easy for me to pop on and enjoy, go figure.

Hell, I still have trouble thinking of Chucky as a "Horror Icon", but he is and that's all on me.

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3 hours ago, Travis Sheldon said:

Hey @J.T., how do you feel about another set of icons in the horror community, namely The Firefly family from Rob Zombie's Firefly Trilogy?

As far as the films go, I appreciated House of 1000 Corpses for its campy approach and enjoyed the mean spirit of Devil's Rejects.

3 From Hell is a bit tough to stomach because I feel that it rewards the remaining members of the Firefly family for being morally bankrupt dirtbags. 

I am not even sure if they are the lesser of the surviving evils at the end of the movie.  The fact that Zombie just allows Otis Driftwood of all people to ride off into the sunset really bothered me.

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Should have watched that the other night, but I recorded it. Did watch about half of Devil's Rejects again. I'll probably watch some of that any time it comes on. I think when it came out I saw it at least three times. 

Honestly I don't think I've seen 3 From Hell a second time AT ALL so far. I did watch the first 15 and was very pleased, and recall liking the movie for the most part. 

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I think I began to enjoy 3 From Hell once I accepted the fact that it was going to be self indulgent and Zombie was gonna do what Zombie wanted to do and that was turn Otis, Foxy, and Baby into Mary Sue psychotic folk heroes. 

I like subversiveness as much as the next guy, but the ending of Devil's Rejects was far more cathartic, IMO.  Too bad it didn't stick. 

As Jud said in Pet Sematary, "Sometimes dead is better."

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Cuando Acecha La Maldad (When Evil Lurks)

Written & Directed by Demián Rugna


  • Ezequiel Rodriguez
  • Demián Salomon
  • Luis Ziembrowski
  • Silvia Sabater
  • Marcelo Michinaux

A Shudder original produced in partnership with IFC Films.  Currently in theaters but should be in the streaming rotation fairly soon.

I think this will end up being my #2 Best Horror Movie of 2023 behind Evil Dead Rise.

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Just got back from the movies.  Went to see Cuando Acecha La Maldad (When Evil Lurks).


I figured it would be good though.  It dawned on me while watching the opening credits that the writer / director of this movie also wrote and directed Aterrados (Terrified):

so I knew I was in for a treat.

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Justin fucking long Long.  Sometimes I think he knows he has a punchable face so he takes roles in movies like Barbarian or television shows like Night of the Living Late Show from Creepshow S2 because he is counting on us waiting with bated breath until monsters eat him or squish his eyeballs in the sockets and he laughs all the way to the bank.

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Caught Terrifier 2. I thought as a movie it was worlds better than the first one. There's a plot and a cohesive story with a beginning middle and end. I still actually prefer the first one. While not a cohesive story, it had a tighter runtime and I almost thought the chaos without a lot of stopping to storytell or explain made him a more mysterious entity and thus scarier. Art The Clown ranks high for me as a horror character. I feel like he's a lot more marketable than a lot of what's out there. But the amount of gore and indulgence these movies thrive on, it's unlikely he ever gets put into the same lists as Jason or Freddy or Michael etc.

The final girl in this one was really good I thought. And knowing there's going to be a number 3 made, I hope she factors back in. And we find out the larger meaning of her father's artwork linking to Art & the murders. Not into the giving birth to his head thing, but it's campy and fine in a Jason kind of way. Hope Jericho is back at the start of 3 to get got too lol.

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