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The fumble was probably the best thing to happen to Oregon cause it got them off the goal line.

Washington gave them fits on the goal line, too, actually.


Steelers bet everything that he couldn't beat them over the tip. They were very wrong.


Tebow is so strange with his throwing.  Barely can complete a 5-yard checkdown, but ask him to throw something pretty complicated and he's money.


Oregon caught a flukey late wave of momentum off the blocked field goal and an onsides kick, the flukiest of all flukey plays, but Stanford had their number on both side sides of the ball and wouldn't have lost if they played 5 quarters. Classic case of the final score not accurately representing the ass whipping on the field.



Anyway, I think both Oregon & FSU are better than Bama anyway

O RLY?Love ya, bro, but lulz, man. Lulz.


Well, they ain't better than Stanford, that's for sure ;)


Really thought this Oregon team was different.  Guess I was wrong.  That performance was embarrassing.


Poor Florida. Getting run by Vandy now.

I thought Boom would be safe this year, considering all the injuries, but if this thing totally breaks down, who know. Brent Pease should definitely be dusting off his resume, no matter what.


I did not pay attention to when Eastern Michigan fired their coach Ron English yesterday. After all that team is almost always awful and they've only won one game this season. Turns out, someone recorded him ranting and raving against his team in the lockerroom and these days, him getting caught using many F-bombs and calling his team "quitting-ass bitches" and "f****t-ass motherfuckers" is no good, even if I presume that's what many coaches do.


At least his rant did introduce me to the term "shitbird football", which I think is great and also describes the quality of play we got from the Gators today.


The firing must have worked because Eastern Michigan got their second win of the season over the mighty 1-win Western Michigan. Game of the year!

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