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I have more ballots than I thought I would as I approach the "deadline". Clearly you can keep sending as it will take me time to tally... and I purposely stalling to give myself time to work on my own ballot.

I will - as per usual - give everyone an absolute drop dead date when we get to that point







New Blood


Hobo Joe



Magnificent 7







Matt D




Death From Above

King Leonidas of Sparta

West Newbury Bad Boy




I will update this list as I get more ballots. I will also mention if I had a question about someone's ballot (I will also email at whatever address you emailed me your ballot from)

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21 hours ago, RIPPA said:

I have more ballots than I thought I would as I approach the "deadline". Clearly you can keep sending as it will take me time to tally... and I purposely stalling to give myself time to work on my own ballot.

I will - as per usual - give everyone an absolute drop dead date when we get to that point



Matt Priser (Matt - I have no memories of your board name)


I will update this list as I get more ballots. I will also mention if I had a question about someone's ballot (I will also email at whatever address you emailed me your ballot from)

I'm sorry about that. I meant to put my username in there but I must have forgot it.

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  • RIPPA pinned this topic

Or not.  Rolling the fuck out from RVA to Annapolis because my woman is headed to the hospital complaining of abdominal pain.   She's had diverticulits before, so to say that I am concerned is an understatement.

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4 hours ago, J.T. said:

Or not.  Rolling the fuck out from RVA to Annapolis because my woman is headed to the hospital complaining of abdominal pain.   She's had diverticulits before, so to say that I am concerned is an understatement.

Sending good vibes your way.

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18 hours ago, J.T. said:

Or not.  Rolling the fuck out from RVA to Annapolis because my woman is headed to the hospital complaining of abdominal pain.   She's had diverticulits before, so to say that I am concerned is an understatement.

Best wishes to the pair of you, my friend.

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It's medium stop - I am going to start pestering the people who have said they are going to submit ballots. I know of at least 3 outstanding ballots (not counting my own)

Closing time will basically be when I have everything entered

As I said on Twitter - I want ballots sooner rather than later

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3 minutes ago, The Z said:

I just sent mine. It's mostly Japanese and British Independent films.

Got it - that will counter balance my mostly Police Academy movie ballot

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Got CSC's ballot which brings us to 13

If they people I know who are working on a ballot actually send it to me - we will at least match the number of ballots we normally receive (outside of the like 40 we got for the Aughts since all you fuckers like to live in the now)

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22 hours ago, J.T. said:

Prognosis from the doc was stress and a small kidney stone, so all is good back in my crib.

When is the drop dead date for ballots?  I will try to wrangle this thing by this Friday,

Kidney stones hurt. I had 40. Best wishes.

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