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Paranormal Activity 3 is probably the best movie in the series from a storytelling and visual scares perspective. The demon takes on a whole new dimension, having this distinct physical presence and aggressive physicality in general. The bedsheet and whole damn kitchen drops are the best visual scares in the whole franchise to date and the stuff at the end with the witch cult? Wicked creepy. It just suffers from doing more to flush out the backstory than add to it. I was super disappointed on first watch but subsequent viewings have made it grow on me, 

 I agree with this. Also, the lead guy is one of the few truly sympathetic characters in the series.

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After a second viewing of You're Next:

There is SO MUCH in the way of build for all the twists, but a lot of it banks on you not knowing what to look for. Stuff like Crispian looks concerned that Erin is going next door for milk. I took it as him being overprotective on first watch, but nope. He just doesn't want her to find the corpses and blow the whole deal. Awesome.


Still absolutely loved it.Insidious 2 is a really good build on the original too. Rather than the broad scope stuff, it tightens the focus to a couple ghosts and manages to make the Further scary as well as delivering some good real world terror as well. I need a second viewing though. I was sitting behind obnoxious teenagers on my first showing and there were definitely a couple points where people screamed so loudly en masse that I couldn't follow what was being said on screen. Really enjoyed it though and it really feels more like an extension of the first than a sequel.

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  • 3 months later...

So I got the CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIES doc and, I don't know if this is due to me being sick and/or already having read the book, but it's been a bit of a chore to watch so far. I've started it up 3 times and so far have only made it into the section of 3D.

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Apparently Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones is really good, per reviews. Might check it out. Let's see:


First one was good (thought over-rated)

Second one was crap

Third one was great and arguably the best of the bunch.

Fourth one was awful.


If this one is as decent as it's made out to be, this is officially the most inconsistent franchise ever,

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Man, this notion that the horrifically awful third film was anything but terrible is baffling to me.  I never got around to the 4th, because Part 3 pretty much killed my will to live.


Not scary, not interesting, not creepy, not well acted, absurd premise...  What the fuck was good about it?

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It's definitely a 'you know what you're getting and will like it or not' kind of franchise.

I've enjoyed all four to varying degrees, so full disclosure there, but I liked Marked Ones a LOT. Like, probably the most pumped I've been for one since the first. It helps that it fixes a lot of the problems from previous instalments. It has a likeable cast, good build, does cool meta-plot stuff in smart ways, some properly scary/intense bits, does callbacks REALLY smartly/well, and has an ending that is both shocking and awesome in a way that the endings just haven't been since the first.

Oh, and there's... *mild spoilers regarding new tricks*

Reality warping and a fucking door that travels through space and time...but only to horrible places.


And seriously, it made me pop to see *big spoilers*


Aly from 2 having spent six years becoming an expert on this shit. Seriously hoping when the good guys get their shit together, she's at the centre of it.


And the awesomeness at the end...


"Open the door."

"Fuck you, I'm not opening the door!"


*demon rips through door*

*runs through hell door...right into Katie's fucking house the night she kills Micah*


Seriously. The ending made all of us shit a brick.

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I said in the review thread, I really liked The Marked Ones.


-likeable leads


Arturo blowing away a couple of witches with his shotgun was a great moment for a franchise in which the bad guys never ever get what's coming to them.


-Unlike the other films, you couldn't roll your eyes at the stupidity of the characters since these guys were, for the most part, doing what everyone else would do in that situation.


-"Look for clues? What are you, Sherlock Holmes?" Hector knew not to mess with that shit almost from the get go.


-Basement scenes and the ending where genuinely nightmarish.

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Your spoilered bit is absolutely right. My audience actively cheered and we were talking about that on the way out.

One thing this one REALLY brings to light is that...


They need to get some protagonists who can survive this shit and fight back. They're building this big apocalyptic deal and it's all coming down to dickheads with cameras. But with this one, we're starting to see there *are* people who have some knowledge of what's what as well as the vulnerabilities of the bad guys (Noting that nearly-full-possessed still got dropped with a baseball bat, the demons seem to maintain human vulnerabilities, their speed/strength also seems to be limited in terms of how much/long they can tap into it.

But yeah, we need some wins at this stage. I was hoping this one might end up that way, being the spinoff, even though I'm plenty satisfied with how it turned out. 

I'd like to see some full out war later on though. Something closer to [REC2], or even just go to 3 and ditch the gimmick at some point.


But yeah, breathed a lot of new life into things.

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The interesting thing about the Paranormal Activity films is that, for all the doom and gloom, you do get hints from time to time that it's not totally hopeless and that there are ways to fight back. I mean, the guy in the second movie even managed to exorcise Toby from his house and send him elsewhere.Obviously it came back to bite him on the ass, but that's a pretty big frigging deal that he did that.


Also, the demon getting super-pissed off when the Granny started doing all the religious stuff around him. Religion is definitely a weak point with it. And Arturo proved the witches can get killed like normal people can, and they're not superhuman.


Basically they need some experts on witchcraft as well as some gun-toting armed protection who can fuck shit up and it'll be a proper fight..

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  • 2 months later...

Same here. I also hope our local arthouse runs it on the big screen. 


In all the articles I've read over the years about the misery of that shoot (Gunnar almost dying of heatstroke, Marilyn really jumping out the window, the cooking meat on the table) I have never read one so detailed, and certainly not involving cooking bones and an animal bonfire.


EDIT: Almost dying of heatstroke AND almost killing himself after he threw the chainsaw in the air

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I had heard about them actually cutting Marilyn's finger because the device they were using for the fake blood didn't work, but good grief, all of this is mind-blogging.  Then again, Edwin Neal said being on the set was the worst expereince he ever had--and he fought in Vietnam.

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