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e: I’m apparently living in the future, maybe a helpful mod can move the date into the right decade

Surprised there's no thread yet.

Do it TK, give Young Billiam the belt


  • Like 3

Is this show taking place on July 4, 2031? It may be too soon to start a thread in advance.

Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, Elsalvajeloco said:

Is this show taking place on July 4, 2031? It may be too soon to start a thread in advance.

Lol no idea what I did there

Edited by elizium
Just now, elizium said:

No, I just do the date the proper way that the rest of the world does it, not the American month/day/year

I get the month day format (that's probably going to get changed by an admin), but where does the 31 come in at?

Just now, Elsalvajeloco said:

I get the month day format (that's probably going to get changed by an admin), but where does the 31 come in at?

Yeah, I think I might have had a stroke or something? No clue where 31 came from

  • Elsalvajeloco changed the title to AEW Rampage and Battle of the Belts VI - April 7, 2023
26 minutes ago, elizium said:

e: I’m apparently living in the future, maybe a helpful mod can move the date into the right decade

We now have a date, decade, and format we can all agree on, hopefully.

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So, I’m thinking Billie Starkz has wrestled more matches than Jade, Julia, and Anna Jay combined?


With the way they are pushing this, it sounds like they (Jade and Billie Starkz) might have legit match and not just slightly longer enhancement match.

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It’s definitely the most hype they’ve put into a TBS title challenger that I can remember recently. Besides the stuff with Taya and past programs, but I’m not really counting feuds for that.

If Billie wins I will be so fucking happy. I mean Jade/Taya doesn’t really need the belt anyway. But it won’t happen, so… 😭

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I don't have any inside sources but I still think Statlander was supposed to win the belt from Jade and they are just in an eternal holding pattern until she comes back. Maybe wishful thinking on my part though, she's one of my favorites.

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Jade doesn’t really know how to sell or bump. The crowd was turning on her some towards the end.

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Also I’ve been drinking some but Darby-Moriarty is going to get my vote for Free TV match of the week. If I were one to do stars, that would be approaching 5*

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Anna still comes off as really uncomfortable in her promos but "you spooky bitch" did pop me. 

OC and Dralistico was straight up fantastic. Definitely feels like the Intercon- International Title is the actual #2 title now and he's so great no matter what kind of opponent he has and finds clever ways to work his schtick in when needed. Psyched for him and Mathews on Wednesday.

Man.... Brandon and Nakazawa are so getting merced.....


  • Like 6
8 minutes ago, JLowe said:

Jade doesn’t really know how to sell or bump. The crowd was turning on her some towards the end.

Meanwhile, Starkz looked like she couldn't control her body. The whole thing was a mess.

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Jade I thought looked better than Billie - Billie stopped working from underneath at some point and went into 50/50 mode. Her stuff lacks crispness and Jade having to slow down for her moves was annoying.

Still Jade's best match, but it had a lot of problems

Cage getting re-signed to be Swerve's lackey is...alright I guess?


There were definitely some very good stuff in the 2 hours, with Darby/Moriarty and OC/Dralistico both sharing MOTN honors for me.

I'm looking forward to Swerve getting a big push...maybe being the one to finally dethrone OC?

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It's HOOK!  It's Ethan Page!  No longer dancing.  Very sad.  HOOK grabs a table!  This match is fucking GREAT!  This is the most MEMPHIS match in the history of AEW!  KISS ETHAN PAGE'S ASS! EVERYBODY KISS HIS ASS!  They have got to end up at the concession stand!  This is fucking GREAT!  HOOK GOES THROUGH THE TABLE!  FOR TWO!  A slightly awkward section.  HOOk almost leaves a table unbroken!  That match was fucking GREAT.  Ethan Page is a miracle worker.  QTV talks shit about Dante Martin!  It's a very odd 8 man tag match.  DADDY MAGIC LOVES THE RAP!  Hey! It's the Infantry!  LSG!  It's an ROH reunion!  The Infantry don't make it into the ring!  AWESOME!  DADDY MAGIC AND THE JAS BEAT THE HELL OUT OF THE ACCLAIMED!  AWWEESOME!  So fucking old school!  Hopefully Swerve merges with Shane Taylor Productions.  It's Lee Moriarty!  It's Darby Allin!  They take it to the mat!  Lee crushes his own testicles!  BIG BILL CRUSHES DARBY WITH A BIG BOOT!  That looked fucking great!  In picture in picture, Big Bill and Moriarty CHEAT and CHEAT even more!  Allin hits a BEAUTIFUL SUWA DROPKICK!  This match is great too!  Cool VARIATION of a DRAGON SUPLEX by Moriarty!  This match is fucking GREAT!  COFFIN DROP after crushing Big Bill with his Greatest Tope AFTER hitting a Code Red!  That was great!  I see that Brian Cage has signed a contract!  I don't know about this main event.  Anna Jat A S has a PHAT ASS AND A BAD ATTITUDE!  Julia Hart hasn't actually been in an actual wrestling match yet.  Is Anna J the female Ethan Page?  We're about to find out.  Julia channels Brody King and I back her play 100 per cent. Anna throws Julia into the guardrail and we head to picture in picture!  This kinda NXT homegrown first matchish.  The crowd doesn't turn on this. HEY! SPIDER SUPLEX!  Julia Hart hits a very nice Moonsault!  JULIA WITH THE MIST!  That was pretty good for a half speed main event.  Everything else was fucking GREAT.  OPE!  MORE AEW!  Battle O' The Belts 6!  Orange Cassidy's blood pressure is 80/40?  Uh, he would start having organ failure, JR.  FREEDOM AT POINT ZERO!  Dralistico, the third best wrestler among his brothers, looks good in this.  Cassidy fucks around a LOT!  Dralistico is having some fun too.  RUSH has an awesome coat!  Dralistico is AWESOME in picture in picture, fish hooking Cassidy through the ropes like Dennis Condrey!  Cassidy makes with the Michinoku Driver!  This match is great!  So many great matches tonight!  Between this, Smackdown and Rampage, it is a TRUE embarrassment of riches!  Canadian Destroyer for TWO by Dralistico!  Orange Cassidy with the Orange Punch!  Who is going to beat Cassidy?  I'm guessing two more matches.  Oh man!  PUT THE BELT ON BUDDY MATTHEWS!  It's Billie Starkz!  She's younger than my youngest son.  By like two months.  Jade Cargill gets SLAPPED!  SMACKYBUTT by Jade!  Jade beats on the youngster on the outside as we get into picture in picture.  The story of this match is fun.  Jade with the Psicosis Corner Bump!  The crowd gets behind Starkz comeback!  Swanton to Jade's knees!  Jade kicks Billie in the face and JADES her!  That was good!  Jade is kinda awkward taking Billie's offense but she is getting way better and that was a fun story and Jade held up her side of it by not being able to destroy the 18 year old.  Billie Starks was fuckin PERFECT in her role.  It's PENTA!  ANNOY THE BOARD, sweet sweet PENTA!  QT Marshall, the HEAT MACHINE of the YouTube contingent!  Powerhouse Hobbes! Man, he is fucking good!  HE is becoming the new VADER!  And it's like VADER tagging with Cougar Jay!  QT the Pin-Eater!  They do the Octagon Tying The MAsk To The Ropes thingy.  This show is chockfull of traditional Lucha Libre.  DIRT SHEET DRIVER!  QT! QT! QT!  QT takes Fenix's offense like a champ!  It kind of falls apart for a little while and it looked like Rey Fenix threw his back out but being a luchadore, he toughed it out.  That was good.  AEW RULES THE MOTHERUFUCKING WORLD!

  • Like 5
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With her third TBS title defense and victory, Jade's got the most successful defenses in Battle of The Belts history, retaining at the last three shows. I thought Starkz did a solid job for her TV debut. In addition, I'm not excited to have more Brian Cage, it is softened by the fact that Swerve now has The Embassy with him, which also means a spotlight on Prince Nana who has been one of my favorite managers since my first ROH show in 05. Orange had a very strong match that I again truly didn't know if he'd pick up the win on but him vs Buddy on Dynamite is going to be killer.


Fun Fact: Mogul Affiliates also now contains the former Tully Blanchard Enterprises through all these merges and acquisitions. 

  • Like 6
7 minutes ago, Dog said:

Meanwhile, Starkz looked like she couldn't control her body. The whole thing was a mess.

True and she’s been a little wild in her YouTube matches but it also seemed like Jade was constantly not quite in her spot while also very obviously thinking about where she was supposed to be. Both of the women’s matches tonight were slow motion messes.

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One more drunk post: Orange Cassidy was Wrestler of the Quarter for Q1 2023 and in terms of US TV I’m not sure it was even close.

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The match of the night- between Smackdown, Rampage, BOTB and the NWA pre-show was HOOK versus Ethan Page.  That was fucking awesome.

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I am going through Rampage now. Darby broke his fall with his face on that F-5. That looked like it sucked.

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That was a very enjoyable two hours. My mark out moment of the night was Julia Hart's black mist. What can I say? I've always had a thing for spooky, goth chicks. 

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