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1 hour ago, For Great Justice said:

Somewhere, MJF is still talking. Good lord that was Triple H at his interminable 20 minute 2003 worst.

HYPED for Hangman/Mox 2, whenever it happens. 

I got bored, my wife got bored and noticed the crowd was dying, i fast-forwarded for 5 fucking minutes and then he attacks Regal which was burying the lede big time. I’m telling y’all, Max is a 3rd rate long winded troll on the mic. 

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7 minutes ago, S.K.o.S. said:

There are so many billboards in Missouri, they made a movie about them!  It was probably a documentary.

that movie was inspired by a situation in Vidor, Texas.

2 minutes ago, Dog said:

Is he supposed to be the Precognitive Dragon?

basically Moxley has an extra reason to be mad at Danielson for preventing him from popping Regal first and Danielson looks like a doof that Regal would have also betrayed if MJF didn't betray Regal first.

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1 hour ago, Matt D said:

Caught the MJF bit. Wish I hadn’t. If Regal really wants to go back to his kid and his Hunter and Tony is kindly allowing it, well… more terrible luck for the promoter whose had more terrible luck in a year than any other in history. But that was very close to the worst possible scenario for how that segment could go. This was the moment where it was obvious just how weak the narrative foundation has become. Thankfully there’s so much else to rely on but that was inauspicious. 

Let Danielson crush MJF and then let Kingston finish him and then tell Max his contract is void and he’s free to chase greener grass.

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I don't get to watch Dynamite live often and that might have clouded my judgement but I thought this was a pretty strong show top to bottom.  I wasn't blown away by Dax-Danielson or anything but it was still a pretty darn good TV wrestling match to [i]open[/i] the show....

Guess I'm in the minority (so far) but I dug MJF turning on Regal like that.  It was totally telegraphed there at the end, but I dug it and thought it was kinda perfect storytelling for what they want his character to be.  MJF with a veteran mentor never made sense.  MJF using and manipulating that guy the way he did makes complete sense.  Don't care for the "this is serious now guys" voices with Taz/Excaliber trying to pretend to hold back tears at all....but if you're gonna do this angle with Regal you kinda have to I guess

I'm someone who actually likes MJF the wrestler a lot more than the promo/character.  MJF tries way too hard sometimes, comes off like someone trying desperately to be a character, and he comes off as exactly that to me way too much.  I totally had a moment in the middle of this where I thought to myself, "kid, I watched Piper, and you are no F'n Piper....." tho I guess it's hard to be without the gimmicks.  That said, while he didn't hit a homerun with his first promo as champ, I definitely didn't hate this overall.  It covered a lot of ground and it set up his character and a number of future opponents perfectly.  I also loved how smartly they booked things to explain all of the BCC being elsewhere (and Bryan recovering from his match), though I'm wondering why all of a sudden they are taping at a studio in Nashville.......

I loved the hot open with Hangman's return.  Him and Mox feels organic and natural going back to the promo Mox cut on him before the injury, now it's even better.  Mox almost killed himself twice here (a theme repeated during the main event brawl).  This feels like a strike while the iron is hot program between two main eventers away from the title picture for a bit (but not too far)

I'm getting such a kick out of Orange the "whatever" champion who'll defend against anyone at the drop of a hat.  That promo with QT ruled.

Jade is a star but that segment made me think Dynamite slipped back into the Codyverse for a moment.....wtf was that

I haven't posted in a bit but I'm a pretty big Omega mark, I love Death Triangle, and I'm a big Bucks fan too so this best of 7 is right in my wheelhouse.  I knew I wouldn't get sick of it because of matches like this.  It's not like they won't repeat spots, but I have high confidence in these guys to have 7 different matches while telling an overall story.  Loved this match, loved the first two, shit like this is why I'm here for AEW.

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wonder how much of the pre-AEW MJF magic was helped by MLW being taped and the preponderance of character vignettes involving MJF's group in MLW.

Some of the other parts of MJF magic are about what he was different than the other recent heels. So maybe tonight was not a good example of that.

6 minutes ago, Cobra Commander said:

basically Moxley has an extra reason to be mad

I really require Falling Down monster Mox who just wants to… no, needs to burn down everything he just tried so damn hard to prop up. Heel Renee cackling idly at the flames and protectively enabling him would make it even better but we’re not getting that. 

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15 minutes ago, AxB said:

I have kind of come to the conclusion that Carry on my Wayward Son doesn't really work as entrance music. It opens with a chorus, that's good, but then you've got the big long riffs section and a first verse that's a quiet vocals with piano thing, and they both take ages before the chorus comes back. So The Elite have to spend ages going down the ramp and posing at ringside before they can hit the ring for the second chorus.

And while they kind of always dance like goofs, it really stands out when they’re walking around the ring for the instrumental part and quiet part before finally getting to the 2nd chorus

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20 minutes ago, AxB said:

I have kind of come to the conclusion that Carry on my Wayward Son doesn't really work as entrance music. It opens with a chorus, that's good, but then you've got the big long riffs section and a first verse that's a quiet vocals with piano thing, and they both take ages before the chorus comes back. So The Elite have to spend ages going down the ramp and posing at ringside before they can hit the ring for the second chorus.

Strong, strong disagreement my friend.  Omega slicing his throat while walking down the ramp to this jammy song with the whole crew jumping around is my favorite thing in rasslin right now

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That was literally a tale of two episodes. Either really good - Mox/Hangman - the Triples match at the end was crazy the pacing the six of them did. The ending was great and made sense. I liked they did not go the whole 3-0 route too.  Orange Cassidy continues to be great; and man has FTR and Dax had a year. 

And well the rest was not great. Ana Jay - man I love her to death but she has actually not made much progress at all. I feel like some of the home grown AEW talent on the women's side is really not getting better in the ring. Jade - she at times is really bad on the mic. The MJF promo wandered into turn the channel territory real fast. The bidding war of 2024 IMO is quickly becoming really a distraction. If I had an employee (and I have) always complaining about being paid more, I tell them to go ahead and get a new job. 

I gave MJF praise a few weeks ago and feel like I need to eat those words. Tonight needed to be a lot tighter; and about 5 minutes shorter. I think in hindsight the length are into the main event. 

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Posted (edited)

Mox talking was good, the brawl with Page was great and has me excited for a hot angle.

Bryan-Dax was as good as everyone expected, incredibly enjoyable and stiff AF.

Joe-Fox was fun, my wife was impressed by Fox doing the flip over the top rope onto the floor landing on his feet (with a somersault, which is understandable on a hard surface). Some nice back and forth, Fox did some sick bumps for Joe and Joe sold Fox’s kicks and was a great base. The Joe playing possum moment was great.

I liked Willow-Anna, mostly because I like Willow and I especially like it when she gets to go from Willow Banner to the Hulk. Anna is at her best with her sports entertainment mannerisms, but she had some good moves. Post-match was fun because I had totally forgotten about Ruby Soho, glad she got a home state pop and hopefully they have something good in store for her.

Trios match was a mixed bag. Start had a decent brawl and some big spots. Then it devolved into a sloppy repeat of their typical match. Then we had the whole hammer nonsense. Then they traded bombs. I’m over this already. Free Rey Fenix.

The rest was pretty shite. MJF just sucks and it took them 2 weeks to make the angle utterly confusing and nonsensical. Also I hate shooty stuff. And then there was Jade, possibly even worse than MJF. She is lost on the mic at this point, and they have no clue what to do with her. Audible groans at the Bow Wow stuff. Red should have shoot turned on her just to make it interesting.

Ricky Starks deserves something better than this.

Edited by JLowe
edit an autocorrect mistake (changed "kid" to "mic", I assume Jade is great with her kid.
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Wonder if having two women's singles titles on the same shows unintentionally dilutes things a little too much. Ideally you'd have a women's division strong enough to support both titles. But if you're a fan, are you supposed to consider Jamie Hayter's title more prestigious than Jade Cargill's title? in theory, Hayter's title is the top women's title, if you ignore the whole "okay, we're just not doing an interim champion anymore" way of ending the Thunder Rosa reign.

Also, there might be a bit of an Indy wrestling culture clash on someone like MJF? because of either when he got into wrestling or where he came in or who he worked with or who he didn't work with or how he works compared to the Bucks or Omega.

Here's the Cagematch list of people who've had 10+ matches with MJF.

Peacock Documentary Star Teddy Hart, Max Caster, Marko Stunt, Colt Cabana, Brian Pillman Jr, VSK, Jungle Boy, Ethan Page, Ace Romero, CPA, and Joey Janela.

Out of those 11, 7 have been in AEW for an extended stint. Janela and Stunt were "contract-expired" by AEW. Cabana was exiled to Australia for a few months for reasons totally not involving CM Punk. Caster is one of the most over guys in the company with his tag team. Pillman Jr hasn't done jack shit in awhile. Jungle Boy might be having his own backstage drama. And Ethan Page is sort of in a program with MJF but it more in a program with Starks.

The other 4: CPA and VSK jobbed to Paul Wight in a 3 on 1 match last September. VSK also did a bunch of jobs in AEW in 2020/2021 and had a Trustbusters run on AEW Dark recently. Ace Romero was in the Casino Battle Royal in 2019. And we know why Teddy isn't doing stuff.

So the people MJF was working with 5 years ago aren't exactly as plentiful as the other guys in the roster who have their long time friends on the roster.


I'm not going to say the pieces aren't there with MJF. I like to eat duck parts. Red meat chicken, what a glorious thing. And they've got delicious hearts and livers in em too. A ten minute MJF promo is a Peking Duck made entirely out of duck foie gras. Maybe the tastiest part of the bird on first bite, but not what I want for an entree. But I guess if that's the metaphor I pick I can't complain about being force-fed something I got sick of after the third pump.

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2 hours ago, ChrisPBacon said:

So, i cant help but think we get Mercedes Banks (sasha banks) for William Regal after tonights developments.  With Bow Wow aggravating Jade, with his history with Snoop, what a pop it would be if Mercedes came out to challenge.  And it definitely seemed like a permanent write-off for Regal tonight, but we shall see.

WWE and AEW having relations diplomatic enough to trade disgruntled talent would make the world a better place. Shit, I'd give up MJF for Sasha if they threw in the naming rights.

Also, the best booking TK could do is have MJF's reign end very early. With the ratings in a slump, I don't think you want to gamble on a "go away" heat champ who constantly says WWE is better for a year plus. They've been pretty good booking MJF thus far, but committing to the 2003 HHH act is not gonna work well for anyone. Imagine the pop if Starks actually beat him in a couple weeks.

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I think they made what they could out of the MJF/Regal angle - it was consistent with MJF's motivations and character, it set up three new programs and possibly wrote off Regal all together. They just shouldn't have put themselves in the position to begin with.

I just didn't get why he kept trying to bait Regal with mentioning HHH, and fake wrestler Bryan Danielson seemingly to try and incite a reaction from him that went nowhere. Why did Regal look miserable and unhappy the whole segment. 

5 hours ago, JLowe said:

I got bored, my wife got bored and noticed the crowd was dying, i fast-forwarded for 5 fucking minutes and then he attacks Regal which was burying the lede big time. I’m telling y’all, Max is a 3rd rate long winded troll on the mic. 

If the crowd is dying for their World champion on his first promo as champion, Tony Khan needs to hot-shot the title off of MJF asap. It's only going to get worse and eventually the crowd won't react to a thing he says because there won't be that many people reacting to it. His complaints about how fans are tired of him (almost blaming them for being tired of him) probably shouldn't have been said; it will lead to a decrease in attendance and YouTube views (right now, his nearly 20 minute bore-a-thon got 450k viewers on YT vs the over 1 million views during his feud with CM Punk). An out of touch idiot like Jim Cornette thinks MJF is great because MJF is doing promo work for him. Not sure Tony Khan cares since it's his fantasy booking fed made real.

Look at Christian, Chris Jericho even Dan Lambert's promos as heels. They are better and get to the point. You hate them because of the dastardly shit they brag about. To me, Christian would be better in MJF's spot as World champion because he would do what MJF spent 20 minutes trying to do but in 5 to 10 minutes. Christian runs down the town and its fans, but he doesn't dwell on it. You hate him because of his attacks on Jungle Boy and how he got Luchasaurus to stab Jungle Boy in the back. Chris Jericho wastes a lot of time in his promos but you hate his guts by the end of it. Dan Lambert gets over feuds really well (almost a throwback to heel managers back in the day too) and would probably build up the World champion in his stable as being 'it' for AEW.

Honestly, MJF as World champion just doesn't move the needle.

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Posted (edited)

Well, AEW had to pull the trigger on an MJF title reign so here we are with overlong, business exposing promos about him being the heeliest of heel champions.  If you are a bad guy, you don't have to say you are a bad guy.  The crowd knows you are the bad guy.  The only worker in the world who could ever pull off announcing he was a bad guy was Scott Hall and MJF is no Scott Hall.

I was perfectly fine with MJF turning on Regal.  It was the only part of that long ass segment that made actual pro wrestling booking sense.  Regal had outlived his usefulness and MJF disposed of his pawn.  The only thing I really like about MJF's heelish demeanor is his shamelessness.  Use a diamond ring as weapon and punch an old man into a coma?  Why the hell not?  

I feel badly for Jade Cargill.  She's an absolute star, but she's the victim of her own push now.  AEW is infamous for underutilizing talent like Ricky Starks, but Jade's undefeated title reign is just blah because she has a rocket strapped to her back and there is nothing to do now but freefall and crash to earth after the fuel runs out.  Her victories are foregone conclusions.  She either needs a quality opponent that will really push her to the limit in victory (Is Mercedes Martinez the only worker to accomplish this feat?) or she needs someone to kick her ass.  Preferably Athena or Kris Statlander when she returns from injury.  Hell, put the TBS belt on the returning Ruby Soho.  Reward her for her hard work by giving her a hard-fought win over the nigh unbeatable Jade.  Then maybe we can start believing in kayfabe crap like veteran's presence again.

I am all for Page vs. Moxley being a personal vendetta.  Let them kick the shit out of each other one more time, but without injuries.

I thought my match of the week was going to be the CWFH slobberknocker that was Alan Angels vs. Danny Limelight, but I think I'd have to be stupid not to put Danielson vs. Harwood at the top of the list.  

Joe vs. Fox was what I expected it to be.  AR will be a gatekeeper / jtts while on the roster, but he is a good addition that probably doesn't cost millions of dollars.

Willow vs. Anna JAS was a match.  Nothing blown, but I think they've got a better match in them.  I am just happy that Willow is getting wins on Dynamite.  I knew for sure this was going to end up as a screwjob loss.

I thought I wanted Elite vs. Death Triangle to go Best of Seven but Best of Five is good for me.  The winners should drop the belts to Best Friends in a Best of Three.


Edited by J.T.
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7 hours ago, Matt D said:

So, six months down the line?

Willow challenging Athena for the ROH title? 

Willow this over should lead to Hayter/Willow.

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