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43 minutes ago, Casey said:

I do not enjoy Britt Baker in-ring, but I will watch and definitely enjoy Saraya vs Britt Baker at Full Gear if that's what they're going for. It sure seems that way after tonight. And we probably end up with Hayter vs Storm for the title, too. Or maybe just a tag team match, but either way. Oh boy, if it's a tag team match, they better make sure Hayter doesn't mix it up with Saraya. Her neck will turn to dust.

Do a cinematic match similar to the one she had with Swole at her dentistry office.

The Big Book Of British Smiles House Of Fun Match

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I didn't like the characterization of neutrinos in the previous episode of Young Sheldon. Yes, they almost never interact, although they're ALWAYS going through you. Very unlikely one would interact in your pants, and you certainly wouldn't feel it!

Can't wait to hear Cornette's take on this segment.

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Posted (edited)

I shoulda went to this damn show. Little DC Arena felt like Korakuen. YUTA *stays in the scene*. The ability to always look like you're emotionally invested in / trying to win the match you're having, it is not a natural instinct for most people. YUTA makes it look breathlessly easy while he's struggling his ass off. I'm glad he has Garcia as a foil, but I think they're on different levels.

Women's match was great, even though there were some structural choices that tell me they might miss pulling the trigger on a Hayter face turn. You can't miss out on reactions this organic. Willow Nightingale is the most natural babyface in the company, I don't want to see Jamie anywhere near the one person who's gonna get cheered over her. I said that the women's divison needed a Smackdown Six-style revamp - the most reliable wrestlers are getting featured every week and they're getting better at working with each other. Deeb was ON tonight. Penelope is also leaps and bounds better than she was and I hope she gets some credit for it eventually.

Heels go over in TV main events to set up next week's stuff so I'm not gonna do the mark-outrage song and dance about Sammy going over. In more capable hands, I'd be confident that Sammy's nuclear go-away heat could be morphed into something useful, but I don't know if he's that guy. Sammy is an unprofessional Bizzaro highspot Miz. His existence breeds resentment, nobody wants to admit his matches are good, he has a mercurial sort of credibility and his truest value is probably gonna be being featured on reality television.

Edited by John E. Dynamite
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Looks like someone saw my post about Willow in the Rampage thread - they even referenced the first two matches they had (which I completely forgot about when I suggested a trilogy). Awesome!! Let's fuckin go!!

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Holy shit MJF can actually wrestle?! Some points were a little indyrific but also I think a nod to them coming up together. End angle was a little weird, but Regal with knucks will always get me to mark.

Lethal-Darby, as Dean noted, was shocking in that Darby did not try to kill himself multiple times. Fun match, Lethal is very good in his current role and I think I’m ok with him breaking away from Dutt and Singh, as long as he doesn’t become a face.

Wardlow-Cage was, to me, more competitive than it should have been considering that Cage has been gone for more than a year other than those token ROH appearances. Still athletic hoss vs. athletic hoss meant some wild stuff, and having a guy like Cage to base for Wardlow doing insane springboard whatever-the-fuck-he-did helps. Coach Tony has perhaps read our missives to turn the TNT title into a hoss belt for a while. And bonus is War-Joe vs. Gates of Agony, hoss tag team brawl!!!

The Acclaimed are so incredibly over, it’s unreal. I loved this segment, it was funny, it was weird, Bowens was amazing on the politicians speech promo (Sneaky Swerve), Caster did some preaching, it built to a rematch. The Sterling stuff was a little predictable and I didn’t love it, but I guess they decided the fans wouldn’t go home happy without the big moves.

Women’s trios was phenomenal, Ford looked way better than I think I’ve ever seen her. Willow is over, and so glad she finally got her big win! The aftermath with Saraya and Britt tried to overshadow the match though. Willow-Jade III, will they finally pull a surprise switch?

Rush-Page was hard-hitting, someone pointed out how dickish Rush is with his moves and it was very true in this match. I know they had to give Page a warm-up win, and Rush is good practice for Mox, but Rush eating a clean pin seems soon. Post-match was more Mox mic magic.

I did the live equivalent of leaning on the FFWD button and looked at Instagram during the Luchasaurus match and aftermath. So over this feud. Let ROH start, let Jungle Boy break free, become Jack Perry, maybe give him a run with the Pure title.

Jericho did a lot of storytelling in that match, showed a real sense of being conflicted. Good match but I think I was expecting a Garcia turn so much that I was almost let down by a straight ending. And giving Garcia the pin (clean, even) in the main event of the anniversary show was sure a choice, given all the shit he’s pulled this year. Only thing I can think is, didn’t he win the main event of the first Dynamite?

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Posted (edited)
50 minutes ago, DEAN said:



This finish feels so appropriate for her. It plays to her size and strength but there's an element of struggle in actually wrenching the gut + the pin that lets Willow really work the hard cam. I've been very high on her all year, she has the energy of a bona fide TITLE CHASING MERCH MOVER. Strap a quiet rocket.

Edited by John E. Dynamite
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If you could somehow align Swerve with Cargill so that Swerve tries to interfere at Battle of the Belts but gets thwarted by the Acclaimed and then Willow wins with the Doctor Bomb and the Acclaimed and Willow all have belts and celebrate as the show goes off the air you'd have a real moment on your hands.

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It was a good show overall tonight, but it was hard for me to get the fuming anger out of my head.

All this stupid bullshit is constantly overshadowing when AEW puts on good shows. IMHO it's not good business or your TV product.

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14 minutes ago, TheVileOne said:

It was a good show overall tonight, but it was hard for me to get the fuming anger out of my head.

Dude, it's wrestling.

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Okay, THIS was awesome.  Wardlow/Brian Cage was right behind the women's six man tonight for match of the night.


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Wow, Wardlow jumped less on that than I first thought.

Ball's in your court, Claudio.

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13 minutes ago, Dog said:

Wow, Wardlow jumped less on that than I first thought.

Ball's in your court, Claudio.

Oh man, Claudio vs Brian Cage AND Claudio vs Wardlow will be awesome.

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MJF/Yuta was pretty awesome. Loved the ECW style extra long rollup reversal sequence ending in the double clothesline.  Wardlow/Cage delivered big time, good stuff and a great pairing.

Women's trios tag was fantastic. Penelope's matrix cutter was the absolute best. Nice to see Saraya finally able to get physical after all. I can dig a Madison/Skye tag team. 

National Scissoring Day rules. Love the huge pop for Billy and his official match graphic now says "Daddy Ass" Billy Gunn. Smart Mark's always amusing for these roles, nice touch keeping up his past beef with Swerve still.

Enjoyed Hangman/Rush a lot even if shorter than expected. Nice to see Hangman bounce back lately and Rush has been on fire throughout his AEW run. 

Good main event, knew the crowd would bring the heat on Sammy but didn't think he'd score the winning fall. Looking forward to Jericho/Bryan in Canada. 

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1 hour ago, DreamBroken said:

Loved the ECW style extra long rollup reversal sequence ending in the double clothesline.

Said in the chat that they should have turned it into a Rolling Cradle thus extending it even longer and making it more ridiculous. 

  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, JLowe said:

Good match but I think I was expecting a Garcia turn so much that I was almost let down by a straight ending. And giving Garcia the pin (clean, even) in the main event of the anniversary show was sure a choice, given all the shit he’s pulled this year. Only thing I can think is, didn’t he win the main event of the first Dynamite?

Sammy lost the opener to Cody of the first Dynamite, then joined/formed the Inner Circle at the end of it. I think this one was made unclean via Jericho hitting Garcia with the title.

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Posted (edited)

Such a fun show. (As expected) Banging pro wrestling throughout. Yuta-MJF was a perfect reminder of how good MJF is in there (which still surprises after watching his pretty sloppy act in MLW less than 3 years ago). Okay, go ahead and strap him up! Looking great in loss is something this company does so well, so often and it's a major overlooked credit to the booking. But obviously the work has to be there, and Yuta's always beyond 'there'. Darby-Lethal follows and is as great as expected. I love that they can have an honorable postmatch and tease a split, but that the great trio of Sonjay, his best friend Jay Lethal, and Platinum Satnam are in it for the longhaul. If otherwise I'm joining the Hot takes/wet blankets crew with their 'the booking sucks and aew is dying' sloganeering. Er well, I'd need to learn to hate what I love and am so thankful for. Speaking of haters, ppl have hated  on and even laughed at Brian Cage for such a long time. Not seeing any of that today. Fantastic return to Dynamite for the Machine. Where does that sit in Wardy's best matches? The FTR run-in was so explosive. THAT GREAT MUSIC!!! Embassy-Pinnacle/Joe: shit's on! Women's trios was as great as expected. More Women's Trios bouts please! The energy here was so much better than what the Division's singles bouts bring most weeks. It also allows for more names/faces to get over. And I'm all for following the plan, but it's time to pull the trigger on a Jamie Hayter faceturn. Yo Tony listen!!! The Acclaimed segment was always teetering towards the inane, but somehow worked being odd and funny and fun. Looking forward to heel Swerve here live next week. And then Roosh-ty and the Hangman go all classic because maybe there just wasn't enough great wrestling on this show yet. Rush seems to have connected with the audience in a way that Andrade still hasn't. Not to say the pre-match promo was so great, but I like the idea of Jose getting confident on the mic and doing a little more speaking for his charges. And of course the Mox post match promo is just terrific. Man, it's been really incredible to see all these mainstays/heart-n-soul AEW soldiers step up and carry the load. And Jericho's been as solid as anybody. This Danielson-Garcia storyline has absolutely worked. Surprised we didn't get the turn here, but no complaints. More great wrestling. Stoked for next week. They need to update those rankings and place right up top there the name Sssssammmmy Go-vaaar-aaahh! What an undeniably fantastic performance! Forgive me if I don't pay enough mind to anything but his tremendous in-ring/TV character work. AEDub on the fun run! Right in time for a quick streetcar ride to the Cocaine Coliseum next week.

EDIT: Oh man, loved that JAS promo. Kudos to Hager for rescuing and loving the purple bucket hat. Here's hoping next week the locals are as in love with Parker and Menard as much as I. Maybe we can rally a match and a win!?!

Edited by HarryArchieGus
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When is AEW going to bring in Stephanie Vaquer?


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