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Grand Theft Auto V Talk.

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That mission was the bane of my existence way back in yonder year.

As Stout likes to say, the first time I finished it, he was off playing hopscotch somewhere or something. That was pre-Horsemen days, back when none of us had talked and spent our time ramming each other into Zancudo gates. (Kidding Stout)

Mel and I got on yesterday and were good for a change. We avoided freemode and just earned money. He's trying to save up for that bike from the heists.

I finally decided to quit being Scrooge and spend some of my heist money. I bought the Insurgent with the turret, so I'm ready to rain down hell on some dots. I also bought that same bike I just mentioned and upgraded it all the way, so I imagine I'll be killing myself every five seconds.

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I thought melraz bought that damn thing after we finished the 5th heist.


I haven't been on in so long that I'm going through dot killing withdrawal.  Even worse, I missed the big 2015 nite shift reunion  Might be a week or two before I can get back on, though, between baby and momma both not feeling well.


I did finally manage to get all my shit hooked back up again last night.  I might actually have a reliable connection now, after we finished hardwiring everything over the weekend.  Even managed to finally turn on the xbox one that I got for Christmas.

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I remember that, RUkered. I was so busy trying not to get killed that I didn't really do anything at all to help finish the mission. I still hate that mission. Too damn hard for what you're paid.


So lemme guess how this works with a Buzzard: Two people, one in Buzzard, one on ground. Guy in Buzzard wipes out everyone in sight, guy on ground hangs back. Guy on ground rushes in and takes picture of dead dude, then just tries to stay alive. Guy in Buzzard goes to Madrazo's to end mission. Right? I'd never considered doing it with a Buzzard.


I still hate that one and Los Santos Connection (way too much trouble) and Method in the Madness (ditto). Good Buzzard missions: The Crystal Clear Out series, Mixed Up with Coke, Trash Talk and No Hey Bronca.


Tactics have changed on a bunch of missions, I guess, since people have the armored Kurumas, but I have a tough time shooting from the car. I had a Kuruma right after that first heist, but I sorta fell out of favor with it and sold it. Been wanting one back, but I am just no good at shooting from it. The other day, someone was off-controller next to their Kuruma, and since I'm trying to be a good boy, I don't proximity mine cars these days. So I always see if I can steal it, and sure enough, I could.


So I rode around in this Kuruma for ages, even going into a gang attack so I can see how the riding around shooting computer players worked. It's OK, but not my cup of tea. I did enjoy riding around on an NPC killing spree, running over pedestrian after pedestrian while the cops were boiling mad behind me. I wound up getting the car stuck on its side and couldn't move while the cops kept trying and trying to shoot me. They'd get me every once in a while - they would've eventually killed me, but it would've taken FOREVER, so I got out of the car and died instantly.


Dunno why anyone would want that motorcycle from that heist. I can't go five feet on a motorcycle without hitting a traffic sign and dying, so hey, let's put a freakin' turbo boost on one and see how that goes. It's a rolling deathtrap.

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Doubt you could use them in races, but that'd be awesome.


Stout's Law: The more stuff I have to do, the less I wanna do any of it and play GTA instead.


Was just in an armored Kuruma with a random named TaylorSwiftRulz. I am a very different player when on solo these days.

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The trick is staying on top of the truck while shooting a minigun during that whole thing.


Was just in a room where two kids were talking:


Kid 1 to Kid 2: "Are you a girl?"

Kid 2: "Yeah"

Kid 1: "Are you black?"

Kid 2: "No."

Kid 1: Do you have a big butt?"


Whole room fell out laughing at the kid. "Get 'em, Romeo!" "Dude, you had her at 'are you black?', good job." "I know one lucky girl who's got a prom date now!"


Good stuff.

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Man, I still really need to finish all the Heists at some point. Just hit me I never did that. 


What he said.  I think I have only done the first heist.

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I've knocked them loose running over bikers too.

Yet somehow, Melraz can take a shortcut through the mountains with the damn thing and make it more often than not.

But he can't take a shortcut without somehow blowing up a dalm Insurgent.



Man, I still really need to finish all the Heists at some point. Just hit me I never did that. 


What he said.  I think I have only done the first heist.


Well, first you gotta get off Uranus.


BTW, RUkered, found out that you can use the new turbo bikes in races, but the turbo is disabled, so what's the point?

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absolutely, goddamn if you turn one of those sumbitches while backing up more than 2 feet..or a stiff breeze blows through the damn thing comes unhitched


I have smashed a billion cars in that dumb fucking mission where you chase Lazlo with the big rig and I have never dropped the trailer.    The problem is not smashing cars and getting the fucking rig to reach 100% speed with the trailer still hitched.

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But you weren't trying to drive with three goofs on the roof with miniguns blazing.


Jesus, if our toons were real life criminals, we'd receive prison sentences so long that if we were reincarnated, we'd immediately be sent back to jail... provided that we were actually taken alive in the first place.

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BTW, RUkered, found out that you can use the new turbo bikes in races, but the turbo is disabled, so what's the point?

Well that's dumb. That would actually add some strategy to the race.

Fine, I'll admit to only wanting to be able to do it so I can hit the "NOS" and toss out hacky Fast & Furious quotes.

In Foghorn's voice, of course.

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Went back to the PS4 version and beat the game, this time while getting the billions for each character.  Working on buying everything up.   Is there anything to really pay attention to or still do that's worthwhile besides online?


I'm the type of guy who mostly focuses on the story and skips side quest stuff, so I still have a lot to do. If you haven't done Trevor's rampages, do those. They're a lot of fun. (Unless they're part of the story and I've just forgotten.)


I'm part of the way through the Epsilon thing with Michael. If you haven't done it and don't know what it is, go online in-game and go to the Epsilon website. I think you start it by donating money. That's about all I can think of off the top of my head.

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The first Rampage is part of the story but the others are optional.

Some of the properties will have little missions. Also don't forget the Strangers and Freaks stuff.

Leonra Johnson murder mystery.

UFO parts for Omega.

The PS4 version has new hunting stuff and a new murder mystery.

I triggered a mini mission wih Michael out in Sandy Shores where I got a Mad Max style car and then had goons chase me.

Most of the things you can do are marked on the map, there's not much that is hidden.

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