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The Batman: Arkham series.

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Still plugging away at these riddles. I've got all of the trophies in Bleake Island and 4 more riddles to scan.

I don't feel like they are as hard, or as hidden, as they were in previous games. But I've still got around 160 to go so maybe I'm just lucky so far!

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I was thinking back to the alternate Batsuits in Batman: Arkham City. Rocksteady picked The Dark Knight Returns Batsuit from the last two issues without the oval. By picking that you can use it as the Batsuit from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016). What struck me today is that I'm surprised the armoured version in the comic/film hasn't been used as an alternate skin.

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While all of you are finishing Arkham Knight, I am finally picking back up my copy of Arkham City. A few quick notes.


1) Riddler Trophies/Challenges and their giant time-wasting distractions in this are just annoying and dumb. Granted, I just suck at things that have a short timer and complicated controls.

2) Smoke Pellets in predator mode are amazing. Once I whittle my bad guys with guns down to two, I can throw it at one, glide kick and ground take down the other and then sprint to wipe out the still blind henchman.

3) With that said, I groan when I move in on a section of the city with guns because I honestly just want to drop down, clean house, and move on with my life.


For those curious, I am at the Subway Terminal trying to take out Penguin's third jammer.

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Basically done. Got up to the point where I need to track down all the riddles to finish and just watched the ending on Youtube.

Deathstroke was disappointing but I loved the final story stretch. The immersive storytelling bits have always been among the best stuff in the series and the Joker ending was a better one than Arkham City. That said, there really wasn't a need for Batman to reveal his identity beyond adding gravitas and even the full ending just feels abrupt and vague. Also the payoff for Jason Todd was SUPER weak. Hoping the DLC expands a bit more.

So yeah, still a lot of fun stuff but easily the least of the series, I think.

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I was thinking back to the alternate Batsuits in Batman: Arkham City. Rocksteady picked The Dark Knight Returns Batsuit from the last two issues without the oval. By picking that you can use it as the Batsuit from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016). What struck me today is that I'm surprised the armoured version in the comic/film hasn't been used as an alternate skin.


I saw some screenshots and a list of skins that will be DLC. Can't find the full list anymore and it could be fake but seemed real enough. The Tumbler and Dark Knight suit are in as is Burton's Batmobile. Danny Elfman is in the credits for his theme which I guess will play when you do Batmobile challenges with Burton's Batmobile. 

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Anyone have any trouble getting the Batgirl DLC?  The game ran a big update yesterday, and the Season Pass screen says it's available, but I see no way to download it.


Edit: I had to go into the actual PS store to find it.

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Harley Quinn and Red Hood packs were fun, but no more than 30 minutes, tops.  The Batgirl mission seems a big longer, and there are least some extra things to do, besides just the mission.


Yeah, there are a bunch of unlockable audio tapes involving Edward Burke (Planet Master in the comics), and there's a Starro Easter egg.

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