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Call me crazy, but Saban isn't going to stay at Bama long enough to fulfill that extension to its fullest. I think someone will offer him gobs more cash sometime next year, and he'll run for the hills.


If the NFL comes calling with a good offer, Saban leaves.  But if he didn't leave Alabama for Texas, I don't see him going to another school.


Does make me wonder want Bama put on the table, though.  Must have been something amazing.



EDIT:  The number is $7 million/year, apparently.


Now, one way this could get ineresting is if Brown stays on for another year, and gets booted once and for all next December.  In which case, Texas may drop $10 million/year in Saban's lap at that time. But that's contingent on Brown not getting shoved out right now.


So, who's next on the Longhorns' list?  One of the Harbaugh brothers?  Les Miles?


No college has the athletic department budget to go higher than Texas does, so, yeah, he's not leaving Bama for anything except a situation he is really excited about at the NFL level.


So, hey, Texas...  Mark Dantonio?


Call me crazy, but Saban isn't going to stay at Bama long enough to fulfill that extension to its fullest. I think someone will offer him gobs more cash sometime next year, and he'll run for the hills.

LOL. Getting a head start on next year. I like it.

People forget: It was the same shit last year with the Browns. Done deal. It gets more and more hilarious each time. And guess what? It'll be the same shit with a new team next year. Done deal. But the story is always going to end the same: he'll be at Bama. He's not going anywhere.

There is one very specific scenario that would entice him: An NFL team with 1) a hands-off owner who will let him call all the shots on everything, and 2) a proven veteran QB already in place. That last one most importantly. He learned with the Dolphins that you can't hide your QB in the NFL, and he's not going to make the mistake he made the first time, giving up the monster he built to roll the dice in the pros.

Of course, the problem is that NFL teams with proven veteran QBs tend to not be in the business of hiring coaches very often. And when they do, I can't imagine they'd feel the need to put themselves over the barrel for a guy who wasn't exactly a smash hit the first time around the league.

So realistically, he's just going to be at Alabama forever. So get used to it.


Last year, I found the idea of him going to the Browns plausible (the unfinished business/new challenges angle) but the only way he was going to Texas was if the money was just absolutely too absurd for Bama to match or Saban to turn down. 


Like 11 or 12 million a year kind of money.


Another thing to consider:  no one worth their own salt eats in another's kitchen.  In other words, Saban would only take the Texas job if it was actually vacant and if Brown had left on his own accord.  With Mack still in the position and not going quietly, Saban's interest in the job was pretty slim, I'd wager.  It would have been too messy, and why bother when things are already good for you where you are?


He was never taking that Browns job in a million years. He's not taking any kind of significant rebuilding job, which is why he's never going back to the NFL - those are the only jobs that will give him the carte blanche he demands.

As for Texas, there is no realistic amount of money that Texas can offer that Alabama won't be able to match. Hypothetically, sure, Texas is so flush, they could pay him $15 million a year, $20 million even, and Bama would have to fold...But they can't really pay him anywhere near that much. If Texas had even given him $10 million, essentially doubling his then-current salary at Alabama, it would have triggered a massive shitstorm. Not only would that contract have faced massive opposition within the University of Texas itself, but it would also obliterate the current salary structure in college football, within a year skyrocketing salaries in the major conferences and further ghettoizing the mid-majors. The outcry would be off the charts.

No, there is a very real cap on what Texas could offer him, and Alabama would go right up to the precipice with them.



The same Saban who after going 6-10 in his second season quit on the Dolphins? He's not an NFL caliber coach. Recruiting hides a lot of flaws.


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I could've seen Saban taking the Houston Texans' job. Good offensive line, committed to running the ball, lots of pieces on defense. Seems like a fit. Good ownership there, too, from what I understand...


Oh, man. Chip Brown is having the Worst Week Ever.

Reported Mack Brown's resignation earlier in the week and was calling Saban to Texas a done deal all week...only for Saban to re-up with Bama and Mack to, for all appearances, remain the coach.

Okay, that would be bad enough. But then today, he comes out with this hilarious article where he tries to cover up how badly he got the story wrong and spins a conspiracy theory that basically attributes the whole thing to Mack displaying Tywin Lannister-esque political gamesmanship and laments that Texas is doomed to at least another year of him as head coach.

And then almost immediately Mack announces that he's resigning.

Fuck that dude's life.


Man, Mack Brown's troll game is on-point. Watch Texas fuck up the next hire and the guy ends up being WORSE.


Also, can we go ahead and give Jameis the Hypesman so the FSU fans can quit being all whiny and salty because he didn't get one award? It's getting kinda silly with how bitter they are now.


I may have actually underestimated how much fun this thing at Texas is going to be.  The self congratulatory messages earlier in the week from Orangebloods are a great read now.



My suggestion for their next hire - If they really want a guy that has coached at Alabama, Fran is just down the road in San Marcos.


Jameis Winston's Heisman speech might be the best argument yet for not giving the trophy to freshmen. Almost completely incomprehensible.

The main thing I got from it was that his dad was out of work for a while and he, somehow..., had to help provide for the family.


And this is where I mention how much I hate it when I hear Winston or Manziel called "freshmen". They're not. Winston is a sophomore academically. He's a redshirt freshman on the football field. But he's not a freshman in any way. Saying "freshman"without the "redshirt" part gives the false impression that this his first year on campus when it's not.

Yes, I am picking at nits here.


Jason LaConfora is reporting that Bill O'Brien is ready to job back the NFL and that he has already been approached by the Vikings and Texans

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