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Another episode with a distressing lack of capes neither Shawn Spears or Dalton wore one.

So it looks like they are going forward with Nyla v Jade as heel v heel

Surprised to see both AJAS and which ever Private Partier that was get essentially squashed.

I hope that Ten busts out that sweet overhead Steiner Belly to Belly on dynamite.

Good episode if this big men hitting each other was your thing! BCC going HARD against BBB and then the Bret tribute in Canada. MOAR TOA is always a good thing!  Honor no more, no more show up. So Tony's still not done signing people. Is Rampage going to become Rampage of Honor?  5 on 5 after WARJOE makes the save! whens blood and guts?

Edited by zendragon
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Also a brief recap of the Dalton Castle promo. First a bit of 80's Hogan goodness with some stuff about Lighting in his veins powering the building and then he told Jericho

Silly goose | Memes, Funny animals, Silly

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Didn't hit the main yet. Will get there. Other thoughts:

  • Went back to see the entrances because I wanted to see the pops. Bunny's new Mountie gimmick is something. My favorite thing about that opening match, other than the fact they hit hard, was just the interaction between Mox and Claudio. Some of that is Claudio trying to work in the stomps, or breaking up Dragging the Lake or the post-match interview, but a lot of it is just Mox reacting to stuff Claudio does. Sort of a "Oh yeah, that goddamn strongman is on my side."
  • JAS interview was fine. I'm not sold on Garcia's delivery or rationale. "Jericho cheated to beat me. He's always going to win. I want to win too."  It's not the most compelling rationale I've ever seen. I could write up a paragraph about Garcia's mindset, but it'd kind of be bs. I really hope the Goose chants become a thing. I like Castle and think he has a ton of value as an Elevation act like Serpentico and Danhausen and Emi to make things seem like a fun, enjoyable event. That said, I want to see 2.0 and Sammy (or Hager) have the six man belts soon. And then I ever increasingly want the Joe/Pinnacle vs JAS feud into winter. Just about everything I saw on this show made me want that more.
  • Really enjoyed Anna vs Nyla. Nyla was working subtle babyface, where she's not actually a babyface but she's so over the top acting like she's queen or president that it comes off as a smarmy babyface and it's great. Anna, on the other hand, is the only person in the JAS who actually works like a Sports Entertainer. It's what they all should be doing. It's especially what Garcia should be doing. Kofi's Boom Drop. Shaky Leg Kneedrop. Worm. Etc. This could have used a slightly more intricate finishing stretch to protect Anna maybe. Post-match with Jade killing everyone was great. They can use those visuals for months.
  • Kassidy vs Page got the short shrift but was fine for what it was. I have no idea where this is going but I guess it'd be funny to have Stoke second Matt/PP against the Six Man Champs and just be really annoying at ringside. Too much contract stuff over the last year. The Firm + the Family Offices + the Trustbusters is all just too much. It's kind of how Khan relates to the world, I think. (that said, if I'm fantasy booking Stoke flips the contracts to Christian since he'd be even better than Stoke in that role trying to make money off of Matt and PP by getting them to win titles and play second fiddle to Luchasaurus). 
  • I did catch the post match with Spears. I can't imagine him ever being more over than he was tonight in that. I'm happy for him and think he's a pretty good face-in-peril type babyface and they really do need another guy on that Sydal/Kazarian level that can put people over on the face side, but let's manage some expectations here. I do hope we get a MJF vs Spears match at some point though.


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I had to watch that Dalton Castle challenge for the title three times this morning.  So fucking GREAT.

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Posted (edited)

Is Maria a better roster addition than Saraya? She has all the connections through being active over the last few years and Women's Wrestling Army.

Edited by Matt D
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The beauty of this Jade v Nyla feud is that it’s adding a layer of depth and character acting opportunities for them both. Jade, the confident unbeatable champ with a calm charismatic swag is now the determined tough force looking for revenge, without having to have actually been beaten. Nyla, the monster who is feared and wrecks havoc in her path is now the charming villainous trickster. Plus, this aspect of her character is going to work wonderfully with Vicky. I love watching this build and I’m excited to see where their journey leads. Potential for some really great moments. 

I love hour long wrestling shows. Fun action! 

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Question I've been pondering: if Tony is turning this into Rampage of Honor or even if he gets a TV deal, how does the Briscoes play into this? They are already signed to ROH but they also presumably can't appear on TV after that executive said no. What will they do with them? What can be done with them? 

The ROH roster is starting to fill out if the rumors of the Bandido signing is true and the assumed signing of the Kingdom/OGK (since their appearanceon Rampage).

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Like most people I stopped watching ROH around... 2010ish, so I've only recently discovered Dalton Castle.

Holy Shit, this dude rocks. Why don't we have more 70s era, Charles Nelson Reilly-esque queens in pro wrestling?

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3 hours ago, Matt D said:

Is Maria a better roster addition than Saraya? She has all the connections through being active over the last few years and Women's Wrestling Army.

100%, I'd also say over Thunder Rosa too frankly because of the WWA connection. It'll be a better pipeline than Mission Pro which seems to have dried up besides the Renegade Twins

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3 hours ago, DEAN said:

I had to watch that Dalton Castle challenge for the title three times this morning.  So fucking GREAT.

My wife became an instant fan of Dalton after that challenge, she had never heard of him before it.

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2 hours ago, DEAN said:

I had to watch that Dalton Castle challenge for the title three times this morning.  So fucking GREAT.

A highlight of my Thursday night. I think@Infinit may agree. Here's hoping AEW crowds far and wide, Cincinatti in particular, have as much passionate love as the G(reater)T(oronto)A(rea) for the wonderful Dalton Castle. 

Overjoyed with my hometown crowd providing such a loud score for all the talk and mat action. I had no doubt Butch/Blade/Mox/Claudio would provide beautiful violence. That said, a question comes to mind - What are some of the worst moves/spots used by a Wrestler of the year candidate historically - Mox generously offers the 'brutal' back scratch er as it really is the fart face back massage. I love Mox, but can somebody in that club of his let him know how bad that looks? Let's be honest, his Danielson stomp is weak too. The bad mouthing ends there, this is potentially the Wrestler of the Year I'm talking about and his live presence supports that distinction. Loved the Keith Lee-Swerve interaction. La-la-loved the return of Stu Grayson. That said, wouldn't of hurt to let the local crowd have an Actual In-person live look at our French Canadian hero. Strange how many ppl appear and seem to be in the building whom were never in front of the crowd. Nyla-Anna heel-heel was a strange booking but worked pretty nicely. Was the censored JR line that I assume was him saying Anna would be the 'Man' if she beat Nyla for the title in the live feed or was that International only? Also wondering if his 'Pronoun Boy' talk has made the cable waves or just the international feed? Anyway, great to see Nyla get an angle and a nice win here. I also like them breaking up a bit of the monotony of Jade's streak and giving her something new. I suspect Jade's a babyface following all this. Loved seeing her handle the security here. The Ethan Page-Private Cassidy segment was a great example of the airless often poor editing of these Rampage broadcasts. A 'tasteful editor is All Elite' would be quietly a great addition for this company. Cutting to OC and the Bests so quickly following the match reminds us all that 'none of this matters'. Regardless, wonderful to see Ethan Page receive this live show of support. Six man Main was fun. I'm digging Embassy Cage. Nana's been a fantastic signing! I'm also into this Kingdom signing and debut. If I'd only seen Matt Taven's middling ROH World title run and what I've heard of Mike Bennett's WWE bookings I might be with the jeers to the Kingdom talk. However, I've been watching/skimming Impact for most of the year, and this team has been terrific every time out. I suspect a few ppl will be surprised by this well oiled machine. Outside of the airless editing, I liked the playback of this show fine, but it's kind of a shame the post show speech section wasn't kept in for television. Not that it was smoothed out for TV or that I expected they'd air it. The Dax Toronto love and especially Shawn Spears heartfelt talk of his mother passing made for a really special close to this show. It had those great compassionate vibes AEW seemed to be routinely hitting with awhile back. As the most reliable critics have said AEDub 'rules the fucking world'.

  • Like 8
7 hours ago, hobo joe said:

Like most people I stopped watching ROH around... 2010ish, so I've only recently discovered Dalton Castle.

Holy Shit, this dude rocks. Why don't we have more 70s era, Charles Nelson Reilly-esque queens in pro wrestling?

Think of the T-shirt sales!

"How's That For a Topper?"

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Dalton Castle was a consistent highlight for me during 2016-2019 ROH, in a sea of Adam Coles and Matt Tavens he really stood out. Glad he's getting a spotlight. I just wish he hadn't fucked his back up so badly. Sassy queen who is also a technical marvel was such a good character but at least he is still able get by with The Boys and his character work. That promo was some of his best work too. Really looking forward to the match with Jericho

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Someone said Nyla / Jade is heel vs heel, to me it's more face vs face. Both getting more positive reactions nowadays. Be interesting to see where it goes.

And on Tuesday we get, the Silly Goose vs the Power Peacock~! And I am overjoyed.

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12 hours ago, DEAN said:

YES!  They are larding it up in Carolina!


At this rate they're going to to be getting Good Ole making references to the McGuire twins 

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5 hours ago, Leonidas said:

Someone said Nyla / Jade is heel vs heel, to me it's more face vs face. Both getting more positive reactions nowadays. Be interesting to see where it goes.


I like that not every feud needs to be good vs evil. Sometimes life can have a prick fight a jerk. Variety of morality depth in storytelling conflicts makes for great television. 

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On 10/14/2022 at 11:34 PM, TheVileOne said:

Turning Rampage into an ROH show is not best for business.

I'd be fine with it as I really dont have time for a third wrestling show in my life

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, zendragon said:

While I agree with that in theory, in practice they ran Britt v Nyla as heel/heel and it seemed to go over like a fart in church 

The Britt match was also Nyla Rose: snarling monster heel and not Nyla Rose: smartass quoter of Sly Stalone. I think the dynamic works a little better vs Jade because you can at least buy that they are equals physically so it's more of a personality conflict/kaiju battle vs the match with Britt, which naturally had Britt as an underdog that no one wanted to root for.

Edited by Sammo~!
pronouns pal!
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