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The Mass Effect thread

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The multiplayer played amazingly well. It's actually responsible for me being a member here (so some people may consider that a negative....). But I agree the galactic readiness thing sucked, and no doubt they won't do that again. They just wanted to make sure people tried out the multiplayer, and they don't need that again since now the multiplayer is almost as big of a selling point as the single-player.

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Pretty sure the Architect outright states you're not indoctrinated in the expanded ending...


Did you play any of the DLC Red? Citadel remains a high watermark moment for me, just so daft and fun and bittersweet

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I can see the hate behind the endings - but at the end, how were they going to do it? In a game all about choices and consequences, how else were they going to end it?.


The game needed to end with me pulling triggers, not watching cutscenes.  Each ending has something about it that bothers me. 


Destroy wipes out the Geth and EDI along with the Reapers. 


Control leaves the greatest threat in the galaxy alive and well albeit under your direct influence.


Synthesis forces fundamental change on every species whether they want it or not.


Mass Effect 3 would've been much better IMO by adhering to the KISS principle.  Boss battle, hero's welcome, closure.

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The reason the Reapers/cycle was flawed was because it had become an equation devised by an AI for maximum efficiency. Shephard sacrificing himself for the greater good to control them essentially negates that flaw because it gives the machines an organic outlook which is what was missing. And one of the most pervading themes I found when playing through ME3 was the concept of self sacrifice for the greater good (Mordin, Legion) so it just felt right to me.


I know that DESTROY is the quintessential video game ending and all Shepherd wanted to do but it forces you to ignore everything that has happened over the course of the series (Geth/Quarians peace, EDI growing as a unit etc) which is just daft


Synthesis I have a problem with for the same reasons as everyone else.


Inactivity just doesn't sit right with me

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Watching cutscenes had no gravitas.  I nearly threw a party after I beat Lavos in Chrono Trigger.  THAT is how I should've felt at the end of ME3.


If Shep had to die, he deserved to go out in a fight and players deserved a clean decisive victory over the Reapers with no strings attached.

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I thought you had bought one already

I bought a knock-off one that I fucking hate. It doesn't fit at all, the red is too bright and it's disconnected from the jacket, so it sticks out and looks absurd, and the N7 is just a patch. I never wore it.

This is the first-time Bioware is selling it in faux leather. Before this, it was actual leather and way too expensive.

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If only there was a way for JT's GTA character to wear that jacket.


Next best thing.  I had my Shep wearing the N7 leather jacket & jeans during the shoot out in the sushi restaurant in The Citadel DLC.  That was his shore leave outfit.

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  • 3 months later...

So, I finished the trilogy. I didn't know what the end would be, but I knew it was widely hated, so I assumed it was going to be one of those 'and now, you watch your best friends die horribly and can do nothing about it' things. Which it wasn't.


I did Citadel early, not knowing, and it felt pretty jarring and out of place - earlier in the game Shep and Liara are talking about how everyone in the Citadel (before Cerberus invade) is just going about their business and ignoring that there's a war on, and all of a sudden the greatest combat unit in the galaxy think it's fine to just ignore the Apocalypse so they can play some video games and have a party.


Also, is it supposed to be that when you pick your ending you don't know which one you're actually picking? Because I did destroy but wanted to do control. And then we see Liara putting Shep's name on the Memorial Wall, and Shephard's corpse suddenly breathing in, and the end credits roll... and then suddenly I'm back at the galaxy map. Get the lift downstairs, walk into Liara's office and she just says "Hello again" like I didn't just die or anything.

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Alright people, I just picked up the Mass Effect trilogy (incl Cerberus pack for ME2) on the PSN.

What... what do I do now?


Take a few minutes to look up a class guide to help you decide what you want to play as.

Soldiers are generally good for first time players just because it gives you access to all the weapons, etc...


But you might decide that something else sounds better. (My male shep was a Soldier but my FemShep was an Infiltrator)


Also know that you can change classes from game to game - so don't worry you don't have to play the entire trilogy as say an Infiltrator.


And then we it comes time for squad selection - you might want to make sure you pick folks that compliment your class (so say you don't have 3 Adepts on a mission and then you can't hack anything)

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