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I finally joined the Railroad


Deacon might be an easier companion for me to curry favor with than Piper

Unless you're evil you shouldn't have any trouble with Piper. Just pick locks. She and Cait will love you for it.



Piper idolized me about 3 hours into the game.


Deacon likes lockpicking AND Hacking (along with the being nice) thus why he will be even easier.


Heck we already had our first "conversation" during our first trip into the Wasteland together


Ah, well then, carry on.


I was about to ask if there were any companions who were just into kicking the shit out of people and didn't care so much about being nice for when I roll a more chaotic character, but then I stumbled upon saving Rex and Strong from Trinity Tower. So is Strong the ass kicking buddy I'm looking for? I like Piper and all, but I can't be sarcastic with other people when she's around and she's terrible in combat.

I think Strong, Cait, & McCready are supposed to be the less noble options for companions. I've read Strong in particular is the only one who approves of cannibalism if you're into that sort of thing.

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Correct - Strong approves of cannibalism


He is the best bet for shoot first, shoot second, shoot third and shoot last


The problem with Strong is dislikes so many things you do when naturally wandering - like crafting stuff and lockpicking, etc...


He also hates the Brotherhood of Steel - so if you join them, you dont want him around.


McCready is my problem child as everything he likes - the complete opposite of what I do


I think I will probably just need to exploit some stealing in a far away place

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Well, if I did roll a new character, I could go all Strength and Endurance, meet up with Strong, and be Team Brute Force.


Although, I like hacking and picking locks, so it would suck to miss out on that.


Makes me think it's probably a huge missed opportunity to not have Strong just start fist fighting with you in those moments where, like, Piper would talk to you about life and shit. Or, when you click on Strong, Relationship is replaced with Fight.


By the way, is there no way to replace your companion's weapon? I've tried equipping Piper with an assortment of rifles and pistols, only for her to keep switching back to her stupid pea shooter.

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Also, I don't think some companions will use certain weapons. For instance, I think Strong will only use sledgehammers and heavy guns. I can't get him to use any kind of rifle or pistol.

Pretty sure its just Strong and the obvious in the Mr. Handy robots.


So I had two glitches for two of my big settlements. First Sanctuary showed all of 5 people and 0 happiness when it should have had 17 people and 75-85 happiness. I fast traveled only to see all is well. The stats corrected, but it was very odd. Then something similar happened to the Castle only while my settlers were still kicking most of the crops, purifiers, turrets, and generators were all damaged. I don't think it was attacked either which made it all the stranger.

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Also, I don't think some companions will use certain weapons. For instance, I think Strong will only use sledgehammers and heavy guns. I can't get him to use any kind of rifle or pistol.

Pretty sure its just Strong and the obvious in the Mr. Handy robots.


So I had two glitches for two of my big settlements. First Sanctuary showed all of 5 people and 0 happiness when it should have had 17 people and 75-85 happiness. I fast traveled only to see all is well. The stats corrected, but it was very odd. Then something similar happened to the Castle only while my settlers were still kicking most of the crops, purifiers, turrets, and generators were all damaged. I don't think it was attacked either which made it all the stranger.



Yeah, that's something they need to correct. It's a pain in the ass b/c sometimes you actually do need to travel back and repair stuff. This glitch makes it hard to tell if you actually need to go back or if the game is just fucking up.

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BTW, the PS4 version is garbage for how much it slows down. I'm beginning to wonder if it has to do with all of the save files, but at some point in the last 2 or 3 days, the game just chugs along everywhere I go. I think it actually started after I journeyed through the Fens Street Sewer. I keep expecting a yellow banner to appear at the top of the screen saying "Shockwave is unresponsive" because of how sluggish it is.

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I can't decide how I feel about this game. It's either the best bad game I've ever played or the worst great game. I like it. A lot. But fuck, it has some major problems. And not just the usual Bethesda janky shit (which it's getting lost past time that shit is "charming"). The UI is awful and the game does a bad job explaining to how way too many things work. Also, the narrative is weird. The Wanderer was frozen for 200 years. Shouldn't she be more shocked at what's going on? They talked about this recently on Giant Bomb who put it into a finer point than I thought about before, but shouldn't she constantly be going, "What the FUCK is a 'Super Mutant'? And what did you guys do to Fenway? And hey, by the way, how exactly was it I was unwillingly frozen for 200 years again?" It's jarring how she just rolls with the punches. But still, it sucked me in for 54 hours before I finally hit the wall of not wanting to play anymore, and that's a long time. So it does a lot right too.

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I only had a sluggish response a few times recently and it never last long.


Same here. Only issue I've had is it slows down in the Castle a few times and that's b/c I built the Settlement up past the size limit and used the "drop weapons/junk" thing to keep knocking the limit down. Probably have way too much shit in the settlement than was intended. I think I've had two crashes in almost two months of playing. I'd average that in about 2 hours of playing New Vegas or FO3.

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I wound up deleting all but 3 of my save files and that seemed to help. After finding Strong, I thought that I needed to go back to punching enemies to death and using my electrified baton on them to just rebuild my ammo supply. In particular, I just really needed to rebuild my stock of fusion ammo for my laser guns.


And then, while searching for Nick, I stumbled upon Swan.


First, fuck you, Swan.


Second, I killed Swan without dying once, so again, fuck you, Swan. I accomplished that mainly because in one of the locations I stumbled through earlier I found some cryo mines and cryo grenades. So in the midst of using about 20 or so Stimpacks, to make sure I didn't die, I just had Swan chase me all over the place while I continued dropping almost my entire supply of landmines. The cryo mines are what did it though, because that really allowed me to blast the shit out of it to kill it.


The Power Fist drop from Swan was excellent, though. I was going to go to bed after that, but I had so much fun running up on enemies to one-shot them with the Power Fist that I stayed up an hour longer. SO MUCH BLOOD, especially when you have the Bloody Mess perk. If the PS4 had custom soundtracks or radio stations, I would wind up listening to Power by Kanye West on repeat.


Also, I managed to get Piper to fall in love with me. Weirdly enough, I was finally able to pass the speech check for Romance after I stored my wedding ring in my workbench. I didn't even do that on purpose. It was just something I realized after the fact. I'm sure one had nothing to do with the other, but it was a funny coincidence.

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I don't think I ever failed a speech check with Piper. I did once with Cait, but otherwise I have been successful.


The key to beating types like Swan & Mirelurk Queens is setting up a dozen or so mines of whatever types before engaging and leading them into them. It will either kill them or drop a ton oft their health. I've killed Swan twice with that trick and the greatness of the combat shotgun. Took out the Castle Mirelurk Queen the same way though I barely survived due to that ridiculous acid spit. Flat out took out another Mirelurk Queen though with the mines. Also used it on my first Sentry Bot. Honestly these are really the only occasions I really get to use them although I did manage to get a Super Mutant with his own mine.

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I feel a little bad as I kinda cock teased Preston


Choose the Romance option and he was like Hey! I didn't think you would be into me because of your dead husband


And I was like well I still love my husband too and he was all "Oh so much for us fucking then"


But I got his perk and I didn't feel bad enough to go back and redo the conversation

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When I first got this game, I said to myself "I'll keep up with my NBA and other TV watching and fill in the cracks with the game and it'll last me forever."

Now I'm like "gotta do this, do that, then go here..."

Went on last night to "take a little break" before watching some NBA on the DVR. Quit seven hours later, after the sun came up...

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So I'm finished with the story


This was my first Fallout game, so I don't know if this is Bethesda's deal or what. It just....ended. I don't know if I got the bad ending or something, but it just seemed so abrupt. Father died and then I'm just standing there like...sooooo what now?


I'm not particularly happy with some of the choices I made or how I played the game in general. Since I kind of half-ass know what I'm doing now, I'm going to start a second playthrough. Maybe I won't waste so many perks on useless b.s. this time around, and I will actually do some work on a couple settlements.


And for the love of all that is holy, I will save often. I still am unable to have a companion. They agree to go with me and then just collapse on the ground. I want to get some lovin' from Piper this time around, damn it. The furthest I got with her before all the companions glitched on me was asking her if she was happy with our relationship like a needy tween.



Edit: I do the same thing, Stout. It's also one of the reasons I didn't mess with settlements much. I guess I'm a sucker for a narrative, because I burn through every game I ever play just so I can see what happens. I'm talking to real life buddies who are like level 50 or 60 something and weren't very far into the main story. Meanwhile I'm over here at like 32 near the end already.

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What kills me is I really like the settlements and need to mess with them a whole lot more. I have two that have no people in them at all, and one that deliberately has just two people because I can't possibly keep up with them all.


I put up a beacon in Sanctuary and have had a couple people, max, trickle in. I put up one somewhere else, forget where, and it was like freakin' Yasgur's farm during Woodstock - it went from 2 to 11 in just record time and I had to run up there and build more this and that and this and that. It's like a freakin' job.


Meanwhile, I've spent so little time on the main quest that by the time I find this kid, if I do, he'll be a great-great grandfather.

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