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Awesome does not even begin to describe.  They had a fucking camera person in the electric car!


The sad thing is that you could not pull that off in freemode.  Some asshole would shoot at the camera crew or go and get a tank.

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Cloud Servers will be down for maintenance tomorrow morning (June 7) between Midnight and 4AM EST




Good Bye, UFOs, maybe.

Are they not gone already? Try clearing your cache. I did that last night and boom, no UFOs. Could've been there were no "hackers" in the room I was in.


I went into a public room strictly for the intention of just going down to whatever Square and looking for UFOs, then retreating to the safety of my private room. While in the public room. I noticed Soul Reaper and this Dr. Amy Whatshername. They were in a fight with two people, holding their own (they were of a higher level than the two), so I said "eh, screw it" and left. Now I feel guilty that I didn't run down there and help crew, but I know they wouldn't know me from Adam and would wind up shooting me instead. Besides, I had shit races to play.


Speaking of shit races, there's one called "The Biggest Jump in the Game" that sucks ass. It's gotta be a GTA race because they want you to use tons of boosts before you use the big jump, but it also comes with the usual shit of a GTA race. We were on motorcycles, for some reason, and I could never get the boosts to work until I was already up in the air. I'd wipe out and die every time. Finally, I got smart and went around the jump and down the mountain. I got within about 10 feet of the finish line when another player shot me. I then respawned back at the top of the mountain. Quit, quit, quit, quit, quit.


There was another high jumpy race that I decided not to do, and when I quit the race, the game respawned me in my room by dropping me off Mount Chilliad in midair, with no parachute. I died and spawned near the top of Mount Chilliad with my car at the top and no way to reach it. The bottom was a LONG way down. Quit, quit, quit, quit, quit.


I also did the infamous "Stairway to Heaven" with 15 other players. Words cannot describe how much that sucked. Quit, quit, quit, quit, quit.


And that outage is technically tonight. Dammit. All I wanna do is come home from another crap day at work and get PITted by complete strangers in annoying races. Hopefully that means the single player will be working, I've been getting into redoing it lately. 

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Awesome does not even begin to describe.  They had a fucking camera person in the electric car!


The sad thing is that you could not pull that off in freemode.  Some asshole would shoot at the camera crew or go and get a tank.


I didn't catch the camera person deal till I saw the outtakes.  That was amazing. 


Of course, if I saw that going on in freemode, I'ld probably be the asshole to go disrupt it.  5 white dots together - I'd better go introduce myself in the traditional nite shift way.

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Yeah if they were inna public session I'd say the DVDR woulda defiantly made the blooper segment several times.

Very impressive with what they did though. I may have even realized what they were doin if I was in the same session but bein the dickhead that I am I woulda still blown em the hell up.

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Decided to fool around with singleplayer a little today. I haven't touched it since I beat it (turns out that was Oct 5th - wow). Apparently I spent 0 dollars on anyone's cars because within 2 minutes I ramped Franklin's Buffalo head on into a pole and bent the front axle. It took about 5 minutes to drive the half mile to the mod shop, going a top speed of 10 mph with tires squealing the whole way.

The stats say I've done every mission, but I'm missing some Strangers & Freaks and hobbies stuff. I also know I haven't done the thing with Michael where you roam in the desert or whatever you guys were talking about a while back. I need to get on GTA forum and figure out how to trigger this stuff.

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Been experimenting with the fact that both of your characters can sell a car every 45 minutes or so. It's a pain if you wanna stay in a private room, 'cause every time you switch characters it puts you in a public room. So you can make $18,000 every 45 minutes selling Ballers.


I also just recently found out about gang cars, the yellow, red, green and purple cars that spawn in the 'hood, only at night (I think). I've gotten a yellow and green Declasse Tornado. The yellow one was worth a little over $12,000, while the green one was worth $8,000 or so. I got a purple Declasse Sabre Turbo that was worth $9,750. I've yet to get the red car.


The yellow one was parked in a parking lot deep in the 'hood - as soon as I stole it, I had about seven dudes firing on me, and I got a $7,000 bounty put on me.


I also found myself in a public room with Dr. Amy and Soul Reaper, and I thought I'd try to help a crew member out. She shot me a couple of times before realizing I was on her side, and she had this incredible habit of throwing rocks at a hornet's nest, then disappearing into thin air while I got stuck dealing iwth the hornets. We did have one cool sequence where she was on the ground and I was on a roof directly above her, and we were dealing some death. Everybody was clearly pissed off that I was on a roof, so three of them went charging up the ladder right in front of me and all three got shot off.


I also went to her location once and she was on the ground, in passive mode. OK, taking a break from the game, that's fine. Then here came a dude in a propeller plane, obviously trying to do her in via the propellers. He ate an RPG for his trouble. So he respawns, gets in a car and tries to run her over. Guess what happened next? So he respawns, I shoot him, he respawns, I shoot him, he respawns, he (cue JR voice) RUNS LIKE A SCALDED DOG, BY GAWD!


The freemode evening ended when they went to screw with this one dude, who proceeded to kill them about 50 times before I could get down there, then he proceeded to kill me about 25 times. I'm like "oh dear, the hammer seems to have arrived" when Soul Reaper left, and I said "sorry, Dr. Amy, but crew you are not," and I skeedaddled. Freemode's a lot more fun with the night shift.

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Well aint this just a kick right in the ol' bikits. The day I actually getta play my dalm power is off. Imma hafta go an get some ice. The beers gonna be hot. Damn you j.c. pearr board. (Sorry I sometimes havea bad habit of spellin schit like I talk....I probably ourghta work on that. Ahhh farq it in the arse itll be aight iffin ya needa nates dickchunary lemme know and I'll hook ya right up)

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Weird thing happened last night. I joined a random Deathmatch, it was Canals, first team to 15 kills so we won quick. Then some people went to Freemode, but most of us voted to do Route 68. Then I get an error message saying "The room you are trying to spectate is being considered by Rockstar to become an online television channel, returning to Freemode" and it puts me in a new Freemode session. What's that about, then? Are we soon going to be able to watch races on our TVs (in GTA Online I mean. Not our IRL tellies).


Also, I got an invite to Cypress Flats LTS and took it (I like to do that. When I was doing the tutorial, it didn't let me do that LTS, just quit me out of the Lobby, so I always accept invites to it now). There were two other guys in there, a level 3 and a level 4. I'm level 245. Two more Minigun kills for me! Felt a bit guilty so I took them through a Survival, did a a parachute jump and jobbed an Air Race to one of them (he'd have got a DNF otherwise). He was level 8 by the time he left to Freemode. So it worked out OK for him really.

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People are wondering whether the TV channel thing means they're gonna start putting GTA 5 Online "action" on a streaming Internet site or have a TV channel on our in-game TVs with stuff from other people's rooms.


GTA Forums thread: http://bit.ly/1o5CIaE


Update (not that anyone cares): The gang cars thing is a bit of a bust. There are different kinds of cars, and some of them don't pay as well as a Baller, yet are an incredible pain to obtain. The gang guys get all kinds of mad when you steal their cars, for some reason. Meanwhile, I bought a second 10-car garage for my second character that is now full of Ballers. KACHING! 

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Servers were really flaky yesterday evening - wonder if the flakyness was caused by this, or maybe vice versa.  I was trying to find DMs, and probably got two server unavailable errors for every match I successfully joined.


I surprisingly found a few normal DMs over the weekend, so I was finally able to break 40 on my win count.  That stupid burning heart tattoo will be mine, damnit.  I did my first melee match in forever, because they set it for normal mode.  I won it - pretty sure that's the first melee match I've ever won.  It was first to 15, and at one point I had 14 kills with nobody else having more than 5.  Of course, I went on my traditional late match streak of being unable to kill anything, so I about shouting at the game before I finally won with a 5 kill margin.

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Servers are flaky today - game servers are down right now (12:54 p.m. Eastern).


They promised maintenance late last night, but I gamed most of the night last night with no problem. Maybe now's the maintenance. 

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The next update is the "I'm not a Hipster" pack. There's a new knife and gun, and clothes and hair and masks, and a bunch of old cars from previous GTAs (including Lowriders that might have hydraulics). And a new Six-Seater Triple Axle SUV.


But not heists.

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I was playing about 30 minutes ago and everything was fine.


Rethought the grabbing gang cars thing. It's actually fun and profitable if you go hunting them with one of the cars you want to see spawn. I stole a Declasse Tornado, painted it blue so the cops would stay off me, and that usually causes gang Tornados to spawn that go for about $12,000 or so apiece at Los Santos Customs.


Plus there's the added fun of having bunches of gang guys shooting at you if you steal one of their cars (as is the case with the yellow guys - don't know who they are exactly). I know the Purple guys are the Ballers, but Purple cars are quite rare. The Green guys are easiest, because they hardly ever can be bothered to shoot at you if you steal one of their cars.


I know they announced GTA 5 for next gen systems at E3, but did they announce the "Hipster" thing? So far, I've just seen that as a rumor.


Edit: Man, this game remains still oddly fun for a thousand reasons. I'm cold money ballin' hustlin' all over the place - my secondary character has a 10-car garage almost full of $13,000 gang cars and a 10-car garage full of Ballers. I made probably $400,000 today just goofing off, though I don't know why, I'll never spend it all. 


Meanwhile, Robert's sending me invites to the wackiest deathmatches ever. One's name was in German, no clue what it meant.


At one point, I spawned in a public room and I'm just trying to sell a car real quick, but people won't leave me alone. Then someone comes up to me honking their horn, I get in, friend request, chat invite, and I'm taking some 12-year-old Level 14 kid from Kentucky through the game, I'm explaining to him about selling cars every 45 miinutes or so, how Freemode's a sucker bet if you're trying to make money and how the cars you can steal but not mod are like that for everyone, not just the low-level players.


He was driving around a Fusilade, the same kind of car I started out with. Didn't have an apartment or garage. We did a Survival, found another kid and did Coveted, etc. I'll probably grow to regret helping the kid out, but I like their sense of marvel at stuff I've gotten used to. He didn't know you could surf the top of an ambulance, so I called 911 and we went ambulance surfing.


He was in heaven doing barrel rolls in my Zentorno. It's fun to listen to other people have fun. He said he'd never had a high-level player treat him so nice, and I'm like "why wouldn't they?" Why do people feel like they can be a dick and say things they wouldn't say to someone's face to someone over the Xbox chat? Why would you be a prick to a kid just because he's a kid? If they're annoying, bid them farewell, but don't be an asshole about it. We were all newbs once, dood.

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Plus there's the added fun of having bunches of gang guys shooting at you if you steal one of their cars (as is the case with the yellow guys - don't know who they are exactly). I know the Purple guys are the Ballers, but Purple cars are quite rare. The Green guys are easiest, because they hardly ever can be bothered to shoot at you if you steal one of their cars.


Green gang members are the Families.  It's the gang Franklin and Lamar are from in the single player game and CJ was from in GTA San Andreas.  Your online character is affiliated with them since you work for Lamar, so they're not aggressive towards you.


The yellow gang members are Vagos, a Mexican gang.  They are rivals to the Ballas and Families, but their main enemy are the Aztecas (turquoise).  So generally they will not fire at you unless you fire at them or steal one of their cars.

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Damn game is enjoying messing with me.  Got 8 DM wins, pretty much in a row last night, so I'm sitting at 49. 


First try for #50, I got into a big DM that was first to 25.  I had 18 kills, and nobody else had more than 12, when my ability to play the game completely left me.  I got taken out about 8 times in a row, and did not succeed in getting another kill the rest of the game, while the guy that was at 12 got on a miracle run and hit 25 quick.  Worst choke ever. 


Second attempt I got my ass kicked by a bunch of low level guys.  Like coming in 12 out of 14 players kicked. 


Third attempt was against one guy - his user created DM inside the FIB building with grenade launchers.  Lost 20-19. 


Gave up at that point for the night.  Clearly the game is punishing me for something.

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Yeah, I'm right there with you.  Of course, I tend to play the hell out of one game for long periods of time, and GTA5 is the only game I've bought in more than a year, so I'll probably stick with it for a while. 


At this point, I'm thinking heists are gonna be a big letdown.  People have been waiting for 8 months now, so anything less than the greatest gaming related thing ever will probably disappoint.

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I still get an odd kick out of the whole thing - racing gets frustrating, because EVERYONE is trying to PIT you - even the guys in 15th place in a 16-car race are trying to PIT me if I'm in last. I finished first in that 2-mile lap race yesterday despite everyone trying to PIT me, and I was yelling "TAKE THAT!" at the TV in an incredibly loud tone of voice.


But missions with randoms is fun because one of two things are gonna happen:


1. They're gonna be idiots, and it's a perverse fun to watch things go wrong. I was doing Stocks and Scares with three dudes yesterday, and they just kept shooting the guys and shooting the guys, and no one would move on getting the briefcase. I'm like, "uh, felllas, they keep spawning," so I went up and got the briefcase and got killed trying to make my escape. The two guys who were left never tried to make a move on picking up the briefcase I dropped. They just kept sitting there shooting people. They eventually got overwhelmed, game over.


2. They're good, and it's a pleasant surprise. I've ran into some Coveted pros lately. That's when you think "I made $18,000 for this?"


Helsts are gonna be a letdown.


Thanks for the info on the gangs, Neil. I feel kinda bad ripping off the Families now, didn't know we had a tie. I guess that's why they hardly ever fight back. I got a Balla Tornado last night, first one of those I've gotten. I usually rip off the Vagos - boy, do they get upset.

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