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This is some kind of promotional video for Bassil Battah (and his brother George), a Lebanese/Venezuelan wrestler and promoter who was running a building in New Mexico by the early 60's. Anyway, they're billing him as the world lightweight champion, and Gordon Solie is selling the shit out of Bas all the way through. George is interviewed then takes on a Mummy, Bassil gets interviewed then takes on an inexplicably masked Cowboy Bob Kelly, the match is fucking aimless and not any kind of showcase at all. Neither looks good and Kelly looks a bit frustrated in his body language, conducting a late, half heated blading on Bassil. There's not even a finish, maybe there really were 15 parts of this nonsense, rather than the 5 posted. Video quality is so shite you can't even see if there's any crowd, even if there is, the crowd noise is clearly dubbed. I wonder if Solie did more of this kind of thing, and how much he got paid for this. Not enough, anyway.


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Inspired by BAHU's Hayabusa bio, here he is in Mexico



And of course the Antichristo interview is right before the second match and LEMME TELL YOU ONE MORE THING, if you haven't seen that then what are you doing on this board? It's missing the "THANK YOU" at the end sadly.

EDIT: This brings up the dark mystery of who exactly was Antichristo. Why does he get pissed at the cameraman? Why are there no more matches from him anywhere? Why aren't there horns on his mask?

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And he twists the knife again... Consider it a repost? I can't remember the names of people at work much less 1001 different matches

In any case your plan inadvertently succeeded because I actually watched the match

EDIT: And you have no room to talk because the Honma/Yamakawa vs. Winger/WX file I sent you STILL isn't posted on the Staples page! HA!

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Wow, I was at that ECW Wrestlepalooza 2000.  Only original ECW show in the St. Louis area(Family Arena in St. Charles).

EDIT:  The YouTube channel has the rest of the Hardcore TV taping and the two dark matches.  Outstanding.

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@Patrick B. Lou Thesz was my grandfather's favorite pro wrestler. Everyone else was a distant second.

It was my grandfather that first turned on pro wrestling one Saturday morning while I was in the room that first allowed me to watch our great sport. The date on that match makes me smile because it meant Thesz was still wrestling even after my grandfather passed away. So, thanks for that post.


And thanks to anyone else that's posted it on pretty much any site ever.


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It's not really much of anything, but it's cool to see Rocky Tomayo/Inca Peruano was still going in 1982 - 17 years after that stupendous tag match in France. Even at 1/3 of that pace he's still fairly spry, and bumps much harder than he needs to.

There's a couple of short WWF matches of his on youtube too - one teaming with Scicluna against Strongbow and White Wolf. I know that I'm about the only one who appreciates Baron Mike matches though, so you can find it yourself if you want to see it, you philistines, you.

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