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DR: I figured out that it was my OMEGA fanboy side taking over and me being a mark for making too much over the fact Storm went over a freakin Hardy and that this was clouding my  perception of how good this match was- as opposed to the work in the ring. I dunno. Devon Storm has never had a good singles match that I can remember seeing and Jeff Hardy has been  in about 20 Good to Great to REALLY MOTHERFRICKING GREAT singles matches that I've seen, so I was looking at everything negative about Storm and expecting your basic miracle match from Hardy- so I had too much baggage going in to gauge this fairly. Ah fuck it.  This never kicked in at any point and I blame Storm. There you go.
PS: For a second there I thought that the ECWA bookers would bend us over for a second year in a row and push Devon to the finals over both Hardy Boys. Devon looks exactly like the  love child of Kanyon and Kronos. Jeff tried some stuff but him and Devon just weren't clicking.  I would be much harder on Storm if he didn't have a pretty good match later in the night, but  this should have ruled more.
RR: Devon Storm is the lesser member of the Extremists. I've seen him look better and I've seen him look worse... but this wasn't really that good. It was funny to note that Matt Hardy  was getting cheered by Hawaiian Boy at ringside, but Jeff was getting booed. Jeff did try to kill himself a few times and Storm won with a crappy version of the move that Misawa, Genki and Dreamer stole from him.
PR: I still can't fathom the fact that Jeff was outbumped on this show. He just didn't get the chance. We did creep the younger Hardy out with our "WILLOW" chant.
PP: I have nothing to say about this match that is either true or relevant.




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The Crazy David Flair / Daffney / Crowbar pairing was about the best booked thing to happen in the twilight of WCW.



Storm = obviously the worker of the team.


Why was I not told that Kevin Sullvan and Crowbar were an indie tag team?


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The Crazy David Flair / Daffney / Crowbar pairing was about the best booked thing to happen in the twilight of WCW.

HELL yeah.  I loved Crowbar.  I went to a WCW house show (long story) and they were one of the real highspots of the night.  Crowbar was taking air-bumps to sell the "crazy" part of his character, and I think at one point he even flung himself into the steps for no reason.  ON A HOUSE SHOW.  (In WCW, which was notorious for putting on the worst house shows of the big 3.)  Now THAT'S some goddamn work ethic.  


He also put on easily match of the night with Sabu on one of those indy PPVs that aired before TNA was born.  I was watching the show with a roomful of wrestlers, and they were HARSH critics of that disaster (it was the one that Randy Savage pulled out of at the last second).  The opening ROH-ish scramble with Low-Ki, Christopher Daniels, AJ Styles, Nova, and a couple other flippy guys did NOT impress them.  ("Can you do ANYTHING else?!" one shrieked, after Low-Ki kick #47).  The show droned on and on, with a decent midget match and a halfway-decent Hogan impression match.  Everything seemed like a pathetic wannabe of the WWF, nothing resembling real competition.  But then Sabu and Crowbar came out, and they did a Sabu match, with Crowbar perfectly keeping up with the maniac step-for-step and nailing every spot and really getting the crowd into it.  And Crowbar lost, of course; he's one of those guys who it's hard to remember their finisher, because they hardly ever got the chance to use it.  

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PWI et al used to talk about him as if he were the next big thing before he went to WCW.  He definitely had a lot of the tools to be a big player and always tried his best with whatever he was given.  I had hoped he'd have a decent run post-WCW but I guess WWE were never interested, plus he probably makes a better living as a physical therapist anyways.


I've been trying to find a Devon Storm/Sabu match from WCW Worldwide forever but have always come up short.

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Monsoon Classic just tweeted about how this match was 14 years ago and I figured that was too appropriate to not share




EDIT - And in response to the tweet Mike Sanders tweeted



Mike Sanders ‏@MikeSandersNBT  57m

@Monsoon_Classic Hey Boss Thanks for the memory. Crowbar is an awesome guy last time I worked him 12 stitches in the head #auburnhills
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