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Name The Big Men Better Than Mark Henry

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Well, I thought Edge was great for what he was. He was a very good gimmick match wrestler... took a lot of risks..  he had a great character during his Rated R Superstar run..  he had a ton of charisma. I wouldn't say he was all gimmicks either. He had some very good matches with the right opponents. He was very good during the SD! six era. I wouldn't say All-Time great but if this was baseball he'd be Bernie Williams or Carlos Beltran.

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Edge was the absolute best guy to win MitB and cash in on Cena. I think you could also make a case that Edge was one of Taker's best opponents and was able to get really different and unique matches out of him. I think Edge had some pretty boring stuff, but he always brought it for big matches. I think it's easy to forget now how over he was as with both Lita and Vickie. Also there was plenty of fun stuff from his tag days with Christian.

This is all from off the top of my head, and I am pretty indifferent to Edge.

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Edge is pretty much the WWE version of Voldemort/Guerrero/Daniel Bryan, except instead of working his way up through indies around the world, he worked his way up from being a member of a vampire cult to a kazoo player to show stealing tag team wrestler to WWE Champion.

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I have to be honest, while I would not rate her above Mark Henry or anything, I am a really big Kharma mark. She was fantastic against Kim and Wilde, and I really enjoyed her short-lived tag team with Hamada too.


She is great at knowing just when to leave her feet. Plus also the fat (wo)man butt splash attempt gets me popping every time. It's one of the reasons that I also like fellow fat wrestler John Tenta so much. 

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I don't know if this is actually a strike against him or just a bizarre prejudice, but Henry I feel comes across way less intimidating in battle royales than Show and Andre. I always felt that was a major calling card of the super heavy.

Henry is a guy who is super physically impressive live, and I think it never quite comes across on TV.I was at the pre-WWE Smackdown with the Angle v Undertaker main event that ended in DQ when Henry splashed Taker through table. And it is really weird having watched it live, where Angles arms were so atrophied, there were times where it looked like Taker was wrestling himself and the Henry splash was a giant holy shit moment...on tape Angle looks far more credible and the splash doesn't have the sheer force that you experienced in the Arena.

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Why should I have to defend my opinion?  At all?  That's one of the problems with this folder and PWO and everywhere else the same group posts: anytime that someone says "well, I like Workrate Pariah #1" the inevitable response is "You need to give us a long super-detailed list of every single reason you like the guy, and NAME YOUR SOURCES, and then we'll respond by point-by-point telling you how you're completely wrong, sometimes doing so in a rather condescending or scornful fashion."  With attitudes like that in place, is it any fucking wonder that anyone who holds unpopular opinions would keep their mouth shut?  

This is a discussion board.

It is not twitter, not tumblr, it is a discussion board.

There are separate threads for people who want to post pictures or post matches ( I don't think we have a animated gif thread) without discussion.But for the most part, discussion board.

Why would someone participate in a discussion board if they aren't interested in discussions?

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While he isn't as big as the people listed, the size difference compared to most of his opponents probably could throw Morishima in the mix. It's not as if Austin Aries was going to body slam him or anything. He had a couple really great years before he got injured all the time.

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This is a discussion board.

It is not twitter, not tumblr, it is a discussion board.

There are separate threads for people who want to post pictures or post matches ( I don't think we have a animated gif thread) without discussion.But for the most part, discussion board.

Why would someone participate in a discussion board if they aren't interested in discussions?

I've never once used twitter or tumblr, so I'm not sure what you mean by that.  But my point isn't discussion, my point is burden of proof.  All too often, just mentioning that one possesses a certain opinion can bring up a "Defend your opinion, at great length~!" response from some people, who often have not themselves posted at great length.  Person A says "Rassler #1 is great!" and Person B goes "Meh, never did much for me" and Person A is all like "well then you need to write me an analytical essay of no less than 1500 words, conforming to Whitney & Strunk's stylistic elements, and cite no less than ten sources... Wikipedia (nor any source it links) nor your own personal opinions do not count!".  And if Person B complains about that, then someone inevitably expresses the same "lol, why r u even here if u dont wana talk n cant defend ur opinions!" sentiment that you just did above.  It tends to be more of a problem with PWO (and especially WKO, but let's not even get into that pathetic little sparsely-inhabited island of groupthink), but there are enough cross-posters at all of the above that it spreads everywhere.  


In short: other people mentioned Edge first, saying he sucked.  I said I disagreed.  Suddenly I'm demanded to provide proof, while the people who said he sucked in the first place never did.  THAT'S what annoys me, when you're in a debate and someone demands more specific information from you than they've been providing themselves.  (And no, "I wrote it in some other thread you've never seen" doesn't count.)  

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And if Person B complains about that, then someone inevitably expresses the same "lol, why r u even here if u dont wana talk n cant defend ur opinions!" sentiment that you just did above.  It tends to be more of a problem with PWO (and especially WKO, but let's not even get into that pathetic little sparsely-inhabited island of groupthink), but there are enough cross-posters at all of the above that it spreads everywhere.  


In short: other people mentioned Edge first, saying he sucked.  I said I disagreed.  Suddenly I'm demanded to provide proof, while the people who said he sucked in the first place never did.  THAT'S what annoys me, when you're in a debate and someone demands more specific information from you than they've been providing themselves.  (And no, "I wrote it in some other thread you've never seen" doesn't count.)  

You were not removed from WKO for failure to defend your opinions, or having "unpopular" opinions. This has been explained to you numerous times.Yes there is no archive here anymore, but have you really never seen anyone got into detail describing their difficulties with Edge?

I'm  an Edge defender (not a proponent, just defender) but c'mon people have gone into detail into all of Edge's flaws.

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Vader, Bam Bam Bigelow, Bam Bam Gordy, Yokozuna, Headhunter A, Headhunter B, Rikishi were all more versatile than Mark Henry and were more able to give a performance that I as paying punter would feel value for money from. 


Mark Henry is only better than Mabel. In fact, "Better than Mabel" should be the subtitle to his 3 disc retrospective which would be such a poor seller that the WWE... wait, maybe there is a reason that the WWE haven't made a video for him in 17 years. it would tank, because nobody really wants to sit down and watch Mark Henry matches. How many of you find yourselves watching random Mark Henry matches on YouTube from ten years ago or longer, like I do say, Bret, Shawn, Angle, Benoit, CM Punk, Malenko, HHH, Undertaker, Booker T, Juventud Guerrera, Chris Jericho, Keiji Muto, Rock, Edge, Cena... yeah if anybody has their hands up, I honestly think they are a liar. 


I love inclusion of HHH here.  It really blows the gimmick.  

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Why should I have to defend my opinion?  At all?  That's one of the problems with this folder and PWO and everywhere else the same group posts: anytime that someone says "well, I like Workrate Pariah #1" the inevitable response is "You need to give us a long super-detailed list of every single reason you like the guy, and NAME YOUR SOURCES, and then we'll respond by point-by-point telling you how you're completely wrong, sometimes doing so in a rather condescending or scornful fashion."  With attitudes like that in place, is it any fucking wonder that anyone who holds unpopular opinions would keep their mouth shut?  



Why are you posting on a wrestling message board if you have no interest in discussing wrestling?

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I wasn't following the above sub-discussion with Jingus, so I apologize for repeating the point that was already made.  


Having said that, Jingus if you don't want to answer questions people pose about wrestlers you like don't answer them.  No reason to work a martyr gimmick, just ignore the question.  We have all walked away from discussions that we feel are unproductive, waste of our time, et, there is not need to climb up on the cross and claim you are being victimized by people who want more than "I think wrestler X is cool" in a wrestling discussion.  


Also worth noting that the people most likely to write massive posts on why they do/don't like wrestlers and/or matches are also the same group of people who tend to be interested in seeing the details behind why other people enjoy wrestlers/matches, which sort of decimates the implied argument that it's cyber bullying to ask someone what they like about Edge.

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I liked Edge as a tag team wrestler with Christian, but having recently watched quite a bit of that stuff, only the car crash matches hold up at all. Christian and Edge weren't the best at laying a heel-y beating on even sympathetic FIPs like Jeff Hardy. 


As a singles wrestler, I really dislike Edge strongly. He has really bad offense and his facial expressions are overblown and crappy. He's the least threatening crazy guy (well, at least somewhat crazy) ever. 


For a guy that the WWE holds up as one of the best ever, his catalogue is really weak. Even the things people tout like the TLC match with Cena aren't really that good (and Cena was on fire that year). The best singles match Edge ever had was that awesome cage match with Matt Hardy, and honestly Matt Hardy was amazing at that point. 

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The problem with judging some guys' Attitude-era work is that it was such a workrate-unfriendly atmosphere.  The matches were so short, so overloaded with gimmicks and ga-ga, and often involving such a terrible undercard roster that even the all-time greats had a hard time making much of an impression.  (How many matches did Rikishi have which WEREN'T entirely built around stinkfaces?)  When you're jerking the curtain with Ice Train on Thunder or having a ninety-second match with Road Dogg which largely consists of hitting him with cookie sheets and then getting mock-humped a lot, it's pretty tough to show off your skills.  Bossman certainly was rarely-if-ever in a position to have classic matches in the last few years of his career (and the unbelievable amount of utter Wrestlecrap which he was forced to enact in '99 probably makes me more biased against that tenure than I should be).  Traylor seemed to me to be kinda like a Mike Awesome type who was incredible in the right match, but didn't get booked in the right match very often.  




You were not removed from WKO for failure to defend your opinions, or having "unpopular" opinions. This has been explained to you numerous times.

Oh bullshit.  They banned me because I didn't agree with them, period.  I did nothing wrong on that board: didn't start fights, didn't break the rules, nothing.  I said something Mike didn't like (that I liked Triple H better than either Ian Rotten or Steve Corino, don't recall which one) and then Mike responded by insulting me and calling me stupid; I responded by politely asking him to quit flaming me, and then POOF, I'm banned.  How else can you possibly spin that?  

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Morishima (past the Double Takeshi tag period) is probably the poster child for heavyweight who would let Austin Aries  bodyslam him in their first in ring exchange.

While I agree that Morishima has not generally protected his size the way he should, I don't think he's ever let Aries or anyone his size/build slam him. His name did cross my mind earlier and I do really enjoy his work generally speaking. But Henry's psychology is much stronger and even though Morishima maybe has a more impressive portfolio of matches, Henry seems to clearly be a better wrestler overall. I don't think he's a crazy name to throw out there though.

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To be fair, Triple H smokes both of them pretty easily. I agree with you.


RE: Bossman. Yes, most definitely. He had some great brawls in the hardcore division at the very least. He was in fantastic shape during that entire run.


I imagine Bossman had some good stuff during the Attitude Era, but let's not be silly.  HHH wasn't even as good in his best year as Corino was that same year.

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I can't really speak to Morishima's work against juniors in Japan, but a lot of the back and forth in his ROH tenure against smaller guys was really due to the prevalent style at the time. I think if you look back his size is still a factor. This is clear in the difference between the way he worked most of his opponents versus the way he worked Brent Albright and Claudio during that one weekend double shot. It was pretty markedly different in how much he gave the bigger guys comparitively.

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I'm pretty meh on Edge in most normal matches (except the Mania match with Taker, and a few others) but he is one of the absolute best gimmick match workers in WWE history.

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