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Grand Theft Auto V Talk.

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Charging $60,000 for something they knew they were gonna keep everyone from using after a weekend is particularly money-grubbing.


I don't know whether they think they're gonna sell more Shark Cards or have just said "screw it, they'll just run Rooftop Rumble and make the money, we can charge whatever."


And that one guy last night simply would not give up. We'd kill him, he'd put it in passive, we'd kill him some more, he'd come out of passive, we'd kill him, he'd go back into passive, we'd kill him. He kept putting it in passive despite the fact that this only marginally slowed down his demise, not prevented it. He was in passive once and got into a car right in front of me. I'm like "dood, really?" as I blew him up with a RPG. Blew myself up, too, but who cares? KILL TARGET.

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I know how everyone is just doing Rooftop Rumble over and over again now that Coveted is slightly harder (it's very hard if you've got an idiot who runs down the hill immediately, and dies repeatedly without doing anything useful). I think I'm the only person who thinks Defender is a good, quick mission to grind for easy cash. I like to do it with low level randoms, because they need the flight skill usually.

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I played the forced musket and pickups deathmatch that's part of the playlist, and was more successful than I've ever been in a deathmatch. Of course, that was all relative. I had 6 kills and no deaths for a K/D of 6.0. I ran out of musket ammo very early and spent the rest of the deathmatch furiously running around trying to pick up something, anything.


The only thing I found was a gas can. No pistol to light the gas with, so that was no good. A guy on the other team then tried to run me over with a truck and I evaded him for the rest of the match.


The capture wasn't bad, as far as captures go. I really liked the one from the hipster playlist where two teams try to steal cabs from the cab company in the center. 

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14 grand for a musket is cheap considering you're probably gonna get to keep the musket after the weekend's over.


Try paying $60,000 for a fireworks shooter you won't be able to use after Sunday, until they turn it on again (probably around NYE).


Up WAY too freakin' late battling a never-ending onslaught of yayhoos by the government building. There were times when I could do no wrong and times when I could do no right.


Sorry to the crew for any confusion with my GTA buddy Lone Dead Wing - I really think he was more of an asset than a liability when we got into the groove of not shooting each other. He's a pretty good player. Don't know why he's been coming around more often, and I hate to say "piss off, we're trying to play here." That little girl or whatever had to go - I'd already muted her while trying to figure out if I could kick her or not when MIs gave her the boot.


Feel free to create private chat rooms in the future to keep that crap from happening - I'm not sure if I can control it on my end outside of defrending the guy, and he's a good dude.


But it was like one gigantic run-in - we'd beat some into leaving and more would take their place. Some were down there the whole time. Oh yeah, that Arthur dude or whatever his name is sent me a message, too, Robert. He accused us of using mod menus and said we've now pissed off four or five crews and have made enemies for life. I wrote him back and said "no mod menus, I swear. We're not that smart."


Just noticed he wrote back and said that powerofevil (who Herby and Mis swear was cheating) thinks we suck and KNFL (who?) and ruderangers (who?) can't wait to war with us some more. OK... It's funny that the guy doing all of this shit talking came down there, got killed once, got his Zentorno blown up and then was in passive for literally two straight hours, if not more. We couldn't even get around to trying to run him over for probably at least an hour and a half because we were so busy beating back the oncoming horde.


I need a little break from Freemode.

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It was a weird night all the way around, and something was definitely up with that server.  There were multiple times I couldn't target people when they were standing right in front of me.  It may've been happening to the clowns we were fighting as well.  Or they could've just been little bitches after we got several hundred kills on them.


The weirdest thing game-wise was the car behavior.  Several times I stole a car and started driving off, only to find myself standing next to the car while some NPC drove off in it.  Then there were a couple times in a row where I tried to jack Ballers and the NPC drivers would rapidly switch appearance, changing the character model completely, several times a second while I was trying to yank them out of the car.  Then, once I got the driver out the car would disappear.  Mis blew up my car at one point way out by the east coast, despite the fact that I'd hidden the damn thing in the middle of downtown and never moved it.


Something seemed off with that powerofevil guy to me as well.  He showed up a couple hours into the fight and I immediately killed him 6 or 7 times in a row.  After that, he became almost impossible to kill.   I maybe managed one more kill on him.  Couldn't auto target him, and he was a bullet sponge.  At one point it took 4 heavy sniper hits from me, and two more from Herby, to bring him down.  I will say he was good with the sniper rifle. 


That was the longest continuous fight I'd ever been in, probably lasted 5 hours with no letup.  Whole thing started over a special crate drop over near a beach on the east coast, near the Governmental DM location.  I got there first, but somebody managed to take me out while I was killing off the last of the crate guards.  He managed to grab the crate, so I killed him twice and he bailed out of the server.  Then everybody else showed up.  For a long while it was mis and me against a rotating cast of four or five It was mainly MoronicWall8420 (who the social club says is now officially my bitch after I killed him 67 times) and tense olive something, who managed to kill me one time for every five times I got him only by going into passive and coming out when I was distracted fighting his buddies.  Tense olive sent me an in game text, but it disappeared before I got round to reading it.  Probably bragging about his brilliant passive technique. 


Somebody named BlackEatenchikn showed up, so I killed him a few times.  He sent me about 8 or 10 party invites, then when I ignored em he started the parade of weird messages with "If you don't join the party, you're our bitch".  I think he must've been disturbingly attracted to my character, which ought to worry anybody that's seen her.  I was too busy with the firefight to deal with that, so I killed him a few more times and he left.


Around then Al Copeland shows up.  I immediately killed him, blew up his car.  He sent me a long text, basically saying why did you kill me, and saying that everybody else in the server are his buddies.  Not sure what he was expecting wandering into an ongoing firefight like that.  I ignored it and killed him twice more.  He then spent the next 3 hours in the server in passive, sending me whiny XBOX live messages complaining that I'm picking on him and accusing us of cheating.  Our sniper skills were a bit too good it seems, because he was moaning that we weren't fighting in the city.  Apparently I also have "damc dc2u vagos mc n knfl" as life enemies now, whatever that means.


Stout and Herby showed up to make the odds more than even, and Stout's buddy helped as well.  Probably end up at least a hundred kills for the night.  I'll take it.

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Fuck that guy, I reported him.


He was a total bitch.  If we got a shot into him he would throw it passive or kill himself to spawn somewhere else so he wouldn't be killed by us.  


He even got Herby to call him a mother fucker....




First clue that something was messed up was when the kill count on him reset when I was up on him.  I think he turned on a mod menu or something at that point. 


All in all though, we kicked the shit out of that entire room 20 times over.  The bad thing about it was, it all started over a crate drop and we missed about 9 or 10 crate drops during that war....it went beyond a firefight.

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Also, I'm really glad you guys did the write up on that...I'm severely slacking since I got 4 hrs of sleep and made it into work 1.5 hrs late today.  I just can't process much right now due to lack of sleep and it being fucking crazy hectic busy here, but hey, my k/d went up .05 last night against those cumdumpster's!

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Something seemed off with that powerofevil guy to me as well.  He showed up a couple hours into the fight and I immediately killed him 6 or 7 times in a row.  After that, he became almost impossible to kill.   I maybe managed one more kill on him.  Couldn't auto target him, and he was a bullet sponge.  At one point it took 4 heavy sniper hits from me, and two more from Herby, to bring him down.  I will say he was good with the sniper rifle. 


I had that happen with someone. I was driving around the city looking for something to sell and he shows up off the radar and blows up my car, then runs to his apartment. So I go and wait outside his garage, and when he drives out I shoot him and his friend. Then he respawns and I snipe him... and then something happens and it's impossible to Auto Aim at him, whilst he can auto aim at me from any range. He can hit me and kill me with an Assault Shotgun, outside Shotgun range, while I'm Combat rolling.


I could still kill him with the Sniper and the Sticky Bomb, but he had another guy backing him up and I didn't (everyone got split up and dumped into full servers). i had assumed it was the whole 5AM my time, 10PM his time thing, but maybe he was cheating.

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Something seemed off with that powerofevil guy to me as well.  He showed up a couple hours into the fight and I immediately killed him 6 or 7 times in a row.  After that, he became almost impossible to kill.   I maybe managed one more kill on him.  Couldn't auto target him, and he was a bullet sponge.  At one point it took 4 heavy sniper hits from me, and two more from Herby, to bring him down.  I will say he was good with the sniper rifle. 


I had that happen with someone. I was driving around the city looking for something to sell and he shows up off the radar and blows up my car, then runs to his apartment. So I go and wait outside his garage, and when he drives out I shoot him and his friend. Then he respawns and I snipe him... and then something happens and it's impossible to Auto Aim at him, whilst he can auto aim at me from any range. He can hit me and kill me with an Assault Shotgun, outside Shotgun range, while I'm Combat rolling.


I could still kill him with the Sniper and the Sticky Bomb, but he had another guy backing him up and I didn't (everyone got split up and dumped into full servers). i had assumed it was the whole 5AM my time, 10PM his time thing, but maybe he was cheating.



I'd normally chalk it up to my own incompetence, plus the fact that this occurred between 5 and 6 AM my time, except for two things.  One - everybody else in our party noticed it too, even though I hadn't said anything.  Two - his buddy had been accusing us of mod menu stuff for hours.  I honestly have no clue what mod menu means, but it could be a case of doth protest too much.

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Fuck that guy, I reported him.


He was a total bitch.  If we got a shot into him he would throw it passive or kill himself to spawn somewhere else so he wouldn't be killed by us.  


He even got Herby to call him a mother fucker....




First clue that something was messed up was when the kill count on him reset when I was up on him.  I think he turned on a mod menu or something at that point. 


All in all though, we kicked the shit out of that entire room 20 times over.  The bad thing about it was, it all started over a crate drop and we missed about 9 or 10 crate drops during that war....it went beyond a firefight.


He wasn't the only guy that reset.  That generic atom guy did the same thing.  May be convenient that the reset happened on 2 of the 3 guys that didn't completely embarrass themselves.

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generic atom was running even with me sniping until I got off the roofs and advanced upon his position.  After that...well, not so much.  I think I ended up about 15 kills on him for the night.  


Moronic though...he was aptly named.  



I'd like to meet that powerofevil guy in a dark alley in the bad part of town 


*(according to the voice message he sent me, his "skillz" were far beyond that of mine, or some other nonsense.)

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Mod menus are like what those people were using to get the UFOs to spawn in the middle of town - that's apparently how people can make themselves invincible. 


I'm REALLY shy about proclaiming someone a cheater unless I see something really funky with my own eyes. I never really had that problem with powerofevil - every time he got me, it seemed perfectly clean to me, and I never had real trouble that I could note killing him when I actually managed to kill him. He got the best of me, no doubt. I'll take y'all's words for it, but I didn't see it myself, is what I'm saying.


I always worry that I'm immediately thinking "he must be cheating!" when someone's kicking my ass when truth is, I'm just getting my ass kicked. Like Al Copeland assuming we were cheating 'cause we're better than him at the game.


The last definite cheater I remember was those dudes with the jets who was dominating everyone at the airport - that had to be cheating, just had to be.


I'm by no means done with Al Copeland. I'm gonna pop into whatever room he's in and pay him a visit sooner or later - I can get to his profile via the message he sent me, and if he's on GTA Online, I can join his game. I just wanna say "hi." "Sup, Al?" (shoot in head)


What he was saying, Robert, is that now apparently all these different crews are now our mortal enemies. How many times did you kill that guy before I got there? I only killed him once and you blew up his Zentorno, then he went into passive for three hours. We truly missed out on not going into the game chat to hear what was going on - I bet that place was going insane talking shit about us.


EDIT: I looked on Al's friends list later, and sure enough, all of those dudes were on there, it was like a who's who of those guys we were warring with, even ol' cheater boy. They may have not been on the same crew, but they were all buddies. I tried to pop into his room to say hi, but it was full.

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Or, remember when that asshole had my car blocked in the impound lot by spawning the shipping containers at the exits?


No *one* is good enough to kill ALL of us, repeatedly, like he was doing without SOMETHING to their advantage.   We are the fucking reapers!


No he wasn't invincible, I was able to freeaim and get him at close range with the auto shotty and snipe him (it took more than one round obviously), but I shot a damn rpg BESIDE him when I was up on the hill and he was in the valley near the beach where all that shit started. He shook it off and sniped me WHILE the explosion was happening.  


When something explodes near you, and you are using the sniper rifle, the screen shakes violently making it nigh impossible to make a shot.  I've been locked onto non-mobile targets before and had an rpg explode in my vicinity and couln't even get a hit marker due to this.


That and the auto-lock/aim assist not working on the pole smoker.  He damn sure wasn't a friendly.

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I can't say for sure that he was cheating.  I'm not even sure the jet guys were cheating, though I really think the were.  I can only say for sure I've seen cheating 3 times.  One was a guy who withstood literally thousands of minigun rounds while I was watching on VCN.  The other two were guys that were completely invisible, but clearly weren't in a glitch.  I do know that some very strange things were happening in that server, and I still think it's suspicious that they were accusing US of cheating before that guy went from cannon fodder to nearly invincible. 

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Those jet guys HAD to be using lag switches. We ran into a couple of cheaters when the UFOs were first wreaking havoc. I ran into someone I personally shot well over 50 times and it didn't faze him. I ran like I was on fire.


The guy was probably cheating, to go from 7 kills in a row to damn near invincible. But I PERSONALLY never saw anything to that effect. Three people saying he was is plenty well good enough to make me think he was.

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On a happier note: Go to your apartment. Put on a mask. Go to drink Whiskey or Wine. When your mask disappears, bring up the interaction menu, go to inventory and put on a hat or helmet. Then when you stop drinking, your mask will reappear without your other headwear disappearing.


Wolf in a Top Hat~!


All weekend, it seemed like I was waiting by green circles. Crates never dropped.

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Been wanting to hang out in a Freemode room, 'cause that's where the good stuff happens - crate drops, Simeon cars, KILL TARGET - so a friend of mine invites me to his Freemode session, and I'm like "what the hell?"


So I turn on the game chat, 'cause he's usually on there. It was us and about 5 mouthy dudes saying the N-word every 20 seconds until this one guy comes in and pretty innocently asks if anyone wants to ride motorcycles. Decent enough little deal, right? Well, they turn on him, blasting him for being a fag for wanting to ride motorcycles.


Well, the dude reacts all wrong and starts talking shit about how his K/D is so great and he's in one of the top 15 crews in the game, and no one can whip his ass, and I'm thinking "this should be easy." So I head over there and everybody's gathered around him, but they're shooting each other and talking too much shit to team up and get serious and go after his ass. He killed me twice legit and once on a really bad spawn. I sniped him once.


But it was infuriating, 'cause he's holding his own and I'm thinking "how can seven people not whip this guy's ass? Focus!" They were too busy talking shit to actually kill him. The dude wrote a check and they were gonna let his ass cash it just 'cause they couldn't quit being dipshits for 2 seconds and focus on a singular, well-defined, easy goal.


I even put a $9,000 bounty on his ass, for which he thanked me and complemented me for being serious. I'm like "fellas, there's your target, have at it," and they continued to piddleshit around and (mainly) get killed by the guy.


I got frustrated and left.


I just got back from Maryland this morning.  If this guy is on any server when we on for Tuesday Night Titans, we will haunt this mother fucker like our names were Jacob Marley.


I have an auto service appointment this afternoon, but I will log onto GTAO for a bit when i get home since I haven't been on since last Thursday and I don't want my skills to take a hit.


I was online long enough on Friday to get a Gold medal run for the mission, Fresh Meat.


I don't know why the GTA Forums boards are littered with threads complaining about the difficulty in finding Michael.  I had no issues finding Michael with the Trackify app and rescuing him in under three minutes was pretty easy. 


I armed Franklin with the Pump Shotgun to pad my Shooting Accuracy and the mission has two Med packs on the map for health recovery.


I had Mchael and Franklin play Golf and Darts together, so there are two more things checked off of the Miscellaneous list for 100% Completion.

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I know that Herby got a Statue of Happiness t-shirt from a SC Drop, but did anyone else get any of the unique Indy Day swag? 


I was kinda hoping that at least one of us would've gotten a beer hat.

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I know that Herby got a Statue of Happiness t-shirt from a SC Drop, but did anyone else get any of the unique Indy Day swag? 


I was kinda hoping that at least one of us would've gotten a beer hat.

I got that statue of happiness shirt from somewhere - it wasn't listed as part of the crap in that special crate I got, but apparently, I got it. I haven't checked my hat menu for a beer hat. I gotta try that hat/mask glitch to make myself the cat in a hat.


The armored car glitch never left - me, Mis and Herby kachinged that glitch for probably $100,000 apiece a week or so ago.

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I know that Herby got a Statue of Happiness t-shirt from a SC Drop, but did anyone else get any of the unique Indy Day swag? 


I was kinda hoping that at least one of us would've gotten a beer hat.


I got that statue of happiness shirt from somewhere - it wasn't listed as part of the crap in that special crate I got, but apparently, I got it. I haven't checked my hat menu for a beer hat. I gotta try that hat/mask glitch to make myself the cat in a hat.


Yeah, the Statue of Happiness t-shirt is dropped from a special crate, although I think you can also use a glitch to get it like you can with the beer hat.

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