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Lack of stadium is the stated reason.


The conspiracy theory reason is that L.A. gives the NFL a sword to hang above the head of every NFL city when it comes to trying to get a new stadium built for a team.

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LA doesn't care about football, they just feel entitled to a team because they're LA. They would only care about the team if it was winning, like they do with USC, Dodgers, Angels, Clippers, Kings, and Ducks. It seems the Lakers are also not immune to the no wins=no cares but we should give it some more time to be sure.

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The argument always goes that there is so much more to do in L.A., and the game gets over so much earlier, that the city just doesn't live and die with it's team the way us fly over places do.

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Someone had the brilliant suggestion that to solve the Redskins problems, just change the logo to a potato.

I like it.

Uh, this was suggested months ago :)

Well I'm suggesting it again.

Free the potato logo.

While we're at it, let's relocate them to Boise or Dublin or wherever the hell red potatoes grow.

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That argument doesn't explain NYC being twice as populated with perhaps even more to do enjoying the NFL.

One could argue that since there has been football in NYC for as long as anyone can remember it's been handed down from father to son and so forth. unlike LA who hasn't had a team for 20 years. also one could argue there's also the fact that unlike LA, NYC doesn't have college football.

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That argument doesn't explain NYC being twice as populated with perhaps even more to do enjoying the NFL.



Winter in NYC sucks in comparison to LA.  Way more to do out there.  It's actually more about being able to comfortably do outside activities and enjoy them than anything else.   

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Even thought Tabe has been really mean to me lately,

What are you talking about?


Just teasing you, about the Watkins comment a few pages back.


Oh, I figured.  I just didn't know what the heck you were referencing :)

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Boston is about as close as you are going to get to a city that gives a shit about all its teams but the Patriots love is a new thing. When I was growing up nobody cared about the pats.

I would agree.  Detroit loves the Lions, Tigers and Red Wings but doesn't care much about the Pistons when they're not any good. 


News story this week in Detroit: Tigers games are the highest-rated TV show in Detroit.

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I really hope no one here brings the heat with some variation of "Even if it is second hand smoke, he needs to make better life decisions about who he hangs out with" because now that Antacular is gone, I genuinely like everyone here, and I'm not sure I could claim that if a person honestly believes in that line of thinking. 

You think "don't hang out with dudes who are smoking dope" is not valid advice for somebody who's been repeatedly popped for smoking dope?  I'm not saying the guy should ditch his friends or anything like that but a "oh hey guys, I gotta jet" when somebody tokes up is probably in order.


Even thought Tabe has been really mean to me lately, I have to agree with him.  If I was told "Hey Kevin, if you inhale any drugs at all, even second hand, you will be suspended from your job for a year" guess what?  Kevin ain't getting anywhere near some smoke.  Its not about thinking the rules are fair, you still have to follow them.  I have to wear dress shoes to work.  I hate it, I walk like 7,000 steps a day, my feet are always sore.  Still gotta wear dress shoes.  Rules are rules, even stupid ones, and its his responsibility to be as careful as possible that he doesn't break them.




I don't want to get in to an argument, because I'm not going to change anyone's mind on anything, but I wanted to clarify my position a tiny bit. To take the dress shoes example, it's fine to have to wear dress shoes to work. Josh Gordon wore his dress shoes, after being caught in sneakers twice. Josh Gordon wore dress shoes outside of work as well, because that's part of the deal. He even submitted to someone from work coming around at random intervals over 70 times to make sure he wasn't wearing sneakers, and every time, he was rockin' some fine ass Stacy Adams. Unfortunately for Mr. Gordon, the last time someone came around to check, all his friends were wearing sneakers, and some of the rubber sole happened to rub off on his previously immaculate dress shoes. This was just enough to prevent him from working for a year. I guess we can say that Gordon knew this was a potential risk, but it sure seems like he is getting the short end of the stick. I also think that if this scenario is true, it is absolutely part of the dialogue to look a little closer at the rule and how fair it is, and not just say "Well, thems the breaks", especially in light of new evidence showing one of Gordon's samples showed he wasn't wearing sneakers. Obviously we can question his judgement for any number of things, but when being suspended for a year or not apparently comes down to a coin flip, we should be questioning a few other things. We also don't know the situation. I agree with everyone that posted above that if Gordon was sitting around in a room while his five besties took bong hits, that is a questionable decision. I would not go so far as to say "Josh Gordon should avoid any situation in which there may be marijuana smoke (or sneakers, I guess)" because that is patently unfair. 


Look, I think Josh Gordon obviously has a drug problem, and I think it needs to be addressed with education and treatment. Truthfully, I think that we should probably take Mr. Gordon's story with a grain of salt or five, but if we take him at face value, I think we should feel sympathy for him instead of chastising him for having relationships with men of questionable moral fiber. Perhaps if we holstered that impulse for a moment and embraced treating this as a psychological issue instead of an offense that he should be punished for, he would eventually decide to find new friends. Or he might decide he loves weed. Who knows. I guess that is his right. I just think that we should avoid tut tutting and looking down our noses until we know a little more about the situation. 


I also think it's getting harder and harder to look at this whole thing in a vacuum. People have made jokes, but there is a kernel of truth to saying Gordon would be playing by week 3 if he just beat the shit out of the drug tester and walked out. 


Lastly, I want to make sure everyone knew I was joking when I said I wouldn't like you anymore if you said anything. Likening anyone to Antacular is dirty pool ;) Obviously Tabe and Kuestar are good guys who are awesome on this board, even if I seemingly disagree with literally every sports related opinion they both have. I fully expect to post this and still have you both disagree with me, which is totally fine. I'm not very good at debating things, so there are probably a million ways you can pick apart what I've written. If you feel the need, go for it. I'd love to see where you are coming from, and maybe get a better understanding for a way of thinking I can't really wrap my head around. I just want to make it clear I'm posting this to help you guys understand my original post and try and make my point in a way that is a little less combative.  

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Boston is about as close as you are going to get to a city that gives a shit about all its teams but the Patriots love is a new thing. When I was growing up nobody cared about the pats.

I would agree.  Detroit loves the Lions, Tigers and Red Wings but doesn't care much about the Pistons when they're not any good. 


News story this week in Detroit: Tigers games are the highest-rated TV show in Detroit.



The nutty thing is, I still honestly believe that the Lions are Detroit's favorite team, and they haven't been good since the 50's.


(The Pistons thing is also very true.  During those years when they went to the ECF every year, they led the NBA in attendance for something like 6 straight years.  Before that, and now again, you could/can get decent seats for fairly cheap right at tip-off.)

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