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God, just when you thought you were done with Eos, more mother fuckers need help. 

I established my science colony  on Eos, picked up a couple more fetch it missions, and gathered the research for the Secret Project.  I also "found" all seven of the missing deceased colonists.

The brawl with the Kett at Site 2 during the Secret Project assignment was dirt simple.  I've got no idea why people online bitch about it so much.  I reverted to an earlier save because I wasn't particularly thrilled about how I handled things the first time.  This go around was far more cinematic and satisfying.

Cora, Drack and I held up in the building where we found the maintenance terminal and went 300 on the incoming Kett and we killed the bastards as they funneled into our hidey hole. 

Then we jump jetted to the top of the facility and peppered the Fiend with bullets to soften up his armor, lured him close to the transporter full of explosives, and blasted his big ass to bits for the big finale.

I wish I could've streamed that shit on Twitch.

The landscape near the minerals I am supposed to scan for the Nexus science team is ridiculously irradiated, so I guess that will have to wait until I get some kick ass life support augmentations for either my armor, the Nomad, or both or maybe the shit goes away once I get Eos to 100% viability?

Nilken got off on a technicality.  Lucky bastard.  I'd rather not send free recruits to the Exiles expecially a trained Turian soldier, so my leniency was not without some tactical logic.

I thawed out the Recon teams via the AVP tutorial mission and now there are a shit ton of hidden caches for me to look for. I will never be done on that dumb planet.

I've also got two or three assignments on the Nexus I can do while my crew is taking in a bit of shore leave.  I wonder what these fucking protesters want?  And why is this bartender such an asshole?  And why are people asking me to fix broken shit on the Nexus every five minutes?

The respec console in med-bay is my new best friend.  For the low price of 20 creds my Infiltrator is now wrecking shop with a Flamethrower / Concussive Shot power combo.

I am pleased to announce that I successfully developed my fucking lighting rifle as well as the agility system for the Nomad.  Now I need to dev some armor to make use of this medi-gel module and my new aerial combat dealie.

I unlocked the rare achievement for shattering a frozen enemy with a Jump Jet melee attack.  Now I need to start popping floating enemies with my C-Shot and find a group of enemies dumb enough to attack me in a bunch so I can light all of their asses on fire in one continuous shot with my Flamethrower.

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2 hours ago, odessasteps said:

I dont mind doing them, but was not in the mood for doing one at the time, so glad i diid not have to do it.

as it turned out, the other one did not have a puzzle either. On to the vault tomorrow. 

About 2 hours after I typed that, I ran into one that doesn't accept encryption keys, at least as far as I can tell. And damn, is it hard.

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Yeah, I pretty much said screw that after failing several times. Its all random junk anyways.

Just completed Hunting the Archon. The choice on that one wasn't the easiest since its another one of those I suspect will have long term affects in the series..


I chose to save the scouts because fuck the idea of the kett having exalted Krogan. That shit is just not good for anyone.


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It's great when you get Assault Turret to level 6 and put the Flamethrower on it. Kett Wraiths try to eat it and get burned to a crisp.

Finished Hunting the Archon. Immediately the whole crew emailed to say come and talk. And when they talked, they said "Talk to me on Eos/ Kadara/ the Nexus/ Aya",

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Finished up the main storyline.  


Overall, it was a little underwhelming.  There's nothing to induce player rage like ME3.  The final couple fights were pretty crazy.  I'm still pissed off I didn't get to shoot the Archon in the face.  that's 3 games in a row where you don't get to kill, or even fight, the big bad directly.  And I never did get the patented Bioware love scene.  Wonder if I did something wrong, or because my Ryder is a two timing piece of shit.

It's amazing how much of this game feels recycled.  The Hyperion getting kidnapped was straight out of ME3.  The beginning of the final mission felt an awful lot like the end of ME3, only without the horror show.  The endgame fight felt like an amalgamation of the ME1/ME2 end fights.  Architect fights basically equal Dragon fights from Inquisition.

It seems like they pretty clearly set up at least two DLC, as well as the sequel


The benefactor is still unknown.  I've gotta assume uncovering that, and figuring out who killed Carson will be one DLC.  The Quarian ark, carrying the not ready for prime time races of the milky way will almost certainly be another DLC.

The Kett walking away at the ending cutscene presumably sets up Andromeda 2.


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11 hours ago, Eivion said:

Was it in the Elaadan vault? That was the one that pissed me off so much a day or two ago.

Yep. It's in the last vault as part of getting the temperature calmed down a shade. It's completely optional - I found it while getting way lost. I looked for a solution to it online (I know, I'm a cheater) last night, but couldn't find one. Found one today in a different place. It's a 5x5 Sudoku with only five answers filled in for you, so it's a toughie.

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13 minutes ago, J.T. said:

Robert crosses the finish line first.  I seem to recall Dan saying that Robert was light years ahead of the pack.

I thought that implication was in MP since I just assumed Robert and melraz are just terrifying poor fools at like 2 am 

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