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"Ooooh, that's a pretty blue Adder that dude's driving ... I want it! I want it!"


Yeah, I figured if I haven't been sent to GTA Jail for blowing up personal vehicles by now, I'm not gonna be.


It's an expensive, pointless little habit, really - two phone calls and they have their car back - but it is kinda like a little cherry for their shit sundae.


I can't remember which night it was that between me and Robert, we blew up some guy's Turismo at least five times. It's kind of one of those life lesson things.

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So. As of last night: level 300.

I dunno, it's still a fun game when there's no cheaters around, but it's such a hit or miss affair for getting that scenario that I think I need to hang up my guns until something new comes down the pike, (or at least until they patch those fucking glitches.)

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I'm pretty sure it's impossible to get in trouble by blowing up personal vehicles.  I know I got the good boy bonus on night after blowing up at least 15.  I probably average about 10 every time we're on. 


Always makes me laugh when I'm running towards a personal vehicle which has just been relieved of its occupant and somebody shouts at me to stay away because there's a sticky on it - which was exactly what I was planning to do myself.


I kinda treat blowing them up as strategy.  Getting rid of a guy's Zentorno tilts the playing field in our favor.  I've also been known to blow them up inside the impound yard in the hopes of enraging the owners enough to come after us.

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Oh, how the days of us being so concerned about going to GTA jail have changed.


It hadn't really hit me until I read these posts, but I realized it has actually become standard procedure to blow up not just the POV of the guy you just killed, but any POV you see.


I laugh every time I hear something like this on the mic - "Hey...any of you guys have a blue Zentorno out right now? No? Bye bye Zentorno."


I don't even think twice about it anymore.  Last night there was a 10 minute freemode stretch where it was literally snipe guy, RPG his super, snipe other guy, RPG his super, go back and RPG the first car with guy inside trying to run away until eventually I'm chasing both of them riding away in one car and blow them both up with a drive-by sticky bombing.


I'm not sure how much each one of those cost, but I know I started the session at over $1mil and ended the night the high-$800's

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In my defense I didn't know the poor sap was onna bicycle. I already had my rocket aimed at the ally we were in. A bike turned the corner and I didn't have time to swap guns. I probably wouldn't of anyhoo though. I really thought that youdda lived through it Burke my apologies. That mighta been my last run on the city for a couple of weeks unless I getta get on tonight. The boss lady works in the am then she's off a couple of weeks, we're going on vakacheeon the second week.


Oh hell you know I don't care. It was my favorite moment of the whole night. I just picture the guy sitting there looking like a blown up Wile E. Coyote with his bike still smoking going, "SERIOUSLY?? WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE???" and then rage-quitting.


Edit - Melraz just sent me a screenshot of the board showing 9 of us reading this topic. With all of us here, what's the equivalent of a white dot around here that we can run off?

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It's always fun to amble across some random PV, like at Trevor's airfield or the hospital in the 'Hood with the helicopters. Players are never really subtle with their paint schemes, so it kinda makes their cars stick out even if they aren't Super cars.


I gotta try to remember to go into game chat some night and hear the chatter about us. I'd say it's nowhere near pleasant. "Those fellows are giving us a sporting contest, old chap!" "Jolly well right! Oh, dear, they've sniped me again and blown up my Zentorno, those buggers!"

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Oh hell just looked at some of my k/d ratios on rockstar. I am proud of ol' faithful but the pump shotgun is dalm embarrassing. 14 player kills to 793 deaths. I may hafta go french kiss mine when I get off work. Although I just though of it. The dalm cops carry that dalm thing and stick it up my ass about every 3 minutes while in free mode.

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They're fond of that shotgun. I swear, the other night, a cop was so close to me he stuck the shotgun through me (could see the front part of it coming out of my chest). He fired and killed me. It's pretty bad when we treat dudes with pump shotguns like flies at a picnic - "shoo! Go away! I'm trying to eat my potato salad!" Usually, it's "shoo! I'm trying to kill this dot."


They seemed particularly riled up last night. I remember once Mis and I were gonna try the AxB passive sticky bomb deal, and nether one of us could keep a wanted level off us long enough to be able to do anything.

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I got on today and noticed he sent me an audio message saying that we must think we were really cool for kicking him after going after him 2 on 1 for so long. I should've sent one back that said "yeah, it was pretty funny."


Mur mur mur mur mur mur mur mur mur mur mur mur pistol.


Dear GTA community: Quit your candyass ways. Man up. If you're going down, go down swinging.

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Yeah - the fact that I keep forgetting I have a RPG is actually saving me money in the long run


Money and time.  Robert and I often just disengage from combat and have to brave the hazardous trip to Ammunation because we've found out that we've run out of stuff that goes boom.

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Jesus.  Story Mode Redux is really pissing me off.   After five attempts at Fame or Shame trying to get the fucking Phantom up to 100% speed with the trailer attached and getting no closer than 98%, I finally said fuck it, settled for the Silver medal, and will start looking for letter scraps with Franklin after I do Lester's first assassination mission. 


I figure that it looks good from my story immersion perpective that killing Peter Dreyfuss should be the logical progression of Franklin becoming a first class hitman.  I will probably put Franklin through Flight School first so that piloting helicopters to tops of buildings to get letter scraps won't be so painful. 


Having the extra money from trading stocks after the Hotel hit won't hurt, either.


I have issues. I'd forgotten how good it felt to knock the Fame or Shame event coordinator right the fuck out..

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I've done all the main mission and assassination stuff, and all that's really left is to run around collecting spaceship parts, letter scraps and submarine parts, and I just can't muster any enthusiasm for it whatsoever. Same wtih stunt jumps. I'm not one of these "must reach 100 percent" guys, so it's no big deal to me.


The expense and trouble of dealing with the RPG fades away quickly when some asshole in a Zentorno or Entity comes up to you in reverse shooting at you because the back of the car is bulletproof. It may be bulletproof, but it's not RPGproof, there, pal.

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Phil, I'm not sure what the procedures are for pinning topics on the board...but seeing as how we are 341 pages deep into this thread, can we nominate this to be pinned?

Wha fer? It stays near the top of the list anyhoo 'cause we can't quit bragging about our exploits in Los Santos.

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Did the Hotel Assassination mission.  Almost forgot to switch between Franklin, Trevor, and Michael before starting the job so that they could all buy stock in BettaPharm.  I'd already finished up the Truth missions so Michael had over three million to invest and had five million after BettaPharm's stock peaked.


Now I have to remember to invest in Bllkington now that the stock has hit rock bottom.  It usually takes a whole game week for Bilkington to rebound, so I will spend that time hunting down letter scraps with Franklin, kill Peter Dreyfuss after finding the last piece of the letter, and then I will sleep off whatever game time is left in the new safehouse.


Didn't have time to do anything online last night.  My girlfriend had an appointment yesterday so she took the rest of the day off and drove down from Baltimore to RVA and surprised me by showing up at my doorstep with a box of Krispy Kremes.

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Were you wearing your jean shorts?

Bow chikka wow wow


Not the ones I save for impressionable female Jehovas Witnesses in their early twenties that come to my door with copies of the Watchtower.


"Why yes.  I would love to have some of your literature.  Might I interest you in a refreshing beverage?.

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Now I want Krispy Kremes. And a girlfriend in a sundress.


I used an online guide (IGN, I think) to do the assassination missions. It tells you what the top peak is for the stocks as they go up. Problem is, I didn't do the rebound once and screwed up the rise on one stock and caught it after it had peaked and started to fall. I still have roughly 850 million on each character after buying every avalable property, so I think I'm OK for money, regardless.


I had to have Trevor buy the golf course. Had to. Then I had to take him golfing in only his underwear. I can't understand why the cops got mad when i started beating other golfers up with a golf club - hell, it's my course. I wish he'd turn the clubhouse into a giant meth lab.

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