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I think you're right that it had to be Pentagon breaking Alberto's arm if it was going to happen.


But, they had teased Vamp versus Pentagon as far back as Pentagon attacking Melissa, so that had to pay off at some point. (Or maybe Vamp just went into business for himself! I never know.) And taking Mundo out of that angle leaves him with all the reason to turn rudo but no one suitable to betray. Maybe he never even turns rudo - the Alberto/Mundo vignettes could've been taped later on after they knew they were doing that program, and there's no direct sign someone's going to turn to that point*, but it's hard to figure what Johnny does the rest of the season. Maybe more of a program with Cage?


* though Mundo's whole reason for being there - finally winning the big title whatever it takes - suggested he was going to have to turn if he couldn't beat Puma, and he couldn't beat Puma


On the other hand, if Mundo turning rudo was a back up bail out plan to fix a problem, then he's even more the MVP of this show than we knew.

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In other unsolvable mysteries not involving Matanza, did anyone else notice this from last week's Observer




One of the partners has given the figure of $400,000 per episode spent for season one, and there were 39 episodes taped. That doesn’t include other start-up costs.


Dave's been working off $500,000 per hour all season until now ("20 million" comes from 500K x 40 hours of TV), so I guess the show just got 4 million dollars cheaper? Adjusting the cost by 20% seems like it should've required an explanation. Maybe it was just a typo?


400 or 500 sounds like a lot of money to me, person who doesn't make TV, until I read the other El Rey show costs $2.5 mil an episode. TV is expensive!


(I presume the IWRG FILL shows cost about $25.00 USD.)

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In researching the '50s Adventures of Superman show, I learned that the average reality show CRAFT SERVICES budget is $200,000 an episode.  Comparatively AoS's budget was a paltry $178k per episode (2015 dollars)

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Blue Demon Jr. not agreeing to lose to people is definitely a thing that happens. And Demon was in for the last weekend of shows in 2014 but never got put on TV in a match - only did the sit down segment with Chavo and wrestled a dark match, while Pentagon beat Super Fly in a meaningless match. That was before Pentagon was breaking arms, so before any tease of the Vampiro feud and Pentagon was just not doing anything and lost in the mix, which fits Vampiro's story. And it's the last taping of the year, so it fit as something where Vamp pitched DJ on new ideas for him after the break. I like this theory, it has some promise.


Edit: wait, that's even the match where Pentagon asked Vamp to mentor him, only it got edited out when they decided to do the storyline. Hmmm.

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Going through my rewatch still...


Fenix/Muertes casket match holds up as a sure fire MOTYC. The visual of Fenix dripping blood as Muertes stalks him is incredible.


I'm not sure Mundo vs Angelico from episode 21 wouldn't make my top 10 matches list. That was batshit insane with the counters & creative spots on the outside.


The Super Fly/Sexy Star mask match deal comes off even poorer on rewatch when you realize it goes nowhere and sets up Sexy Star one-upping Pentagon over and over again.

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