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I vaguely remember this show because I went to the Raw the night after this show. I remember people popping big for the replay of the Big Show/Shane match and Taker standing tall at the end of Raw after the cameras went off.

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WWF Backlash 2001.


wow, this is one of my favorite cards.

guess we just see it differently. i felt the Jericho/Regal segment was a lot of fun and the Benoit/Angle match was fantastic (although i agree that Angle's limb psychology is sketchy at best). main could've been trimmed but i never felt that it was obnoxiously long.


also, the preshow sees Jerry Lynn debut (i think?) and win the Light Heavyweight title. 

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Was Angle's psychology always kind of shoddy and ridiculous or did it get way worse when he dropped the comedic aspects of his character in like... 2003ish? I remember him being fucking awesome from about 2000-2002 but I'm afraid of watching some of the highly touted matches. The Benoit WM X-7 match is a lot of fun in that you get to watch two guys try to outgrapple each other and it does have some psychology in Angle tending to take it to the next level sooner than Benoit. The Undertaker match from Fully Loaded 2000 kinda sucks but I was never much of a fan of that one. What about the Austin matches where Kurt plays Mr. America for heel Austin?


I do remember not being terribly fond of the ultimate submission match back in the day. I don't go out of my way to watch Benoit matches, but your criticisms sound spot on.

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The Austin matches are baller, especially the Summerslam match because Austin just tries to beat him bloody and destroy his neck, and Angle does a great job of fighting from underneath. It felt like they were legit trying to hurt each other. Very violent stuff.


I think Angle got ruined after Angle/Benoit at the 2003 Rumble. I liked that match at the time because I enjoy bomb-throwing with little other structure and rapid escalation (like, the best part of the WWE MOTY for 2015 [at this point] was that it started at a ridiculously fast pace with Brock trying to caber toss Rollins into the twentieth row and punch Cena's face inward).


But then Angle wrestled EVERY match like that, and he can't get away with it because his offense isn't as good as, say, the Steiners Bros's offense to use another example of wrestler(s) that go with violent offense over structure. Endless ankle lock reversals aren't the same as belly-to-bellys and dangerous overhead tosses and Scotty throwing a Frankensteiner. Angle's offense just isn't good enough to wrestle that kind of go-go-go match consistently without getting old quickly. 

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It's funny how attitudes have changed to that Rumble match over the years. It was seen as an all time great at the time. Now I'm seeing more and more people dislike it and blame it for a lack of creative booking (just throwing two great workers together for the sake of a match). 

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It's funny how attitudes have changed to that Rumble match over the years. It was seen as an all time great at the time. Now I'm seeing more and more people dislike it and blame it for a lack of creative booking (just throwing two great workers together for the sake of a match). 


I think it's mostly because a lot of the elements of that match have been adapted and beaten to death in WWE main-event style matches, especially the unconvincing submission struggles that are a big part of that style that I know people criticize, but also the spamming of big moves (which is basically now finisher spamming) over and over to try and create drama.


I remember when I watched that match, I was sucked in on the 2.9s and submission stuff as much as I was by the pacing, but the last time I watched it (which was loooooooong ago, like maybe nine or so years ago to be fair), I was already seeing some of the common beats that were becoming really cemented in WWE main event match style. 


JMO on that one.

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WWF Insurrextion 2001.


Insurrextion might be the worst name for a ppv ever. This starts with a skit featuring Vince and Linda in Commissioner Regal's office. This is in the middle of the McMahon divorce storyline, and Vince is flipping out because Linda has changed all the matches. I think this was supposed to be funny, but it just went on and on.


Eddie Guerrero Vs Grandmaster Sexay: Sexay is over with the British crowd, and Eddie has lots of heat. This is pretty short, but a decent match.


Perry Saturn and Dean Malenko Vs Crash and Hardcore Holly: This was supposed to be a 6-person match, with Terri and Molly respectively involved, but Terri cried off. The women got involved anyway, and the Radicalz won another short match.


The Big Show Vs Bradshaw: This was originally Show Vs Test, but Test had been injured by Show and couldn't compete. Show demanded Test come out and raise his hand, but Test came to fight. Show beat him down and that brought out Bradshaw for an impromptu match. Bradshaw ended up winning after Test kicked a chair into Show's face. Another short one. Not much in-ring action for the Brits.


The Hardy Boyz Vs Edge and Christian Vs X-Pac and Justin Credible Vs The Dudley Boyz: Tag team elimination match, with apparently nothing on the line. X-Factor were the first to go, followed by the Hardys, leaving E&C and the Duds to have an extended sequence. Rhyno ran in to give E&C the assist, but he took a 3D through a table in the post-match. Rhyno still looks like a badass. It really seems like they had something with him during this period. No, he didn't look big compared to the WWF roster, but he still looked and carried himself like a badass, and it was his 'thickness' rather than his height that made him stand out anyway.


Right to Censor had a promo in which they cancelled the scheduled women's battle royal, and Ivory and Stevie ended up getting beat down by Jacqueline, Trish and Lita. I don't remember RTC going on this far into 2001.


Chris Benoit Vs Kurt Angle: The rivalry continues with a 2/3 falls match. This is solid stuff, certainly better than the submissions match, but I don't think they quite take it to that next level. I think they're walking a weird line between competitive one-upmanship and hate. Benoit wins in 2 straight, and I do appreciate them mixing up the formula like that. Benoit has stolen the gold medals and is keeping them in his tights.  I've found Benoit surprisingly good with character work, working angles, and even promos, at this early stage of his WWF career. 


Chris Jericho Vs William Regal: This is for the Queen's Cup, whatever that is. I think they just wanted to have something on the line for this one. I've been waiting for that first quality Regal match, and this is it. A barnburner, with Regal really shining as he busts out most of his signature offence in a longer bout. What I also liked about this is how the crowd started out maybe 75-25 for Jericho, but it ended up much more 50-50, with Regal perhaps even being the favourite by the end. And he won them over with his work. Jericho got the win via Walls.


The Undertaker Vs 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin and Triple H: Handicap match with Austin's belt on the line... but only if Austin is the one who's pinned. What a stupid stipulation. Why wouldn't Austin just not tag into the match? He has everything to lose and nothing to gain by competing here. Not a very good match anyway. Taker just seems really off lately, and I guess he and Austin never did figure out how to gel together. Taker ends up pinning Hunter, which was the obvious finish to send the fans home happy but keep the belt on Austin.


There was also footage shown from some Make-A-Wish charity event, which I only mention because it features Steph slapping the shit out of Michael Cole, which is actually pretty funny.


MOTN: Regal and Jericho at 3 and quarter stars.

Show rating: This is definitely one of the better UK shows. Some decent in-ring action and other fun stuff like the RTC segment. A pretty easy watch, all in all. 3 stars.

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WWF Judgment Day 2001.


William Regal Vs Rikishi: So 'Kish is back to dancing babyface. Sad, in a way, as I thought he looked good as a heel. Disappointed also that we didn't get a Rikishi/Haku tag match on ppv. This is too short to be anything really, but Regal seems to be hitting his stride now and really performing well. Most of this is built around Rikishi trying to get the stinkface, which leads to some great Regal facials. Regal wins, and feels like a big deal at this point.


Kurt Angle Vs Chris Benoit: Another 2/3 falls match for these two, but this time it starts with a pinfalls only match, then subs only, and finally a ladder match with Kurt's medals the prize. This is the best match they've had yet, as it escalates nicely, and finally you get a sense of the hatred between them. It's a bit of a cop-out finish when after 20-plus minutes of wrestling Edge and Christian come out and attack Benoit, allowing Angle to simply climb the ladder to win the match. Won't be the first dodgy finish of the night though.


Rhyno Vs Test Vs Big Show: The return of the shitty hardcore title match/backstage brawl. This one is particularly bad, as the backstage bits are really poorly mic'd, so it feels really flat, and you can hear the crowd break into a boring chant. It picks up back in the ring, where Rhyno gets to be a badass, hitting a nice gore on Show (off the steps, with Show holding a trashcan) to get the win. Rhyno is being booked great.


Chyna Vs Lita: This is better than one might expect, considering how awful these two are. Crowd is really hot for it, which helps. Amazing hearing a crowd this into a women's title match. There were times when they really seemed to be getting angry because Lita was being manhandled. Chyna looks way better dominating the women's division than she did playing an underdog in the men's.


Triple H Vs Kane: Chain match for the IC title. Not a bad brawl in the early going, with Triple H actually wrestling like his nickname and going after Kane's injured arm, and using the chain to his advantage. Again, a lot of heat for this. Austin runs in but accidentally hits Hunter with a chair, giving Kane the win and the title. I remember being really surprised at Kane winning this at the time. In hindsight it's a bit of a cheap win.


Tag team turmoil: We start with the APA against Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn. The only thing notable about this is Terri's top. Yowza. It's good to know that after all these years she still puts the jam in my rice pudding. APA advance to face the Dudleys. Pretty even bomb-throwing contest, until the Hollys interfere, costing the Duds. We're in the build-up to the Spike/Molly romance, which is a story I remember liking. Now things heat up with X-Factor coming out. I don't know if it's just because I've become such an X-Pac fan with this project, but I'm starting to quite like X-Factor. Decent heel team with heat (not seen any signs of 'X-Pac heat' yet), and this is the perfect use for Albert too, as the outside enforcer. X-Factor steal the win, and then go over the Hardys, both times thanks to Albert. Next it's Chris Jericho and his mystery partner, Chris Benoit. From here the match gets really good. The crowd are super into the Chrises, and they work the idea that Benoit has already gone through a war really well. Double submissions see the Chrises advance to a final showdown against Edge and Christian. Again, a really good segment, with lots of heat. Benoit makes Christian tap, and it's Benoit and Jericho who earn a shot at the Two-Man Power Trip at a later date. Very good match, given lots of time, with the last two segments in particular being excellent.


'Stone Cold' Steve Austin Vs The Undertaker: Taker bulled Regal into making this no DQ earlier in the night, but Austin didn't seem to mind (which JR can't fathom). Vince is out for commentary, and Heyman is sucking up to him a treat. This is a pretty good brawl, definitely a step-up from their 98/99 rivalry. Austin is so on-point with his character work, and Taker just needs to throw bombs. A bit longer than it needed to be, and the ending really lets it down. Triple H ends up getting involved, hitting Taker with the sledgehammer. Kane's music hits, but he can't make it to the ring in time to make the save. This came off really odd. Earl Hebner had another one of his fuck-ups, starting his 3-count too soon, so that Kane barely even made it to the ringside area before it was over. But even still, it just made Kane look stupid for not coming out when Trips first appeared. You'd think he'd be watching his bro's back.


Match of the night: The tag team turmoil, overall, but I specifically would put the Jericho/Benoit/Edge/Christian segment at 3 and a quarter stars, and the Jericho/Benoit/X-Factor segment at 3 stars. 3s also for Benoit/Angle, Triple H/Kane and Taker/Austin.


Show rating: This is a sneaky good show. The only bad matches are the women's and the hardcore, but they are enhanced by the crowd and a few choice spots respectively. Everything else is average at worst, although nothing is really great. A good 3.5 stars.

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Earl Hebner had another one of his fuck-ups, starting his 3-count too soon, so that Kane barely even made it to the ringside area before it was over. But even still, it just made Kane look stupid for not coming out when Trips first appeared. You'd think he'd be watching his bro's back.


I feel like Hebner had a few other fuck-ups that year and in subsequent years. He had that really bad one in the Angle/Rock match at No Way Out 2001

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WWF Invasion.


Here we are. The much-maligned Invasion angle. Interested to revisit this angle, to see if it really is as bad as all that, or if it looks better years removed from the fact. Hoping for some lost classics, but we shall see.


Edge and Christian Vs Lance Storm and Mike Awesome: Pretty good start to the show. Interesting to see Edge and Christian work as babyfaces, after seeing them as heels (and good heels too) for so long. One of my favourite things in wrestling is when bad guys get turned good by the threat of even badder guys, so I enjoyed E&C fighting the good fight here. Solid foundation for being a good baby team too, with Christian's selling, and Edge coming in off the hot tag. Storm and Awesome are capable in their roles. Crowd is very hot. Good opener.


Eark Hebner Vs Nick Patrick: Ugh, the show screeches to a halt here. The crowd are into this actually, but it's guest ref Foley getting most of the heat. Hebner wins with what I think was meant to be a spear.


The Acolytes Vs Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo: Wow, I had no recollection of O'Haire and Palumbo wrestling as part of the Alliance. They're the WCW tag champs to boot, going against the WWF champs. Again, hot crowd, but this isn't a good match. Palumbo and O'Haire are too green to work a compelling heat segment, and the APA didn't give them a bunch anyway. Pretty straightforward win to make it 3-0 to the Fed (well, 3-1 if you count Chavo beating Scottie Too Hottie on Heat, which they apparently did).


Billy Kidman Vs X-Pac: A bit of an infamous match, due to Kidman being the only Alliance guy (not exactly) to get cheered against a WWF guy, with people using this to prove that no-one wanted to see X-Pac anymore, and I think Pac said himself that this showed that he was an effective heel. You can't know why people were booing of course, but I tend to think it's a bit 6 of one, half a dozen of the other. Pac did have legit heel heat, but I think there was certainly the sense that he was a dated act. Anyway, Billy looks pretty good here, and gets to kick out of an X-Factor en route to victory.


Raven Vs William Regal: This looks an odd match on paper, and it was pretty bad in execution too. These guys just did not mesh well at all, and the match received the most muted crowd reaction of the night so far. A palpable sense of relief when Tazz came in and helped Raven pick up the win.


Chris Kanyon, Shawn Stasiak and Hugh Morrus Vs The Big Show, Billy Gunn and Albert: I don't know about you, but when I was coming up with dream inter-promotional matches at school, this one never entered by thought. Kanyon is the only one of these guys worth a damn to me at this point, and this was a total nothing match. WCW steal another win, if you're keeping count.


Tajiri Vs Tazz: Here we go, match of the night so far. Only about 6 mins, but both guys are great in their roles here. Tajiri is really over with this crowd, and is a very effective underdog face. Tazz is just surly and throws suplexes and all is well. Big pop for the green mist and the Tajiri win. Regal was great pumping Tajiri up pre-match also.


Rob van Dam Vs Jeff Hardy: So, here's the other Alliance guy who gets cheered. The crowd were probably about split on these two guys, but there's no doubt that RVD had a connection with WWF audiences from the get-go. He looks a lot, well, younger, obviously here, but just more svelte and athletic in general. I kinda became used to slow, bloated RVD and forgot that he used to be so dynamic. This is pretty good as far as car-wreck matches go. RVD wins the hardcore title.


Trish Stratus and Lita Vs Torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler: Good God, like this card really needed a bra and panties match. Terrible backstage segment with the WCW girls before this. I remember Power Slam always going on about how good Torrie and Stacy were in these bits, and how they were going to show up the WWF girls. Then, when they got there and it turned out they sucked as much as everyone else they were all "I don't know what happened. They used to be so good." This was dreadful, obviously. This card needs the main event to deliver big time.


'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, Kane, The Undertaker and Chris Jericho Vs Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page, Rhyno and the Dudley Boyz: And it does deliver. Really good match, each guy gets a little something something to do to stand out, and there's a nice chaotic, high stakes feel, with a very hot crowd. It would be a great match, but it needed a longer heat segment for me, more control from the heels. Jericho and Angle both do a little face-in-peril, but they never really laid it on like they could have. Of course, this breaks down into a wild brawl, and then we get the finish with Austin joining the Alliance. I don't know if that was something people were talking about at the time, but I know me and my friends never saw it coming, so it was a huge shock for us. The show ends with Austin, Shane, Steph and Heyman sharing a beer. Heyman has been great all night, by the way, motivating the troops in the back. If they'd have dispensed with the McMahon brats and just had Heyman and Bischoff as the leaders of the Alliance, this thing would have been a lot better.


Match of the night: The main event goes for 3.5 stars. Tazz/Tajiri, the opener and RVD/Hardy can all have 3 stars.


Show rating: For a standalone wrestling show this is fairly average. A couple of matches to recommend, but nothing truly worth going out of your way to see. As what should have been a 'Dream Show', and the kick-off to this huge angle, this really, really sucked. I'm not gonna fantasy book this thing 14 years after the fact, but just look at the way team Alliance picked up their wins. RVD and Kidman went over pretty strong, but everyone else was made to look weak as shit. Too many guys on the heel side who no-one really gives a shit about too. Yeah, just not good. 2 stars, and I feel like that's generous.

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WWF Unforgiven 2001.


The Dudley Boyz Vs The Hardy Boyz Vs The Big Show and Spike Dudley Vs Lance Storm and the Hurricane: For the Duds' WWF tag titles, elimination rules. The Hurricane is starting to get over as a comedy act. He and Storm are the first to go. Spike looks good here, but he gets pinned by Matt. The Dudleys and Hardys work the longest segment of the match, and it's decent stuff, as you'd expect from two teams who know each other so well. The penny drops for me here what bothers me about Bubba Ray. There's something really phony about the way he bumps and emotes that makes him seem less tough than he probably is. Especially as a heel. The Duds retain.


Perry Saturn Vs Raven: The Moppy feud. I really don't remember this at the time at all. These two had some good matches in WCW, and still work pretty well together, but this is really just a short nothing match.


Edge Vs Christian: The video package sets the table for this nicely, but it stands out how weird it is that they ended up just retconning the fact that they're supposed to be brothers. Interesting seeing Edge as the face and Christian as the heel, when they would later excel and find their best success at opposite ends of the spectrum. Good match. They convey the hatred pretty well, and both guys get busted open hardway. Christian hits a spear and does the hair pull thing that Edge would later adopt. So now we know who to blame for that. Good old fashioned low blow (albeit with a steel chair) gives Christian the win and the belt. Oh, and how could I not mention Christian's great entrance theme.


The Brothers of Destruction Vs Kronik: Oh boy. This is terrible. Kronik are just lousy, and the Brothers don't seem interested in putting them over at all. Did Kronik even stick around after this, because this is all I remember of their run?


Rob van Dam Vs Chris Jericho: This starts off pretty rough, as they try to work a 'two great athletes going toe to toe' style, but then it breaks down, the plunder comes out, and it ends up being pretty good. RVD is such a cool cat at this point. He was perfect as the heel that basks in the adulation of the fans. Unfortunately there's only so far you can go with that until you have to do the face turn. Surprised that RVD is 2 for 2 as far as matches I've enjoyed go.


The Rock Vs Booker T and Shane McMahon: This feud really killed Booker as a main event guy right out of the gate, and that bothered me at the time. The Rock is a pretty giving wrestler, but he's just so dripping in charisma that he can't help overshadowing 95% of the guys he goes against. And, of course, Booker not being able to get the job done even with the man advantage didn't help. Not a very good match either.


Rhyno Vs Tajiri: Tajiri is the defending US champ here. I forgot he had that belt. Great backstage bit with Regal, Tajiri and Torrie, with Regal playing the concerned dad to Tajiri before softening and telling the two young lovers to 'run along'. Very sweet, actually. This was a banker good match to me, and, short though it was, it didn't let me down. Tajiri has injured ribs from an attack by Austin, and sells them throughout the match. These two could have a great match given more time.


Kurt Angle Vs 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin: Austin's character is great at this point, just totally unhinged. Great job from JR also getting over this change in Austin. I was a bit disappointed by this, as I thought the Summerslam match was great, and this doesn't really approach that level. But this is still very good. Angle's bad neck is the focal point of the match, and they get over that story nicely. I hate Angle doing the Stunner, and then Austin hitting the Angle Slam. That finisher switching is one of my wrestling pet peeves. I expected Austin to hang in there for longer in the ankle lock, but he taps pretty quickly. I know there's some controversy because Austin had a hold of the apron skirt as he tapped, but I can't remember how that resolved itself. All the Angle family coming in to celebrate is the memorable moment that they were clearly looking for in the wake of 9/11. Oh look, there's Karen. Then the WWF guys come in. I feel like this all should have meant more in the grand scheme of things though. Still, it felt important at the time.


Match of the night: That main event- 3.5. Edge/Christian, RVD/Jericho and Rhyno/Tajiri at 3.


Show rating: This is pretty similar to the Invasion ppv, without ever quite plumbing those depths, and with lowered expectations. I'd probably call this 3 stars. Maybe 3 and a quarter.

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Perry Saturn Vs Raven: The Moppy feud. I really don't remember this at the time at all. These two had some good matches in WCW, and still work pretty well together, but this is really just a short nothing match.


Ah the Moppy feud. I remember Raven feeding the mop into a wood chipper. IIRC, Moppy got stuck in the wood chipper and he had to keep making these lame jokes to desperately fill up time while he tried to get the mop in there all the way.



The Brothers of Destruction Vs Kronik: Oh boy. This is terrible. Kronik are just lousy, and the Brothers don't seem interested in putting them over at all. Did Kronik even stick around after this, because this is all I remember of their run?


Nah, they were one and done. Maybe some house shows but I don't think they were ever on tv after that.



I know there's some controversy because Austin had a hold of the apron skirt as he tapped, but I can't remember how that resolved itself.


Austin used that to get a rematch as this was before they made a big deal out of the champion automatically gets a rematch stipulation that gets used today. Also a way for him to claim that he still had never technically tapped out in a match (let's just forget that Bret made him tap during one of those Middle Eastern tours they did back in 1996).


I'm trying to think of any stories Jericho had from this time period and I can't really think of much. He didn't really have much to say about The Invasion in his book that hasn't already been said. Hardcore Holly talked a bit about how JR and Vince would get guys like him and the APA to beat the snot out of some of the WCW guys to send messages and keep them in-line, Buff Bagwell specifically. They were also told to stiff Palumbo and O'Haire by JR. Holly said he didn't know the reason but they just went out and did it. Not a full on beatdown or anything but a few stiff hard shots. However, Holly says they beat the shit out of Bagwell b/c he was such a douche. He said that he gave him a few stiff shots and that was it but Bradshaw and Simmons were just teeing off on the guy.

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Rob van Dam Vs Chris Jericho: This starts off pretty rough, as they try to work a 'two great athletes going toe to toe' style, but then it breaks down, the plunder comes out, and it ends up being pretty good. RVD is such a cool cat at this point. He was perfect as the heel that basks in the adulation of the fans. Unfortunately there's only so far you can go with that until you have to do the face turn. Surprised that RVD is 2 for 2 as far as matches I've enjoyed go.




The match that made Jericho hate the internet and declare that he was leaving the internets for good(or something like that). 

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Nope it was that match and Jericho said the internet had no clue and that the match was great. I think he said he had match of the night and everyone had no right to criticize his match . I remember the match being really sloppy.


Edit: thinking back though it could have been the KOTR match the next year. I just know I've always disliked the two of them when they wrestled each other as they seemed to bring the worse out in each other. 

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Nope it was that match and Jericho said the internet had no clue and that the match was great. I think he said he had match of the night and everyone had no right to criticize his match . I remember the match being really sloppy.


Edit: thinking back though it could have been the KOTR match the next year. I just know I've always disliked the two of them when they wrestled each other as they seemed to bring the worse out in each other. 


It was the KOTR match.


Hello Jackoffs...

All right, I've had it. You want a war? Now you've got one. I'm suffering from a bout of Insomnia, so I decided to go on the web and check out the reviews of the King Of The Ring from tonight, more specifically on the PW Torch website. After reading what all of you "Smarks" (and believe me, you are all still marks) had to say about my match and the show, I am furious.

Everybody has the right to an opinion and here's mine. I am sick of all you holier than thou, pompous jackasses. That's it. That's all. Baby goes to sleep now. I had one of my best matches of the year tonight with RVD, that featured 20 minutes of tremendous action, innovative false finishes and an absolutely tremendous crowd. It was everything I could've asked for in a match and it was in my opinion, an off the charts performance from RVD and myself, match of the year calibre.

I was so excited about the contest and I can humbly state that we stole the show. The crowd was so into it that they were burned out after we went on, quiet for the next 3-4 matches. They ate up every move from start to finish, they enjoyed the hell out of it.

But now I read the opinions of some of you. Many of you state that the match was very good or excellent. I agree. But many others are saying that the match was slow and predictable with one jackass even saying that it was one of the worst matches of my career!!! How can you honestly say that? What the hell do you people want? What is it that you are looking for? We go out there and bust our asses to entertain you (and if the Columbus fans were quiet, they sure as hell weren't during my match, they were entertained) and your thoughts were that bad?

Well if you didn't like my match tonight, then you are out of luck if you're a Jericho fan, cause it was the best you're gonna get, jerky. That was CJ at his finest. Wrestling at it's finest. A great 4 1/2 star performance with an tremendous build, a great crowd and an awesome match.

If you didn't like it, then stop watching me and stop watching the WWE and take up bowling, cause you will never like anything we give you.

I'm the first one to admit when my performance is not up to snuff, or when something was bad and I'm the most self critical person on the WWE roster, but tonight's performance was me at my finest. Didn't like it? Get the F out then and good riddance to you.

For all of you that enjoyed my match I say thanks. For those that didn't like it, I don't care cause I'm through with you.

I am now finished with the internet and I'm finished with this sight because I hate what you marks are doing. You've spoiled it for me. You're negativity is ridiculous. You all come off like a bunch of bitter know-it alls, who won't be happy with anything we give you. Nothing is ever good enough and quite frankly I'm over it. You are the same people that are saying that Attack of the Clones is boring, analyzing every little detail, instead of allowing yourselves to be entertained.

It seems that all of you wish the wrestling business would dry up and die, because some of you dislike EVERYTHING we do. Is it always good? No, but we are killing ourselves to try and entertain you and if you don't respect that then kiss my ass. I want the business to be around forever and I am doing my part to keep it great and I did that tonight, no matter what any of you think.

Alot of the boys pander to you on their websites, asking for your input and your thoughts and I used to be one of them. Guess what? I'm not anymore. Think what you want. I don't care. Do what you want. I don't care. Respond how you want too as well, because I won't be reading. I don't give a damn about what you think anymore...

One of the best wrestlers in the world and one of the performers in the best match of the night and match of year candidate from the KOR,

Chris Jericho

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i remember watching that match (KOTR) and liking it, but i didn't think it was some amazing performance from either guy. after reading his rant, i wanted to go back and watch it again right away to see if i missed something, or if he was just full of himself that night. i don't think i've ever rewatched it, to be honest.

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Just having a quick look at the KOTR match ranking I did right before I started this project, and I placed RVD/Jericho at number 45. That's out of 86 matches, right below Rikishi/Benoit and right above Brock/RVD. So, middle of the road basically.


Technically, the Unforgiven match wasn't very good, but I thought both guys bought a lot of energy and charisma to it, and it ended up having a kind of chaotic appeal, similar to the RVD/Jeff match from Invasion. I know I hated the RVD/Jeff match from that year's Summerslam, which was why I was surprised to find I enjoyed the Invasion and Unforgiven matches.

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No Mercy 2001.


The Hardy Boyz Vs Lance Storm and the Hurricane: WCW tag titles on the line, Hardys defending. Lita, Ivory and Mighty Molly are ringside for extracurricular activity. Fun opener. The Hurricane in particular looks very good in this- good timing, good character work, crisp and smooth execution, and continuing to get over. Storm is a capable partner, but there is the sense that the challengers don't really pose a threat.


Test Vs Kane: It seemed that Test was getting a big push at this time, as he goes over Kane, albeit by nefarious means, namely, corrupt official Nick Patrick. Kane got his heat back after the match by destroying Patrick with a couple of chokeslams and a powerbomb. These two worked hard, but this could have done with being 5 instead of 10 mins.


Torrie Wilson Vs Stacy Kiebler: A bit of history here, as this is the first ever lingerie match. Kinda ridiculous that what was portrayed in the hype video as a pretty serious feud, predicated on Stacy having the Dudleys put Torrie through a table, would be settled this way. A waste of time, basically.


Edge Vs Christian: IC title ladder match. Man, this promised so much, but didn't really deliver. I was wanting it to be more intense and violent a la the Benoit/Jericho ladder match, but it was more in the vein of the TLC-style matches, with the emphasis on setting up elaborate spots rather than just hitting people with the ladder. Not bad or anything, but just felt like a missed opportunity. The finish was choice though, with Edge using a chair to low-blow Christian as a call-back to their last match, and then performing a one man con-chair-to on top of the ladder, which was a great visual. I had forgotten about Edge's Rob Zombie theme. They really were chopping and changing themes a lot at this time.


The Dudley Boyz Vs The Big Show and Tajiri: Very solid match. Tajiri continues to be awesome, here defending the honour of his girlfriend, Torrie. Show is effective in his role, and the Duds are very good heels here. My boy Rhyno with the run-in and gore on Show to help the Duds retain the WWF tag belts. Regal is impressed with Rhyno's gumption in the back.


The Undertaker Vs Booker T: Another decent match. The best Taker has looked in a little while actually. This is at the time when JR started calling Taker Booger Red. Not one of his better efforts.


Chris Jericho Vs The Rock: I loved the build-up to this match. I really hated Jericho's babyface act up to this point, so was glad that he was showing some balls and getting in Rocky's face. He kinda won me over for a little bit. The match is really good. Jericho was right when he said that he and the Rock had great chemistry together. I think I prefer the Royal Rumble match to this one, but this is still strong, worked mostly as a face/face contest, but with both guys getting a touch heelish. I'd say the crowd is about 60/40 for Jericho here too. Funny how easy the fans have always seemed to find it to turn on the Rock. Steph gets involved, trying to cost Jericho the match, but it backfires, and she eats a Rock Bottom which allows Jericho to hit the Breakdown (remember that?- I didn't) on a chair to finally win 'the big one', which had been one of the key story components leading into the match. This actually felt like a big moment, with the crowd pop, and Heyman selling it big on commentary.


'Stone Cold' Steve Austin Vs Kurt Angle Vs Rob van Dam: WWF title. Another match with a good build-up, this one based on whether RVD would stay loyal to the Alliance, or whether he was in cahoots with Vince McMahon, who made his way to ringside for the match. This is pretty standard triple threat stuff, elevated by Austin's performance. Vince busted Austin open with a chairshot to the back of the head, then Shane ran in and the two McMahons went brawling over the announce table, in what was probably the highlight of the match, truth be told. Austin pinned RVD to retain.


MOTN: Jericho/Rock, which I have at about 3 3/4.


Show rating: This is a really solid show actually. Ignore the lingerie match, and everything is at least decent. I'd give it a 3.

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I think natural is the only person that might agree with me, but I have that as Rock's best match, Jericho's best match, and 2001's MOTY.


I wouldn't go that high as 01 had Rock/Austin at Mania, Austin/Angle at Summerslam, Angle/Benoit, etc but it's a damn fine match. It's definitely one of my favorite matches and what I like to call "a background noise match". Meaning that it's a match that I can just put on when I'm working out, working from home, hanging out, or whatever and just put on in the background b/c I know I can look up from what I'm doing at any random point and something interesting is happening.

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