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Big Fresh

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The once-per-week faction pledge kinda reduces my sense of urgency to edge those rep meters.


Yeah, i almost wonder if this is a response to that and to force people to slow down. They said you get a guaranteed legendary from faction packages now. For people edging them, with 3 characters, that's 18 new weapons and armor pieces on day one if you include the Cryptarch and Crucible rank. There are also quests attached to factions. So by adding a time limit to changing them it slows down the amount of content to can complete straight away.


As it stands you will still be able to level up the Cryotarch, the Crucible and one faction on each character on day one. So doing all of that is still 9 guaranteed legendaries.


Edit: Some speculation. I'm thinking you will be able to level up 2 factions on day one. I assume Vanguard is the default, so you rank that up, then pledge to a faction and rank that too. So that's still potentially 12 Legendary weapons or armor on day one.


Some more things i noticed. Your Ghosts and Class items now have perks on them as well. Seems like you can buy new Ghosts from the speaker. The Year Two exotic armor signature perk is already unlocked when you get the item. The example was Light Beyond Nemesis that starts with 'Keeper of the Pack' already active.


Edit 2: One final edit about Light Levels. After having a read up it seems each weapon and armor piece has a Light Level rather than attack and defense rating. Those numbers are all added together to give your character its Light Level. This determines how much damage you do and how much damage you can take. The higher the level the higher your attack and defense are.

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Did some grimoire farming again today, needed a crap ton of hyrda and ogre kills. My grimoire score is now at 3495 after gaining more than 200 points since monday i believe.

Oh yeah, and kicked the shit out of Skolas. Ended up using a 365 light beware in arc over the found verdict. We never let them get close enough to need shotguns and lightswitch didnt matter since fatebringer was popping heads at range.

2 titans and a warlock, we went left to start, then rotated over to the far platform and stayed there until it was time for mines, then two titans left the warlock with the taint (heheheh) and went to the far mine spawn. It was by no means flawless, but with a steady hand and a little bit of luck, Skolas turned to ash.

On the last set of mines, i had to cover b with the taint and no bubble. I carpet bombed that mother fucker with gjally and came in hot as our warlock went down...barely made it back towards C as saggine bo popped a bubble shield over and grabbed my taint....i was hurt, but he was nurturing in my time of need...we both knew it was my first time.

Im sorry, i couldnt help myself.

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Nicely done. That first Skolas kill is so damn satisfying!

I really think you picked the right week to do it. Most people shy away from Small Arms/Lightswitch week. But to be fair, captains damn near one shot you anyway on a normal week so you might as well get that primary bonus.

Were you fortunate enough to get a Cipher or a (incredibly low chance) primary burn? They really should have made the primaries nearly guaranteed for the amount of effort it takes to kill Skolas.

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It's really hard to capture zones when you keep getting dropped into matches where your team is down 10k

Stupid fucking crucible


That was me yesterday.  Happened four times in a row so I gave PvP a pass and did 32 and 34 PoE with my DARPA homie and my retired Navy homie. 


Went into 34 with a handicap since my Navy friend's Defender was only 33, but we got through both arenas.  We smoked Kaliks on 32.  Crossfire ran with Rippa and I last week against Kaliks so we both knew what to do and Rob has beaten the orb a few times himself.  We had issues on Round 4 (diffuse mines, what else?) but we rolled through all of the other rounds, even the final one.


In the 34 PoE, Gulrot and his slow puke really wasn't a problem, but the Worm Keepers are like mini-bosses themselves and are real pain in the ass.  Rob kept us in the fight by self rez and I made more revive runs than I care to remember.  Most of the time we died because we simply ran low on primary ammo and got kacked while making bullet runs. We finally cracked the code and GHorned Galrot to death.


Rob got an Elder Cipher bounty when we got back to the Reef,  Bastard..


Swapped out my Cabal bane chest armor for the Fallen bane chest armor that is on sale and it is almost fully ascended after doing some Vanguarding this morning and finishing off the week's Queen's Wrath bounties.


I've got seven PvP bounties on me now, so It will be all about the Crucible when I am back online on Friday afternoon.  Getting those done should fully ascend my new chest armor and the Mythoclast.


I won't be online tonight because I am working the weekend and headed back for a night to sleep in my own bed in Maryland before working the weekend shift at Ft.Lee, VA.


Oh yeah, and kicked the shit out of Skolas. Ended up using a 365 light beware in arc over the found verdict. We never let them get close enough to need shotguns and lightswitch didnt matter since fatebringer was popping heads at range.


That is fucking awesome, man!  At least one of us is getting some get back on Skolas and now you have some idea of what to do during that fight.  Wish I had been there for the win, but I was helping my 33 Titan homie get to 34 and I was drained after doing two PoEs in a row.


I know that Budy hasn't beaten Skolas yet.  Tried to coordinate with him to hit up 35 PoE, but he is either doing something else with his frends, we are not online at the same time, or if we are online at the same time we are raiding with the Coalition.


You must've gotten that done after I checked out for the night.  I got your PM when I was deep in the shit on PoE 34, but my fireteam was made up of three old grumpy men determined to win and we finally got that done.


Hopefully I will beat Skolas before time is up but if not then oh well, I won't be the only one that doesn't have the Y1 emblem.  A lot of people aren't going to make it simply for not going back to find all of the Gold Chests and that is probably the easiest thing to do.

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Destiny...you cruel temptress, trying to lure me back in. The details from yesterdays reveal are definitely interesting, but I still have a bad taste in my mouth for playing an extended beta. 

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My Game Informer finally showed up yesterday so I can read the details (since I would rather read them on the crapper then trying to read it on the GI website)


One thing I saw in my quick glance that I had missed - moving to a system that will give you items that you haven't gotten before. (Like how in ME3 MP - when you bought packs, it would give you at least one weapon or dude that you didn't own before)


That I like. That will help the OCD so much.

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I get the digital version of GI so I always read it off of my phone.  It is about time they did some database management so that I am not always getting the same crap three times over three characters 


The reason I have so many Strange Coins now is that all of my toons got the 9 coins over a month of Nightfall strikes.

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Were you fortunate enough to get a Cipher or a (incredibly low chance) primary burn? They really should have made the primaries nearly guaranteed for the amount of effort it takes to kill Skolas.

I got a cipher out of the deal. Honestly the fight was a little underwhelming. It was more of a management task, with some dont die sprinkled in.

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The once-per-week faction pledge kinda reduces my sense of urgency to edge those rep meters.


Yeah, I am not really feeling that change.  Easier for me to just switch cloaks every so often.  Funny how this change makes me think that the devs don't like us jumping factions that easily.

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I think they're mainly not fans of people edging all their rep meters so they can get up to 18 pieces of legendary gear on Day 1 (...and then showing up on reddit or the Bungie forums 3 weeks later complaining about how there's nothing to do anymore, of course!).

I don't mind that aspect of it too much (although getting all that new gear on HoW release day was super fun), but it will be kinda inconvenient after the fact. I guess it helps that there appear to be faction quests/bounties now that should fill up some of that time you're stuck with them.

And being able to rank up Vanguard/Crucible and a faction at the same time is a welcome change.

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Were you fortunate enough to get a Cipher or a (incredibly low chance) primary burn? They really should have made the primaries nearly guaranteed for the amount of effort it takes to kill Skolas.

I got a cipher out of the deal. Honestly the fight was a little underwhelming. It was more of a management task, with some dont die sprinkled in.



Its definitely a lot more manageable now they changed the fight. Before the changes it was constant adds spawning so there was literally no breathing room and on arc week you can kiss your ass goodbye. Everything in there would almost one shot you without a care. I think we actually have more trouble with the Fallen Kill the Target round sometimes that Skolas.


I kind of feel they took the cheep way out with the mechanics for the actual Skolas fight. The Taint is original but its like they got to the end and realized it wasn't hard enough so just stuck some mines in there to catch people out. Same with that Kaliks fight, they stick a Kill the Target in there half way through for no reason.

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And from watching at least the first 10 minutes basically all your Year One gear is for shit


Thanks Bungie...


Legendaries are always rendered useless after every expansion.  The plan for Exotics is encouraging and disturbing at the same time.


I may burn all three of my toons and start from scratch when I get the new stuff since TTK is pretty much a brand new game.  I'll need to remember to toss all of my exotics, my Dustwalker cloak, and my favorite shaders in the Vault along with my two Timebreakers.


Naturally, any Hunter I reroll will still have the Papa Shango white skull facepaint.

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Yeah, old armor has always been obsolete once the new raid is out. I guess its still usable in Crucible though?


Weapons i'm not so sure on. If your attack and defense is determined by Light Level now and that's made from the 9 items you have equipped then i could see old raid primaries with a burn still being very usable in the right Nightfall. If the new weapons and armor have a cap of 280 each giving a total of 2520 and the old have a cap of 180 you could still use a Fatebringer on an arc burn week and it would only drop your total level down to 2420. You'd still be doing 300% damage with the gun which is more than a non burn 280 gun. That's assuming that's how it works. They haven't said yet other than its based on the total light added together.


Make sure you don't delete your characters until The Taken King is out J.T. They have said deleting a character before will delete their contributions to your Triumph.


Finally got my Hunter's Gunslinger class leveled today. It only took me 4 months to get around to it....

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Interesting detail on No Backup Plan 2.0: Shotgun kills will now trigger force barrier. Me like. I run those quite a bit when I'm not in a situation that calls for a bubble, because I love throwing wild melee orb parties for my team. And this will greatly reduce the amount of time I spend flailing my Titan's tyranosaurus arms around trying to trigger the effect.

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Here's another subltle detail on the changeover to TTK that I think is slipping through the cracks:

Based on the verbage Deej has been using, it really sounds to me like everyone is starting off with no Legendary Marks. Unless I've missed it, it hasn't been said that "We'll convert over your existing marks up to 200, then convert the rest to reputation commendations." All they've said is that existing marks will be exchanged on a 50 marks = 1 commendation basis.


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The weekly update seems to have answered a few questions about Legendary Marks.

Your old vanguard and Crucible marks are turned into 'reputation consumables' 50 to 1 like you said. No idea what a reputation consumable does though. Presumably boosts faction rep like the old commendations did when they got rid of those?

The new Legendary Marks are like glimmer, it's a 200 cap across your account, not each character like they currently are. But there's no weekly cap like there currently is for Vanguard and Crucible. You hit 200, just spend them, then you can collect more.

No Year Two Gjallarhorn. Some Year One exotics will have Year Two versions. If you have the original you can upgrade it, you won't have to wait for a Year Two version to drop. Blueprints let you purchase exotics you've already found. I assume that goes along with the fact that they've said you're less likely to double up on items from RNG drops now. Want a 2nd Icebreaker for another character, you just go and buy it.

For old weapons: "don't dismantle your best stuff before year two begins" No word on what that exactly means but I'll take it for now as your old weapons will be good enough at the start but the new stuff you get will be better. You cold still use original Destiny and VoG guns perfectly fine when TDB came out, they were just weaker. As the years go on they will become worthless but are still good enough for now. Just speculation though.

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