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  1. Past hour
  2. there's a Sting/Ricky Steamboat vs Nasty Boys match from Saturday Night in 1993 that I saw a few months ago and really enjoyed as Ricky Steamboat in peril against the Nasty Boys worked really well that match isn't online, but there is a 20 minute YouTube for Flair/Sting/Steamboat vs Rick Rude/Nasty Boys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRGZd7RPG3Y
  3. Today
  4. Cactus Jack vs. Sabu, Desert Death Match at the Silver Nugget in Vegas?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMTW9Llrtqg
  5. it's possible Wrestling 2 was in Continental at the same time that Freddie Miller was there rewatching this episode and in a way, it's kinda remarkable that Ole was popular enough to win a vote to dethrone Barnett Also pretty amazing that the legal battle went on for 4 months and people outside of this scene didn't know what was happening. Even people in the business. And Tommy Rich is looking good (better) these days
  6. Oh my god I randomly googled Vader vs Steamboat and this random worldwide / power hour shit is incredible. Oh my goodness. Steamboat selling like he’s been shot, trying to fight off being choked by Harley Race like he’s actually being choked and desperately trying to fight back, accidentally knocking Vader down on a suicide dive and buying time by atomic dropping Harley over the top rope to the absolutely best sell ever of a bell clap to an actual sensical finish that really makes a ton of sense oh inject this into my veins
  7. Wrestling 2 had a run in Continental after the WWF, if I remember right. And he still indies in the 90s, seem8ngly with or against the Bullet or Mr Olympia throughout Alabama and the Panhandle.
  8. watching some WOW because i'm gonna rewatch at least some of the Black Saturday DSOTR and Pep Riley is a pretty amazing wordplay ring name
  9. That's probably because late era Global exists in a vacuum where maybe 10 were left watching and then it unofficially became NWA Dallas under Crockett. Ironically, I think people might remember him in Crockett years and years earlier for like three weeks when he still at or just graduated from TCU. Doesn't exactly help that JCP was itself pretty much done then too. The consistent theme is not exactly impressing people at every stop, unfortunately. With that kayfabe last name, and it taking almost 10 years to get on the radar, probably not the greatest sign. Hell, I think Bruce was there for his first Global stint. I am surprised this many people still remember him. Hell, I rewatched the entire year of 1994 and don't recall his brief appearance at the Royal Rumble. If you told me he dressed like a door to door encyclopedia salesman, I would have no choice but to believe you. It created that much of an impression on me and apparently others.
  10. Wes/Briggs was though I thought Briggs gave Wes just a pinch too much occasionally. Still pretty nice overall. Curious if they go the 4-way route after that ending. Shayna/Karmen was fine. Karmen is still missing something for me and feels out of place as a face. NQCC vs. Tyson/Tyriek was more of an angle than a match but enjoyable enough. Michin/Grace was fun as a showcase for Mia with Grace's usual antics. The M4/Trick segment started off as lame but graduated into something fun with Trick tricking Lash into accidentally revealing their relationship to the rest of MetaFour. Dar is not a guy I can take serious under most circumstances, but I kind of dug how pissed he looked by the end. Fallon/Kelani was solid with both women looking good. Fallon feels more at home as a heel, and I hope she gradual changes her setup as time goes on. Duke/Lexis was fine. Roxanne/Chelsea was surprisingly good. I figured it would be fun. The match played up to Chelsea's face status in NXT well enough, and I dug how Chelsea caught Roxanne off guard multiple times. Kind of dug how they presented the Combine throughout the night and the final choices were mostly good though I wish Arianna Grace made the cut. Reece and Parker are by far the worst of the field, but they will probably either not make it to the ladder match or have enough solid talent around them to cover for them by that point. Was so pleased to see Chelsea and Arianna interact. It was so perfect along with with Gigi's reaction of disgust. Solid with decent enough segments and a couple of worthwhile matches in Wes/Briggs & Roxanne/Chelsea. Chelsea and Arianna's reactions to their matches tonight https://twitter.com/WWE/status/1788045733574177132
  11. Follow me, don't follow me... What happens when you lose a Best Friend™? You just go get a new one! Collar me, don't collar me! ...indeed.
  12. For what it's worth, and it's Dave reporting this, so "not much"... Sammy Guevara is still suspended for his actions in the Jeff Hardy match in February. I fully expect him to show up on tomorrow's Dynamite as the new SVP of HR or something.
  13. WCW Nitro April 20, 1998 World Television Championship match Booker T (c) vs Psychosis https://youtu.be/6mqC3uLPV9w?si=bpTv3IQS08Hc2-0g
  14. Mitchell Robinson has a stress fracture and is out 6-8 weeks (which would be deep into the Finals), so he's probably done for the year.
  15. Everyone here talking about Scott Putski based on some random WWF tag no one remembers and I'm like the only guy who seemingly remembers him from that brief period of time where they tried making him the ace of GWF.
  16. I could rewatch the Black Saturday episode to pay more attention to the first 15 minutes but yeah, this was certainly an interesting journey also congrats to Bob Roop on making people think they got Ole. Bryant was pretty good as Ole's proxy. the last segment felt a little tacked on due to recent events and yet there was still more VInce news after that Meanwhile I was watching a Continental show on the BigTimeWrestling stream where Freddie Miller was there post-Black Saturday and I suspect he might have been low-key blackballed, or just otherwise aced out, for working with Vince. edit: Also, Wrestling 2 and Spoiler were both pretty old but them going to the WWF seems to have limited their career options post-WWF
  17. WCW Nitro 6 22 98 Yuji Nagata vs. Tokyo Magnum https://youtu.be/gJOSD5waoLM?si=ELUljtcilz4M0pXm Pretty fast
  18. yeah there's a real turf war sort of mentality from the commentators in the womens match to try and downplay how much the Japanese womens wrestlers smoked the hell out of the womens wrestling that WWF fans were used to
  19. Gotta say, this commercial for the NBA app with Lil Rey Howery (is that who that is?) jerking off his phone screen is really creepy. Especially in the 15-second version that cuts from a little old lady using binoculars and then "spotting" him.
  20. I swear, I must have wished on a monkeys paw in the mid 1980s about wanting multiverses in popular culture and now you can’t swing a dead Schrondingers Cat without hitting one.
  21. Quick NXT thoughts (not in chronological order, numbered mostly for my benefit) 1) Wes's recovery video was great. Wes v Briggs was one I dreaded a little because everybody always comes back too fucking soon, but I'm feeling a little better now. 2) I think Ariana and Chelsea are each really fun by themselves, but the two of them together maxed out my tolerance in under a minute and I was making almost the same faces as Gigi. 3) Fallon needs new music and a new entrance ASAP. That song and the pose-and-lens-clean with the bar rag aren't going to work as heel shtick just because she yells into the camera after the wipedown. Match with Kelani was fun. 4) I thought Meta4's big surprise was incredibly lame at first, but that was kind of the point by the end of the segment. 5) Lexis/Duke didn't really hold my attention, which is weird because I usually like those guys. Chase U does not need a rugby team. 6) given how much the loyal perverts love Tatum Paxley lately, it was a mistake not to match her with Ivy for the elimination matches and pay off Ivy throwing her out of the Mine a whole year ago. 7) NQCC v Tyson/Tyriek was difficult to care about because the match was meaningless and just about the Di Angelo v NQCC feud. I liked Tyson and Tyriek backstage. NQCC needs another member. Possibly a woman (or a woman and another man.) Roxanne/Chelsea was super fun. Chelsea working face-ish and getting cheered was...(Jesus how many times did I write fun? I used to know words.)
  22. Watching a March 86 Boston Garden show. Gorilla and Alfred calling the two joshi tags was an experience. Alfred said “that is one ugly woman” about Dump. show also has a steamboat v Bret singles match.
  23. ECW 1996 8 6 D Von Dudley vs Axel Rotten https://youtu.be/aKQElAViq2U?si=2giilc07LtrU7ARz Weird but amusing.
  24. Movies today... Shit Year (Mubi, leaving next week) Pavilion (Mubi, leaving next week) Pit Stop (Hulu, leaving next week) Dramarama (Hulu, leaving next week) Tarot (saw at the theaters)
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