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  2. Some X-Books came out today, mostly all positive developments. Except for the Xavier stuff. I think Xavier will try to terminate Nathaniel Essex (Enigma) of (Earth-616).
  3. Huh? Liv is significantly more athletic than Becky.
  4. There's also some value in just letting some stuff go too, and not constantly holding onto a misdeed from the past. Take the woman in my avatar, for example! She played Michfest (a music festival with a significant bend towards TERFness) a few times, and in spite of repeated statements in support of the trans community since then, she still gets called a TERF. And like... People can change? People can have different opinions than what they used to have? Do we have to crystalize everyone to what they used to be years and years ago? I was a pretty awful person ten years ago, I hope to heck I've changed since then. So if I give myself that grace, why wouldn't I give someone else that same grace? If someone's still a deliberately awful bigot now, okay, fine, I get it. But if we're taking people to task for something they did in like 2011, I dunno. Maybe tap the brakes some.
  5. Becky winning is to build Liv up as the next challenger as Liv fully turns heel. They have been building up to Liv via the Revenge Tour already, and Liv was already moving into a tweener status by sneak attacking Rhea. They also just teased something brewing with Liv and Dom, which makes it possible for Liv to steal Rhea’s boytoy or to worm her way into the Judgment Day or what have you. Either way, Liv’s in the Chad Gable spot where we’re understanding her motivations and seeing the seeds planted. We’re a Becky Lynch making a cocksure remark to Liv away from the heel turn fully happening and Liv willing to do anything to show she is no longer second place. Heel champion Liv timing out with a returning Rhea writes itself. (Yes, I did listen to Busted Radio but it is a pretty easy path to see unfolding.) They could have gotten to the championship with Liv winning the battle royale. But Liv becoming an underhanded sneak to overcome Becky (the ace of the WWE’s women’s division) gives Liv a story and if/when they pull the trigger she now has more equity as a character to cast doubt about Rhea being able to get her own revenge. And if Dom ends up as Liv’s manservant or something along those lines? That is a really strong storyline. I think Liv does need the underhanded conniving role to really pull off being a champion. She really has an organic connection with the audience and clearly works hard. I think she’s pretty good at knowing how to tell a story. Her brawling recently looks really good. But her size and being a step down in athleticism from Becky or Rhea limits her as a face in having a quality PPV match. But if she’s a cunning heel? I can easily see her pulling that off.
  6. Yeah, for judging artists, athletes, whatever, for a lot of them it's a spectrum of "maybe questionable" ------------------> "irredeemable human being." You just need to pick where your own line is on a case by case basis. On the Hogan tip, if you watch any 80s wrestling PPV, I guarantee most of the people on that show have some racism knocking around in their heads. They just haven't yet been dumb enough to express it publicly. Anyway, you find your own personal line and you don't tell anyone what that line is
  7. Ordered! Can't wait to watch this with my neighbor who went to the show with me, and my neighbors who didn't go.
  8. I’m so straight, my house is filled with tough straight stuff like leather and pictures of buff bikers.
  9. You're straight though, we queer people have different rules for our homes:
  10. Today
  11. “For some reason we showed Haku the Booker T/Hogan promo and he laughed for minutes”
  12. Gonna be honest, if I didn't enjoy the art of people who didn't like my skin color, I'd enjoy like zero art. Especially of the pro wrestling variety. If you don't get over some of that stuff and just enjoy the work, you'll drive yourself crazy and never enjoy anything.
  13. i think Hogan just went full Sheiky. i think it ties back into the "separating the art from the artist" idea. easier for some people than others (i mean that for both the performer as well as the audience). i can go back and appreciate '80s Hogan promos and matches for what they are, but anything after his in-ring career ended is just cringeworthy.
  14. USC was punished more harshly by the NCAA for Bush getting money from an agent than UNC did for systematic academic fraud and Penn State for covering up children being raped in the locker rooms.
  15. Today’s chain restaurant lunchtime classic rock playlist includes: skynyrd, zeppelin, Van Halen, genesis, CCR, loverboy, white snake, flock of seagulls. and I was here long enough to hear a second zeppelin song.
  16. I mean we all know who the real killer was... You guessed it: Frank Stallone!
  17. I want Brian in a neck brace. Maybe in a wheelchair. Maybe gets in a wheelchair war with Adam Cole
  18. Well "Bright Eyes" is likely the closest we are getting to Rogue rampaging through the S.H.I.EL.D. Helicarrier. Alas, no Suzi B was used at all, still cameos galore and a Hulk namedrop James
  19. One Man Gang/Tiger Jeet Singh vs Harley Race/Crusher Blackwell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cP3tp5ZouIU
  20. As far as wrestlers always using inside terms goes, I'm really enamored with the use of the word "gimmick" as a verb, adjective, adverb, noun, whatever, with multiple meanings. It's like "Smurf."
  21. So this was passed along party lines (shocker) in the FTC. It's not something that was ratified by congress or anything like that, and could change based on the next elections. So it's a little shaky. Get out of your non-compete-based jobs while you can!
  22. At least it's not Spirit or Frontier, where the inflight entertainment system are the other passengers.
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