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  2. AJPW deserves a lot of criticism for its recent booking (and other choices), but on the next big show there are two title matches featuring guys who debuted less than three years ago (TC/tag) and one featuring a dude with about five years of experience (Honda). Pushing new guys is usually a good move—hope Aoyagi doesn’t get lost in the shuffle.
  3. Only issue with that is, there's a lot of money to be made by that match, and the next massive PLE is only about 10 weeks away. If Bron is gonna rip shit apart like I expect him to, he'll be destroying guys like Tozawa and the New Day by next month. Letting him annihilate Jey at SummerSlam may frankly be too soon. Now, opening in Cleveland, Bron vs. Braun.... that could be a LOT of fun. Then feed him guys like Jey, Owens, Zayn, Priest, Sheamus, etc. Hopefully they can hold off on Bron's coronation til Vegas when he gets a big name veteran champ (thinking Punk, Seth, or Cody - I'd say Roman too, but I think they're starting to build to Roman-Solo).
  4. If it's any consolation, I genuinely forgot to.
  5. Better late than never. Thanks for fixing the embedding for me. Tablet just doesn't do it. Hope y'all are well xxx.
  6. Watching people try to explain the complete Kingdom Hearts timeline is, to me, entertainment.
  7. This is done an A24 movie done by a Safdie brother, so this is gonna be batshit.
  8. It took me about 10 years, but I finally got my dad to admit Heineken is awful.
  9. I actually think Jey would be the perfect guy to feed to Bron right now. He’s mega over but has also clearly maxed out what he’s capable of being as a singles guy. If you’re serious about pushing Bron straight to the top, Jey is the perfect springboard at this moment. Like feeding Jim Duggan to Yokozuna in 92.
  10. Shame Deadpool and Wolverine isn't out this month or next but July instead.
  11. Today
  12. https://deadline.com/2024/05/dwayne-johnson-a24-wrestling-movie-smashing-machine-cannes-buyers-1235907380/ If you want to see another movie where Dwayne pees into bottles on set, you have this to look forward to.
  13. Only made it thru the start of the tag title match (but hey, our pub quiz win got me $5 cash, and it only cost me $18 in beer and tips!) Gable really charmed me last summer with his face run; him going heel again but with almost none of the comedy has been fantastic. He's a cruel, nasty little bully and I love it. Also great: the remixed theme is perfect for the Angle "you suck" chants. Lyra/Iyo was pretty good but not amazing. Genuinely shocked at both tourney results. Gunther/Orton should be a beauty. Bron has new music that doesn't make me think "is this just Dan Severn's old song with a siren and dog noises?" The squash was hilarious. I half expected (and wanted) him to chase the ambulance.
  14. Their screams and kid behind the camera with the Butthead voice saying “you guys okay?” live in my head and it’s been like 20 years!
  15. Yay, now people on Steam will experience the most bewildering games ever made that make Metal Gear Solid games look sane.
  16. Be interesting to see the line-up for the 2024 Blood & Guts and Stadium Stampede.
  17. Not to be pedantic but that's more of the circus deathmatch net than a trampoline. Needs the springs for the real trampoline effect.
  18. Just a heads-up: Vinegar Syndrome has its Halfway to Black Friday sale this week. Prob starts at 12:01am.
  19. Kingdom Hearts is coming to Steam. You have been warned.
  20. There are some dates filled in the calendar for October (the NOAH show is in Germany though): https://puwota.com/index.cgi?202410
  21. I really should have remembered to factor in this new “movies hit digital 2 weeks after release” into my box office totals
  22. "Jordan Henderson is a fantastic role model on and off the pitch, he is a leader and part of that group that Southgate turned to. Even if he is not starting I think he would be good around the squad." Fuck right off, Henry Winter.
  23. Thankfully my area wasn't hit too hard, but I've got friends that are going to be without power for another week and half at least.
  24. I miss Dark and Dark Elevation. It was good to see Chun again!
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