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Royal Rumble 2016.

The Natural

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The fans do like baby face overcoming the odds story lines, but it needs to be a baby face they actually give a shit about. Also it wouldn't hurt if the heels he was working had a shred of credibility. HHH is the only heel on the roster the fans would even buy as a threat to Roman at this point that's how fucked up the booking is.

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In an age where, if Roman wants to support his family wrestling, he'd have to leave the country, I'd say that isn't that big of a deal to say. Vince stacked the deck against Austin every month, trying everything he could do to get the title off of him. Yet Austin always overcame the odds. He was booked the same as Roman is being booked right now. The crowds were just much hotter (for everyone and everything). 


This whole Roman/Authority angle started because HHH said Roman was a big deal and the guy they wanted, but Roman didn't want to play second fiddle to them. All the comments from Stephanie are from those of a scorned lover. 

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The big problem here is, again. There was an actual REASON behind Vince not wanting Austin to have the belt other then "He won't be my underling". There isn't here. Oh, and also, Roman isn't very over.

Exactly, Austin was a foul mouthed, beer drinking redneck, the type of person you can see a billionaire like Vince thinking he was better than. What's the beef with Roman? His hair is too luxurious?

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The Authority's beef with Roman is a classic action movie trope - heel crew that runs the town wants to recruit some badass loner type, he entertains the fact but turns them down because of his principles and instead sides with the people they're holding down, they take offense to someone daring to defy them and want to destroy him.

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They will NOT do this (and gave it away by having Roman at 1), but if they'd had Roman get eliminated before the final four it would be a super hot finish. But the problem is you basically have to then work a heel vs. heel finish.


As it is... listen, they've already told us what the final two is. So there's that.

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Roman is the hobo with a shotgun.


I'm sure they could have just gotten Rutger Hauer instead.


The problem with Roman is they are trying soooo hard to do this boss vs. common man thing for the billionth time. Roman is hardly the common man Austin was that made Austin/McMahon so friggin great. I'd much rather see guys go after Roman as the perceived "one" by the company. Roman as the reluctant face of the company would probably be a lot better than him having to be a watered down PG Stone Cold.


Anyway I still stand by my prediction that Triple H is number 30 and he wins the Rumble and title after eliminating an exhausted Roman.


Also I swear I heard Cole say on tv they were doing 1 minute intervals this year.

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Roman is Dalton from Road House.


really fixed


well except I don't buy Terry Funk as a threat to Roman at this point


Now the real question is, does The Rock get to be Wade Garrett because he fits the profile of the mentor, or do they go with the guy they have who's name is one letter away from being the same?

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90% chance Owens isn't in the Rumble. But still, I can't shake this feeling that he's gonna lose to Ambrose, then come back as #30 and win the damn thing, eliminating Brock. I don't know why. I know there's almost no way that happens, but my gut is still screaming it.

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Roman is the hobo with a shotgun.


Roman is hardly the common man Austin was that made Austin/McMahon so friggin great. I



This is really what it comes down to. WWE can make Roman as strong as the company possibility could, but at the end of the day the narrative just doesn't fit. With what WWE told us at the time Austin was fired from WCW (the enemy), spent some time in ECW (which was seen as cool at the time), and was sick and tired of being overlooked. When people looked at Austin they could see the factory worker, the textile worker, the truck driver, the guy who busted his ass for years and just wasn't getting what he felt he deserved, so all bets were off and he stopped being nice and playing the game. Naturally when THE MAN sees Austin's rise and success, he now wants to shower Austin and help him along the very same path that screwed Austin in the first place. Austin of course declined.


We have been told since day one that Roman comes from a wrestling 'dynasty' and has the personal phone number of The Rock. He obviously has the body type that Vince loves and that works against him to the jaded/smark fan as they know that regardless of Roman's work/promos, Roman will get a hardcore push. When people look at Reigns, no one sees (despite what may be the real story) of a guy who had to work for everything he got. Reigns isn't the guy working 9 to 5 barely making it. He is the guy at the club leaving for 6 different numbers and a girl by his side. Reigns is the guy who other guys want to hang out with to learn gym and diet techniques, hear cool stories, and find out where all the hot parties are happening. None of what I just described can be assigned to someone 'fighting underneath'.

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Roman is married and a devoted father, baby gurl. You're projecting a ton of shit that has nothing to do with his character. Also, for years people would always give second gen guys the benefit of the doubt. Until Roman. But not until they realized Roman was getting the push over someone they liked. Now his family legacy is a negative against him. There was a time when people would pretend that Ted and Mike DiBiase were were definitely really good just based on their dad. Or how people said Davey Boy Jr. was worth anything before he actually got pretty solid years later. Roman is the only dude where his family legacy is held against him. 

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Roman is married and a devoted father, baby gurl. You're projecting a ton of shit that has nothing to do with his character. Also, for years people would always give second gen guys the benefit of the doubt. Until Roman. But not until they realized Roman was getting the push over someone they liked. Now his family legacy is a negative against him. There was a time when people would pretend that Ted and Mike DiBiase were were definitely really good just based on their dad. Or how people said Davey Boy Jr. was worth anything before he actually got pretty solid years later. Roman is the only dude where his family legacy is held against him. 


It was a combination of three things: pushing him at the wrong time, saddling him with a narrative that no one believed, and having Roman go out and do those weak sauce promos. WWE is in The Reality Era and has constantly tore down the 4th wall in recent years in order to pat themselves on the back. Part of this is the non-kayfabin of wrestlers' pasts, etc. Bulldog's son and MDM's sons weren't pushed to the world title scene when there were clear holes in their game and/or while the crowd actively wanted other workers at the top. Going back to Roman's character for a moment, has WWE portrayed him as a ladies man? No. Has WWE positioned Roman as a guy who is ONLY where he is because The Rock made a few phone calls? Nope. However, in this Reality Era, there are a lot of people filling in the blanks as WWE has help us due in the past and continues to encourage us to do using 'reality'. This is both good and bad, but when WWE decides to do the dance between kayfabe and reality you get the Roman Reigns backlash and debacle.


Outside of Bryan and the booking, Reign's poor narrative has been his overall problem.

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I think



Roman is married and a devoted father, baby gurl. You're projecting a ton of shit that has nothing to do with his character. Also, for years people would always give second gen guys the benefit of the doubt. Until Roman. But not until they realized Roman was getting the push over someone they liked. Now his family legacy is a negative against him. There was a time when people would pretend that Ted and Mike DiBiase were were definitely really good just based on their dad. Or how people said Davey Boy Jr. was worth anything before he actually got pretty solid years later. Roman is the only dude where his family legacy is held against him. 


It was a combination of three things: pushing him at the wrong time, saddling him with a narrative that no one believed, and having Roman go out and do those weak sauce promos. WWE is in The Reality Era and has constantly tore down the 4th wall in recent years in order to pat themselves on the back. Part of this is the non-kayfabin of wrestlers' pasts, etc. Bulldog's son and MDM's sons weren't pushed to the world title scene when there were clear holes in their game and/or while the crowd actively wanted other workers at the top. Going back to Roman's character for a moment, has WWE portrayed him as a ladies man? No. Has WWE positioned Roman as a guy who is ONLY where he is because The Rock made a few phone calls? Nope. However, in this Reality Era, there are a lot of people filling in the blanks as WWE has help us due in the past and continues to encourage us to do using 'reality'. This is both good and bad, but when WWE decides to do the dance between kayfabe and reality you get the Roman Reigns backlash and debacle.


Outside of Bryan and the booking, Reign's poor narrative has been his overall problem.



I think I agree with this.


It's impossible to book a champ more strongly than they've booked Roman.


The problem is that they booked Roman as champ.


As for the Rumble, I'm betting it comes down to a very predictable Reigns/Lesnar/HHH/Bray. One of the first three will win. I fully expect Lesnar to eliminate the entire Wyatt family and resolve their "feud" during the Rumble.

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I really haven't put much thought into figuring out who will win; it could realistically go in a few different directions and I'll honestly just be waiting to see what they do.  If nothing else, this Rumble is more unpredictable than a lot of recent ones (especially with the added wrinkle of the title being on the line).

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