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I can't think of a better place to put this, because I don't want to post this on the sports forum and this thread seems the best place to bitch about this.

But fuck spectator sports. I'm a sports fan who hates what sports has become, and not even because of the clichéd "the players are overpaid waaaaah" shit.

NHL: That last lockout too the wind out of my sails, as did the Flyers subsequent bed-shitting after play started again, to the point where I don't even give a shit that they're doing well again. On top of that, it's almost impossible to watch the games without cable, and far too expensive to see a live game, especially with the Phantoms moving out of Philly years ago (I used to get into Phantoms games for $10 as a student), and apparently when they came back in 2012 for that Outdoor Classic game, getting tickets was impossible or very expensive. This hurts the most because hockey was the first sport I fell in love with, and realizing I don't care about it anymore just seems so sad.

NBA: I gave this up before the Sixers started Tankapalooza. I already watch professional wrestling. One scripted spectacle posing as sport is enough. When Carmelo bitched about not getting "superstar" calls I knew I made the right choice.

NFL: I know I'm going to sound like a colossal hypocrite for all the shit I said about Michael Vick, but I'm not rooting for a team with Buttfumble.

MLB: The Phillies come up with more and more reasons for me to hate them. Ruben Amaro runs the team into the ground, and then they rat out that former prospect to the NCAA and pretty much destroy any chance of getting a worthwhile prospect for years. On top of that, they sign that TV deal with Comcast... and Comcast cuts the number of games going OTA this season from 50 to MAYBE 11 or 12. I understand airing games on cable, but since so much tax money went into Citizens Bank Park it doesn't seem so absurd to me that we should get more than a handful of OTA games. Before long radio broadcasts will be moved to SiriusXM and we'll be expected to pay that just to be able to hear a game. And just to twist the knife a little more, this team runs commercials for Comcast Sports Net that say (paraphrased) that if you don't have Comcast cable you should go be a Mets fan.

COLLEGE: I swore that I would never watch or endorse any form of college athletics again after Penn State got off the hook in the Sandusky case. Since then Philly's gotten the College Rugby 7s tournament, the College Cup for soccer, AND we'll be getting the Frozen Four in April. And I haven't watched a lick of it because of my principles. Oh, and I live in the home of Big 5 college basketball. Morals suck.

And now I'm left with a gaping void where my interest in sports used to be. I hate it, but I'm sick of dealing with something that gives me so much misery and nothing worthwhile in return.

Reading this, your best bet is to move.

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FUCK YOU!!!!!! to my television fucking giving up the ghost. Didn't even last 18 months, the piece of shit. How come the shitbox TV I bought 17 years ago still works, and the two newer televisions with "better technology" are fucking dead dead dead?

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What's the brand name at the bottom of the TV?


Philips. Not the best brand (last television purchase was in a panic when the previous television decided to die without warning), but the damn thing should still last two years.

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Samsung's are solid.  Sharp's Aquious line is fine.  Vizio's have been pretty solid too, although their color saturation is slightly off.  Not near as bad as Sony's though.  

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You must got the bad ones then, because when I sold Samsung TV's, they were the least returned.  My current Samsung is 6 years old and no issues, and my Samsung phone is awesome.


Course, you could just be extending your trolling to Electronics products now, in which case, Waiter, I am dissappoint.

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Brother I sold Samsung tvs. They are bullshit. I also owned Samsung phones. They are bullshit.


Trolling about electronics now? Indeed.

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You must got the bad ones then, because when I sold Samsung TV's, they were the least returned. My current Samsung is 6 years old and no issues, and my Samsung phone is awesome.

Course, you could just be extending your trolling to Electronics products now, in which case, Waiter, I am dissappoint.

I only troll the mentally bereft pal, you're ok. Samsung have been a thorn in my side for a goddamn decade.

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You must got the bad ones then, because when I sold Samsung TV's, they were the least returned. My current Samsung is 6 years old and no issues, and my Samsung phone is awesome.

Course, you could just be extending your trolling to Electronics products now, in which case, Waiter, I am dissappoint.

I only troll the mentally bereft pal, you're ok. Samsung have been a thorn in my side for a goddamn decade.


Oh, so more like me and Apple then?

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So... one of the side-effects of my new medication is hallucinations, Bedtime has been interesting, at least.


Not sure that doesn't belong in the "good news" thread. ;-)

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So... one of the side-effects of my new medication is hallucinations, Bedtime has been interesting, at least.


So... one of the side effects of moving the baby's bedtime has been sleeping on the floor next to her crib and having weird dreams where my parents were getting married again, but at the Oscars, and Brock Lesnar was there. 

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So... one of the side-effects of my new medication is hallucinations, Bedtime has been interesting, at least.


So... one of the side effects of moving the baby's bedtime has been sleeping on the floor next to her crib and having weird dreams where my parents were getting married again, but at the Oscars, and Brock Lesnar was there. 



FSW is taking over your mind, my man.

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