Gonzalez Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 I WANNA TOUCH IT SO BAD. Are we sure he's not the son Dusty had with Sapphire. 4
EVA Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Are we sure he's not the son Dusty had with Sapphire. That's who he is! I've been racking my brain over here trying to think of who he reminds me of. He strikes me as the guy who thinks he's The Rock, but in reality, he's someone a little...odder. Obviously, he's Dusty.
Gonzalez Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 He even resembles her a little in the face... He also has a bit of Will Smith as well... 1
Josh Mann Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Are we sure he's not the son Dusty had with Sapphire.That's who he is! I've been racking my brain over here trying to think of who he reminds me of. He strikes me as the guy who thinks he's The Rock, but in reality, he's someone a little...odder.Obviously, he's Dusty. Can't. Un. See.
LethalStriker Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 So with FSU having a Heisman winning QB returning for next season they easily have to be a top five team going into next season. If I have a choice between seeing which of the Florida teams to be on top it's always going to be FSU over Florida or Miami.
Burgundy LaRue Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 AJ McCarron's mother on Twitter: "Am I listening to English?" Shit just got real. #WhenDoesDeeDeesPlaneLand Well, she didn't lie. I only understand about every other fifth word Winston says during interviews. And he goes into third-person a lot. Weird speaker, Winston is.
Dolfan in NYC Posted January 7, 2014 Author Posted January 7, 2014 AJ McCarron's mother on Twitter: "Am I listening to English?" Shit just got real. #WhenDoesDeeDeesPlaneLand Well, she didn't lie. I only understand about every other fifth word Winston says during interviews. And he goes into third-person a lot. Weird speaker, Winston is. And when your son is about to go to the NFL, I don't care if Winston came out speaking Cantonese, shut your fucking mouth. Especially when "racist"/"racist family" can drop your stock from 4th round to 5th/6th.
Joe Lucia Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Wait, you mean the kid who just turned 20 and won the national championship on a final minute play was emotional and not talking great? That's so incredibly unexpected!
Burgundy LaRue Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 AJ McCarron's mother on Twitter: "Am I listening to English?" Shit just got real. #WhenDoesDeeDeesPlaneLand Well, she didn't lie. I only understand about every other fifth word Winston says during interviews. And he goes into third-person a lot. Weird speaker, Winston is. And when your son is about to go to the NFL, I don't care if Winston came out speaking Cantonese, shut your fucking mouth. Especially when "racist"/"racist family" can drop your stock from 4th round to 5th/6th. Slow down. I didn't say she wasn't right. I just said I agreed. Winston doesn't speak well, and emotions just made it worse. Like it fucking matters, dude will spend more money on covering up his raping than I'll ever make.
Dolfan in NYC Posted January 7, 2014 Author Posted January 7, 2014 I was directing my comments at Ms. McCarron, not you ma'am. AJ's agent is about to have a very pointed conversation with her and the rest of his family in the extreme near future. (And the more I read about the Winston alleged rape thing, the more I believe the investigators got it absolutely right. )
Craig H Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 I can't think of many freshman who are good public speakers, especially in that situation. I remember Everett Golson catching a bunch of shit because of how he sounded after the Irish beat USC in the final game of 2012. I feel like it's a little fucked up for Wonder Bread's mom to say something that didn't sound like what you would hear at their Wonder Bread Christmas family gathering. But hey, Sandra Bullock portrayed a real nice southern lady who helped out a black fella once, so it's all good.
Burgundy LaRue Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 I'm not Wonder Bread or Wonder Bread's oven, so that angle is lost on me. I have a hard time understanding Winston. Maybe he has a speech impediment, and that combined with public speaking hurts him. My opinion of Winston is in the negative digits. And while this isn't one of those reasons, the guy is tough on the ears. That makes him no different than 80% of pro athletes, but still.
Craig H Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Oh, sorry, I use Wonder Bread for people who are too fucking white for their own good and don't realize it. So, that would primarily be very rich white folks who aren't remotely self-aware. EDIT: And of course I go to urbandictionary.com to look up Wonder Bread after I post this and I can't stop laughing.
EVA Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 If you're under the impression that the McCarrons are wealthy, you are mistaken. They're pretty far removed from the Tuohys.
Burgundy LaRue Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 I understand why folks would have an issue with DeeDee Bonner saying anything. First of all, it's not her place to do so. Second, it seems like sour grapes because her son's team wasn't playing for the NC. Third, it just makes things awkward for your NFL bound son. And last, a middle-aged white woman saying something negative about a young black man--even if she meant nothing from a racial POV--will be seen by some as racist/racial. All legit reasons. But yeah, it doesn't take away from Winston needing a public speaking tutorial. If nothing else, stop with the Faulknerian stream of consciousness stuff.
Niners Fan in CT Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 You could settle this by looking up a postgame interview from AJ when he was 20 and compare their sentence structure.
Spontaneous Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 AJ is a game manager anyways, who cares. Someone like Cincinnati will draft him and continue on doing nothing of note. Even if you don't like Winston that tweet is stupid, nothing good comes of it. Go back to taking pictures with Johnny Manziel, he is such a sweet young man.
Niners Fan in CT Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Fwiw, I don't trust Winston as a pro right now either. He has a lot of work to do.
Burgundy LaRue Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 AJ is a game manager anyways, who cares. Someone like Cincinnati will draft him and continue on doing nothing of note. Even if you don't like Winston that tweet is stupid, nothing good comes of it. Go back to taking pictures with Johnny Manziel, he is such a sweet young man. Manziel hasn't been accused of rape. /saying
APO Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Man, people sure are quick to drop the word "racist" for any little thing these days, aren't they? Should probably save that for when actual racist stuff pops up, ya know? Either way, Jameis better put a lot of work in over the next year if he plans to declare next year because I was getting Leftwich vibes from him for pretty much the entire game.
Tabe Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 I can't think of many freshman who are good public speakers, especially in that situation. He's a sophomore academically. There should be a law passed that says you can never refer to guys like Winston and JFF as a "freshman". You should be required to say "redshirt freshman" to remind people they aren't actually first year players.
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