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Big Fresh

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Yeah it's dropped.  It's pretty rare though.  One guy had two of them drop for some reason.  The fucking glitches in this game.   


I had the same glitch issues in the Crota fight.  We quickly went through the raid until we got to Crota.  We were doing normal mode and I was trying to work on invis technique as the swordbearer with my Hunter.  He would not go down when he was supposed to, had the sword magically leave my hands as I was jumping up one time and go back to the bottom, sword disappeared one time as I got to it, and then Crota didn't respect my invisibility one time either.  I did get boots and a cloak for my Hunter though.  Will just have to try again another time. 


Didn't get much for the nightfall.  Got 9 energies with my Hunter and got Radiant Dance Machines with my Titan.  They're not too bad I guess.  I skipped out on them when Xur sold them last week because they're just really specific-use but since I got them for free I'll check them out anyway.  Got No Land Beyond from the Ir Yut fight lol. 

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Yeah it is total bullshit that the Crux only drops on the Hard raid.  I am going to try my luck in the raid waters either tonight or tomorrow although if the only thing I get to do is smoke fools in PvP and level up my new Dead Orbit shotty, I will be cool with that.


I hate being such an inconsistent PVPer.  Some matches I am a total serial killer and then i become bullet fodder the very next match.  I finally exorcised my Shores of Time demon by going 16-4 in a winning effort during Clash.  I am tired of getting close to 20 kills or over and still losing the match..


Looks like I am going to have to suffer through a Doubles Skirmish match to get another Grimoire card.  Hopefully it will go down in the Cauldron so I can get two for one.

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Yeah it is total bullshit that the Crux only drops on the Hard raid



Eh, it's basically a free exotic weapon.  They're not just going to give that away without any effort(like the old chest).  I think the idea was that it's in the same category as the Vex Mythoclast.  Supposed to be the hard mode exotic weapon for this raid just like the Vex was on the VoG.  The only thing is that the weapon actually sucks apparently. 

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I think I unintentionally hit my stopping point with this game.


I have 9 crucible bounties to do and no desire to do them.


Well you had better find some motivation to help me drag my Warlock through the last Urn mission!


I think I will hit my stopping point pretty soon once my Warlock completes the Urn mission.  All of my characters have post-DLC weapons and armor.  Once the weapons are fully ascended, I can back off a bit until the next major update.


Grimoire cards, Gold Chests and Dead Ghosts can wait because there are videos on the YouTubes to help me fill in the blanks.

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So I finally got around to looting all five gold chests on Mars with my Hunter.  Once I do that with my alts, that is one thing on the Destiny bucket list I can check off. .


When I locate and recover the remaining Dead Ghosts, get the Urn mission done with my Warlock, and score on a Crux of Crota, my Destiny days will be numbered until House of Wolves comes out.


All of my Titan's weapons and armor are fully ascended except for (naturally) Eidolon Ally,  My Warlock still need to finish levelling up his Rocket Launcher. 


My Hunter scored on a pair of boots today that gave him a much needed Intellect boost, so I scragged my old boots for shards.  Once I fully ascend the new boots and the Dead Orbit shotty, he will be military grade again.


Vex Mythoclast is unbelievable for PVP.  It's like a sniper rifle that handles like a fusion/AR.  


This is my favorite weapon in the game, and I only started upgrading it.


It sucked when it was overnerfed but the last patch returned some of its awesomeness.


Eh, it's basically a free exotic weapon.  They're not just going to give that away without any effort(like the old chest).  I think the idea was that it's in the same category as the Vex Mythoclast.  Supposed to be the hard mode exotic weapon for this raid just like the Vex was on the VoG.  The only thing is that the weapon actually sucks apparently.


The Hard raid for Crota is a pain in the ass, so it's not really a free weapon.  By PITA I am not necessarily talking about glitches.  Raids are trying on human patience even when you are working with people you actually like. 

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Sometimes I feel like JT and Rippa are playing a different game, which is cool. glfpunk, Vile, me and others all play grinding up gear and weapons to run raids and do some Crucible on the side. JT and Rippa are all about Crucible, Grimoire cards, finding ghosts, etc.


I think that's kinda cool.

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Yeah - I have no patience for the Raids


Mainly because it requires a set time commitment that I would feel way too horribly about bailing on in the middle of. I mean I already have to do a delicate balance in this game when dog or child issues arrise and I can't fucking pause the game.


I can do all my vanguard bounties in less than a hour and Crucible can be done in 10 minute chunks.


Part of the problem is the 360 crew tends to run WAY later hours than me so they are thinking about starting a raid around 10 pm EST (plus the estimate is always OH THIS WILL TAKE A HOUR TOPS!!! Then 3 hours later...)

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I know you wouldn't want to, but you can find a raid group on LFG and raids take maybe 30 to 45 minutes now. Most of the time, you could just spin around in circles as long as others are experienced.


I also think my hometown buddies and me are cursed when it's just us. I have yet to kill Crota when glfpunk wasn't involved or when I wasn't with a group off of LFG. We can make it to Crota, but we can't get our shit together to take him down. I look forward to joining up with another PUG to kill Crota either today or tomorrow, then I can get that sweet as teal shader.

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Dude, I hopped on this morning to finish the Weekly on one of my characters and do some bounties.  I realized I had the Crota checkpoint from the other night when I didn't finish it so I thought "I'll knock this out real quick." Yeah fucking right.  First I ask is there anyone with experience with the sword and this one guy says yeah I'll do it.  Next I ask if anyone hadn't done Crota's End before and everyone had done it.  So cool.  Except the one dude clearly hadn't used the sword before and admitted as much later and I'm pretty sure two guys hadn't done the raid at all before.  What a clusterfuck.  Had to back out.  After the first dude admitted he couldn't do the sword I said that's cool, I'll just do it no problem.  Except I go down to finish the swordbearer and grab the sword and this other dude grabs it and has no clue what he was doing.  I grab it next time and realize when I get to the rock and say to down him that nobody is shooting rockets.  What the fuck. 

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Yeah - I have no patience for the Raids


Mainly because it requires a set time commitment that I would feel way too horribly about bailing on in the middle of. I mean I already have to do a delicate balance in this game when dog or child issues arrise and I can't fucking pause the game.


What he said.   I was a high end raider on EQ, WoW, and FF13 and it totally wiped out my free time.  It is cool when you are single, but I've got a girlfriend that I am trying to make my wife some day and I have a 12 year old daughter.  I can't burn away my me time like I used to.


I would love to designate one night a week as Raiding Night, but i am reticent because that sort of gameplay creeps into real life and strains real relationships.  I want to do the CE raid only because I've got a dumb item that needs a Crux of Crota.  It is my OCD kicking in.

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Oh yeah, I've backed out on actual socializing due to raiding before. It's pretty bad, and I try to avoid those situations. I'd feel worse about it if I wasn't raiding with actual close friends, and some in different states (most of us ARE single, one is in a long distance relationship, and the others are just terrible boyfriends).


We knocked out the Crota checkpoint in 10 minutes last night. But now, my hunter friend is level 32, so starting next week, I'm free from using the sword. Somewhat of a relief, but I started to like having the responsibility of dealing Crota's death blow.

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I just throw away a little sleep lol. My family's day starts early so they go to bed early too. My son who is one goes to bed at 6pm and my daughter who is three goes to bed at 730pm. My wife gets up earlier than me and doesn't last long after we put my daughter down. So I usually have at least a couple of hours if I want to do any gaming. More if I want to sacrifice more sleep lol. Usually will play from 9-11.

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Oh man. I think I managed to top glfpunk's troubles from yesterday. That was a shit show of a party I invited you into.


Rippa, as if you didn't know already, I'm a fucking idiot and don't know what I'm talking about. PUG raids don't lead to much good. At least it didn't tonight. Chat problems (one guy couldn't hear glf and I felt like I was a translator or something) and we just kept having issues. Ah well. 

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My chat was fucking up all night.  It wouldn't let me join party chats but I could chat in the fireteam channel.  Then if it did let me in a party chat it would just randomly throw me out.  It's because my internet sucks.  I don't have options though unfortunately but luckily that doesn't happen all that often. 


That wasn't a terrible group, we just needed to find a solid swordbearer.  I think we had a good strategy and everyone was committed.  That last dude though...He was too hung up on doing it a specific way.  You have to adapt to what kind of group you have.  That said, I think we would have beaten it eventually if we could have all heard each other in a party chat.  It was just so late already though. 


Fucking Xur has garbage shit this week.  No helmets and the same shitty Starfire Protocol for Warlocks.  And the shitty Dbreath rocket launcher and fucking gauntlet engram.  Oh and the fuck isn't selling heavy ammo synth either.  Was really hoping to snag a helmet or decent chest piece for my Warlock.  Oh fucking well. 


I did think of something decent though.  With my Hunter, I had the problem of not having enough sapphire wire for armor upgrades and having to farm glimmer to buy shitty green armor just to break down to get the material.  So I'm saving all of my blue and purple engrams that I get and also just letting my public event packages sit at the postmaster for when I level up my Warlock so hopefully I won't have the same issue. 

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Xur has nothing of interest today - at least for me.

Of course the only thing I still need to re-roll is Bad Juju and I'm debating doing that EWB over again.


I am also considering doing the EWB again and getting Obsidian Mind, but my Warlock is speced to favor Auto Rifles and Hard Light gets it done.


Light Beyond Nemesis's rapid revive has saved many a random player's ass in Strikes, so i am hesitant to get rid of it in favor of Obsidian Mind.


I hate being wildly inconsistent in PvP.  I went 20-8 in a Clash victory yesterday and then became the anchor around the collective neck of my team for four matches straight.

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My chat was fucking up all night.  It wouldn't let me join party chats but I could chat in the fireteam channel.  Then if it did let me in a party chat it would just randomly throw me out.  It's because my internet sucks.  I don't have options though unfortunately but luckily that doesn't happen all that often. 


That wasn't a terrible group, we just needed to find a solid swordbearer.  I think we had a good strategy and everyone was committed.  That last dude though...He was too hung up on doing it a specific way.  You have to adapt to what kind of group you have.  That said, I think we would have beaten it eventually if we could have all heard each other in a party chat.  It was just so late already though. 


Fucking Xur has garbage shit this week.  No helmets and the same shitty Starfire Protocol for Warlocks.  And the shitty Dbreath rocket launcher and fucking gauntlet engram.  Oh and the fuck isn't selling heavy ammo synth either.  Was really hoping to snag a helmet or decent chest piece for my Warlock.  Oh fucking well. 


I did think of something decent though.  With my Hunter, I had the problem of not having enough sapphire wire for armor upgrades and having to farm glimmer to buy shitty green armor just to break down to get the material.  So I'm saving all of my blue and purple engrams that I get and also just letting my public event packages sit at the postmaster for when I level up my Warlock so hopefully I won't have the same issue. 


I think could have had a chance if we all could have heard each other too. Yeah, that Beast dude was so hung up on doing it the one way. That, combined with the other guy who couldn't hear you, was making things a mess. I'm also convinced that 1 or 2 of those other guys didn't even bother to use their mic. We must have said a bunch of times to not kill the knights at the beginning and that DMC guy just kept killing them.


One thing is for sure, I'm going to need to learn how to carry. I joined 5 different PUGs and each time, "can you carry?" 

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Would've bought DBreath for the Grimoire card and only if I had an abundance of SC's to burn.


And yeah, I have been on exactly three Destiny raids and have never had the same experience twice.  Guys are hooked on their methods so if your team decides that they are in charge, bite your tongue and keep your suggestions to yourself. 


If he asks for help, give it to him.  Do not offer aid if he doesn't ask for any, even if the strategy isn't panning out immediately.


I have been the Raid Coordinator in EQ FF13 and SWG and there is nothing worse than having a bunch of alpha dogs trying to be the Top General and trying to outvoice the guy who is actually supposed to be running the show.


If I am the man, then what I say goes and your job is to make sure your subordinates follow MY plan.  if I were running a Raid and DMC did not follow the plan, I'd have either booted him from the Fireteam or taken all us back to orbit.

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Have they ever explained how Xur's inventory works? Like, is it a random number generator or something? Otherwise I'm having a hard time understanding why they would have him selling the same damn warlock gear 2 weeks in a row.

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