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Shoot wish i had it for the 360 i could help ya out a bunch. Ive got all kinds of good guns from level 5 to overpower 8 but ive got it for ps3. Only game i have for 360 is gta 5.


You got it for 360 robert? Is it purdy good. I played the shit outta 2. Probably have more hours on it than i do gta


Yeah, I'm on 360 for that one.  Playing as the gunslinger so I can use auto-aim.  Damn NPC bad guys keep pulling Mary Lous on me and pissing me off.

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If you and Robert start rolling in Borderlands for the 360 - I'm in.

And I doubt I would have to twist JTs arm to dust off his copy

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I'm enjoying it so far.  I mean, it's Borderlands, you pretty much know what you're gonna get.  I'm stuck on one boss right now.  Pretty much cruised through the game up to this point, but the difficulty level jumped about 10x with this one encounter.  Figure it should be fairly easy for two or more people, or even one if I actually had a decent corrosive weapon.


Dalm i want it now. Ive been playin the 2nd one a lil bit every now and then when nobody is on gta. There's still a few guns i was wantin on overpowered 8. That dalm bunker has been stingy with the rightsizin corrosive bitch though and the warrior stingy with the electric and slag conference call. If i get the presequel id say ill forget about those and find some new loot to loot.



I'm enjoying it so far. I mean, it's Borderlands, you pretty much know what you're gonna get. I'm stuck on one boss right now. Pretty much cruised through the game up to this point, but the difficulty level jumped about 10x with this one encounter. Figure it should be fairly easy for two or more people, or even one if I actually had a decent corrosive weapon.

Which boss? Which VH are you playing?

I got Wilhelm to 50 without too much hassle. That said his special ability is awesome as it distracts the enemy while dealing decent damage.



It's Felicity.  Damn thing was driving me nuts.  I tried it about half a dozen times.  Got her health almost all the way down once, then she one shot killed me.  Decided the game and I needed a break from each other after that.


I'm playing as the gunslinger (can't remember her name) mainly because I love her special ability. 


Now that i think about it sniping might not be good on this game correct me if im wrong but with loot flying off ya might ourghta break out the shotty and get right up in their grill.


So since I was through with the main quest and I'm taking a time out on the Tiny Tina DLC as my Assassin, I decided to do another playthrough as a Siren.  So far I think this might be my favorite class.  Although I did respec my Assassin to where he's more of a melee fighter and I was messing around with it a bit in an area full of enemies.  "Execute" + "Many Must Fall" = fucking badass.  I'm not sure if I'll go into TVHM with either or just try out some of the classes before going on, but yeah.  I've been having a good time with the Siren.  Just tonight I got, I think, three E-Tech weapons in the course of two or so hours of playing.  And I feel like I'm managing my inventory much better this time around.  I have 27 slots, but I usually have 10 or so free spaces.  I'm around level, I think, 26 as the Siren and I got the Maggie around level 18 and it's still a damn efficient killer.


Also the one grenade, whose name I do not recall, that throws out five other grenades after landing and has a circular area where electricity just spews out.  I don't remember when I got it, but I've been using it for a long time and it's always pretty fucking great at crowd control.


Cool im talked into gettin the presequel. If i can get outta this dalm motel and back home I'll pick it up tonight.


With the new compatibility pack, they added some new grinder recipes.  The old method of legendary weapon/legendary weapon/purple weapon/moonstone will still net you a legendary (item is based on the class of purple weapon you use, ie. I got a Torrent from two Thingys and a purple SMG), but now you can get a guaranteed legendary from a three legendary grind.  You can also grind three purples for a purple item and (in an addition that was desperately needed) you can finally grind three legendary shields and O2 kits.




I'm playing as the gunslinger (can't remember her name) mainly because I love her special ability. 

Nisha is a flat out badass.  She makes things die, quickly.


Are we playing Borderlands The Pre Sequel or Borderlands 2?   I


have a 20% off Pre-Owned Games coupon from Gamestop because my birthday was last week, so I can either swing by Gamestop and get a gently used copy or drag Borderlands 2 out of mothballs.


My bl2 is for ps3 but hell id replay it for xbox just hafta get it and start from scratch from my overpowered 8 character but its probably cheap as hell. Imma try to get pre-sequel soon jt i had it preordered but cancelled it now i want it.


The Pre-Sequel is the Amazon Deal of the Day.

So you can grab it for $39.99


So it is something...


Melraz. If you wait until black friday, I have seen the Pre Sequel advertised for $29.99 at a couple of different places. Check the Black Friday thread, it was mentioned in there.

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So I'm on TVHM as the Siren and I'm wondering:  What's the best way to go through this?  I've heard that it's a good idea to wait to do the sidequests until you beat the main story or are at level 50 or something, because the game scales up and thus any good weapons you could get from doing the sidequests will be at level 50.  So do I just wait and do all the sidequests, or is it a wait and do the sidequests with the rewards you want leveled up to 50?


And on another TVHM note:  It's harder, but the Siren's been a pretty badass character for me so I've been doing better than I thought I would.  So good, in fact, that for the first time ever I actually downed that one constructor holding Roland and it didn't haul ass to 'Friendship Gulag'.  I never had any success with that on Normal mode, but on a harder mode, no less, I actually killed the damn thing.  Probably helped to have a 13k x 3 rocket launcher.  And I managed to survive the next few waves of loaders.


Thanks brian if i can work up the courage to get out that day i definatley will.

Shylock: its true that the weapons will be better if you wait to do the side missions after the main missions but i really cant think of many guns or items worth keeping that you get after completing missions. I personally would do the side missions as i went and then go back and farm some bosses to get the highest leveled gun possible but thats just me.


Order it online. Best Buy at least will have all their BF stuff online (aside from the doorbuster deals)

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I've never watched a reality tv show, but I would damn sure watch one that focused on melraz shopping on black Friday.


Really need to pick this game up again.  It's a good game, I've just taken a break for some reason.

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This TVHM is insane sometimes.  I go through pretty easily up until I fight Wilhelm.  I die a whole bunch of times, so much so that I'm back near 250 grand of money left and then I finally beat him.  Then I realize that there's three things coming up:  Stalkers, the giant thresher, and that battle in Overlook.  I couldn't kill the stalkers on my way there, because this stupid fucking Rabid Stalker wouldn't goddamn die.  I even had it in phaselock, with the Ruin skill and I was unloading on it with the best gun I had and it still made it out of phaselock and wound up killing me.  I got killed once, tried running and got killed again, and finally my "flee the fuck away" strategy worked, because I ran into some loaders along the way and they started fighting the stalkers.  The goddamn constructor was a pain, until I realized I could just phaselock it from across the way until it was near death and then bombard it with that legendary grenade I got from beating Wilhelm.  I did the same thing pretty much with the thresher.  I am not looking forward to the battle in Overlook one bit.  Also:  Is it just me or are Assault Rifles and Machine Guns worthless-as-fuck in this game?

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