melraz09 Posted November 22, 2014 Posted November 22, 2014 Wait till ya get to the overpowered levels it gets even better. Dalm i miss that game. Gonna get the presequel especially since my shit can connect to the internet again.
BrianS81177 Posted November 26, 2014 Posted November 26, 2014 Playing through Borderlands 2. Without spoiling anything, can someone tell me how close I am to the end? Sanctuary has been moved to a different spot and Roland, Lilith and I got the message from Angel telling us where to find the vault key. Also I LOVE the DLC for this game. Finished Capt. Scarlett, and it was great. Playing through Torque's now and enjoying the hell out of it. Which one should I do next? Hammerlock or Tiny Tina? I'm about level 22/23 right now.
Big Fresh Posted November 26, 2014 Posted November 26, 2014 Hammerlock is the weakest. And honestly, I'd skip it. But you're not a high enough level for Tiny Tina yet. Finish the game first, then do Tiny Tina. Because of your level and it contains heavy story spoilers for the main game's end. You're roughly halfway through the campaign.
Cliff Hanger Posted November 26, 2014 Posted November 26, 2014 First episode of Tales is out today. I need to finish at least one of the Telltale seasons I wandered off from before I buy it, but it's out.
BrianS81177 Posted November 26, 2014 Posted November 26, 2014 Damn I didn't realize it was coming out already. Nice surprise.
melraz09 Posted November 28, 2014 Posted November 28, 2014 Got the pre-sequel today after i got called to work. Drove by Gamestop at 12:00 they weren't busy so i stoped and got it. Now i hafta work all day go to motel tonight and probably hafta work all day tomorrow. Hopefully be tryin it out on the 360 tomorrow night.
BrianS81177 Posted December 2, 2014 Posted December 2, 2014 Up to level 30 on Borderlands 2. Tried to take on Pyro Pete The Invincible and I can't even begin to drain his shield. Is there something I'm doing wrong? BTW if any of you have a 360 and wanna co-op for part 2, my xbox live name is the same as I go by on here: BrianS81177. Just send me a request and tell me you're from here. I'll hopefully get the pre-sequel for christmas too (I've made it abundantly clear I want a copy) so I'll be available to co-op on that too
odessasteps Posted December 3, 2014 Posted December 3, 2014 I tried the new game. Gave up after about two hours. Did not hold my interest. 1
melraz09 Posted December 4, 2014 Posted December 4, 2014 Played through the Presequel. I thought 1 was dalm good and 2 was awesome. Presequel was aahhh. It was an ok game but waaay to short and not hard at all. I fell to my death off the map a lot more than killed by enemies. Id say under 5 enemy kills through the whole game. I havent done all side missions or the raid boss and hopefully the dlc will be long too. Still have the uvh mode as well if i decide to do it. I probably wont go through it solo though like i did 2 many many times or play every character like i did the 2nd either. Overall i give it a C+. But thats just me. 1 was a B+ and 2 was an A+ in my grade book. If anybody on 360 wants to play though gimme a holler. I like these games co-op more so than solo style.
melraz09 Posted December 12, 2014 Posted December 12, 2014 Decided to play through this again and it seems a lot better thos go round.
Shadow Posted December 15, 2014 Posted December 15, 2014 I have had Borderlands 2 since forever and I got to UVHM and it wasn't the difficulty that I didn't like, it was the fact that at the time it wasn't very fun dying all the time. So I put the game down for like six months and I recently picked it back up. I fixed some of the problems I had like not having guns near the right level, not having the right elements to deal with certain mobs and I stop playing Tiny Tina's dlc on UVHM. Even after getting some decent weapons that dlc was a terrible place to try at 50. Now I have Axton at 64 and after beating The Warrior on the third playthrough, I'm doing the Captain Scarlett dlc which I haven't done. Hopefully I can make it to 72 by the weekend and start on OP levels.
RIPPA Posted December 19, 2014 Author Posted December 19, 2014 Gearbox would like to know who your favorite characters are Definitely seems like this might be a way to gauge future DLC or something
Big Fresh Posted December 19, 2014 Posted December 19, 2014 I think it's more likely about Borderlands 3. The DLC for the PreSequel is probably already decided on.
Jingus Posted December 21, 2014 Posted December 21, 2014 That quiz forces you to rank FORTY-FIVE CHARACTERS IN A ROW. It claims you can just do a top 5, but as soon as you rank anybody, every single one is thrown onto the list. So you either gotta rank a buncha mooks you don't care about, or turn in a list that pretends you care about them and carefully thought about where they should place. Fuck a buncha that.
BrianS81177 Posted December 21, 2014 Posted December 21, 2014 Just started the Tiny Tina dlc. After I finish it I might re-visit the first game and start from scratch. The only DLC I played from 1 was the Zombie Island one, never did get to the others.
Jingus Posted December 21, 2014 Posted December 21, 2014 The zombie island one was easily the most fun, imo. Moxxi's Arena is one of the toughest parts of the whole game, since the enemies always level up to match however strong your character is. Trying to beat 25 waves of enemies in a row (let alone 100 GODDAMN WAVES in the hardest final challenge) is a pain and a half. And if you die, you've gotta start allll over way back at the beginning. It can get controller-throwingly frustrating, especially with Moxxi constantly taunting you over the loudspeaker. General Knoxx's Armory is lots of fun and lets you drive around in vehicles a lot more than you do in the regular game, but it's also pretty difficult and has a ton of unique monsters that will knock your dick into the dirt. Especially those house-sized granddaddy-longlegs things, which are nearly impossible to kill in a fair fight unless you're stupidly high-leveled; you've pretty much forced to pick them off at a distance, because otherwise it's game over. (Although listening to the various audio files of Knoxx himself slowly going crazy is almost worth it; and the armory itself is pretty damn awesome, so it's a shame how little time you're given to explore it). Also, the will-be-important-later-on character Athena is first introduced here. And it proudly features Crawmerax The Invincible, the single hardest enemy in the entire game (his optional mission is entitled You. Will. Die. and they are not kidding). Personally, my favorite thing to do is to come here as soon as the FastTravel stations are open, and then loot the crap out of the nearby chests for big money and powerful weapons at a low level; just make sure not to activate any enemies, or they'll kill you in two seconds. Finally, Claptrap's Revolution is one I'm ambiguous on; it's probably got the most fun bosses to fight (the last one literally looks like someone took the giant transport that the Jawas use in Star Wars and then stuck a couple dozen guns on top of it) including cyberzombie-resurrected versions of dead bosses from the normal game, and it's also the only time you're allowed to fight Commandant Steele directly. But the variety of regular enemies is disappointing, since you mostly seem to be facing an endless horde of basically identical evil claptraps. The good news is, your shock weapons will actually be useful for once. The bad news is, way too much of this section takes place in a maze of claustrophobic caves that all look alike and are really boring and irritating to explore.
BrianS81177 Posted December 22, 2014 Posted December 22, 2014 Just finished Tiny Tina. I was surprised how emotional it was. Not something I would expect from the Borderlands series. Quality wise, the best DLC released for B2 (though I gotta say, Mr. Torque might be my favorite character now). Gonna finish Tales, and then I might fart around in the first one again until I inevitably get the Pre-Sequel for christmas. That, or try one of the new classes in 2 (Psycho/Necromancer).
BrianS81177 Posted December 23, 2014 Posted December 23, 2014 In anticipation of my getting TPS for christmas, which character is the best to solo the game with?
Hail Sabin Posted December 23, 2014 Posted December 23, 2014 In anticipation of my getting TPS for christmas, which character is the best to solo the game with? If your getting it for PS3 we can do some co-op. I use claptrap you don't have to worry about the O2 gauge and his special is random but the situation, his health, his shield and if your playing solo or playing with others dictates the mode he goes into.
BrianS81177 Posted December 24, 2014 Posted December 24, 2014 You raise a good point about Claptrap. I rented TPS a while back just to try out and the O2 thing was really pissing me off. I think I'll try it as Claptrap at first.
BrianS81177 Posted December 24, 2014 Posted December 24, 2014 I rented it again last night. I am now obsessed with the grinder.
BrianS81177 Posted December 24, 2014 Posted December 24, 2014 I played through the beginning with the Lawbringer chick (I forget her name), but the 02 thing was pissing me off. It's bad enough having to fight what seems like 20 god damned kraggens at once, but to have to worry about running out of air on top of it. If the helmets recycled your air so it didn't constantly drain I might be more willing to try the human characters, but I think I'll stick with Claptrap for my first playthrough at least.
RIPPA Posted December 25, 2014 Author Posted December 25, 2014 I just got the Pre-Sequel as one of my two Video Game xmas gifts so eventually I will get to it. I will then beat the main story and then never play the DLC... just like the first two games 1
Jingus Posted December 25, 2014 Posted December 25, 2014 The 02 thing: so essentially the game comes with a permanent timer? Ugh. What the hell is this, Shadowgate or King's Quest 3?
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