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Hey Sabin (and anyone else)!


Pretty sure I'm firing this up for the first time tonight if you'll be around.

  • 2 weeks later...

So I know I'm behind, but I just finally have started playing Borderlands 2. Anyone still playing it on the 360 and wanna do some co-op with me at some point?


Well they jacked up the occurrence rate of legendaries in the Presequel.  I found a legendary O2 Kit,  a legendary grenade, and a legendary class mod in vending machines in four hours of play today.


I've got a Nonelemental Nisha build going on with a Jakobs pistol.  Showdown is a great action skill.

  • 2 weeks later...

I'd stopped my first playthrough of Borderlands 2 (GOTY version) a few months ago and picked up where I left off about two weeks ago.  Playing as Zero in normal mode.  Got further in the main quest, then beat the Scarlett and Torgue DLCs then I finished the main story, and tonight I tried out the Tiny Tina DLC and I'm instantly regretting even touching this piece of shit.  Every.  Fucking.  Enemy. Is near unbeatable at times.  I got to the part where you are supposed to get blood oranges and I'm at level 36.  And there was a level 40 Duke of Orc there and it killed me around five times and after I finally made my way around it due to luck, I go on and get killed by those flying dragon things even more, then that fucking King skeleton thing that Roland takes you to.  I managed to off his skeleton guard a few times and down him, but not before getting killed twice more, and then five more times by that flying head thing that completely saps my shield and damn near kills me with one hit.  I swear I lost about half the money I had before starting this due to dying so many times.


Keep at it. The Tiny Tina DLC is one of the best DLC's ever released for any game. It's a shining example to point to when goons say that "DLC is a rip-off and doesn't add anything", the Tiny Tina DLC can destroy that argument. Because it's fantastic.

But yeah, you need to level up more before you do it.

  • Like 1

I'd stopped my first playthrough of Borderlands 2 (GOTY version) a few months ago and picked up where I left off about two weeks ago.  Playing as Zero in normal mode.  Got further in the main quest, then beat the Scarlett and Torgue DLCs then I finished the main story, and tonight I tried out the Tiny Tina DLC and I'm instantly regretting even touching this piece of shit.  Every.  Fucking.  Enemy. Is near unbeatable at times.  I got to the part where you are supposed to get blood oranges and I'm at level 36.  And there was a level 40 Duke of Orc there and it killed me around five times and after I finally made my way around it due to luck, I go on and get killed by those flying dragon things even more, then that fucking King skeleton thing that Roland takes you to.  I managed to off his skeleton guard a few times and down him, but not before getting killed twice more, and then five more times by that flying head thing that completely saps my shield and damn near kills me with one hit.  I swear I lost about half the money I had before starting this due to dying so many times.

Yeah Tina Tiny is awesome but I think it's designed to be played as a co-op storyline which is why that happens. Shylock you playing on XBOX 360 or PS3? If it's PS3 let me know when you going to play and I'll bring my Mechromancer to kick some ass then chew some bubblegum.


As for Borderlands the pre-sequel anyone playing it on PS3?


I soloed Tiny Tina, but I was also a bit overlevelled for it.  It's by far the best DLC, and better than most of the main story.  That ending, man...


I dunno if it's me or the game, but TPS is really not grabbing me at all.  I've levelled two characters to 7 or so and then just kinda wandered off.  Maybe I'll give it another go this weekend.

  • Like 1

So I'm at level 16 in Borderlands 2. I take it I should wait a while to try out the Tiny Tina DLC?


If I remember correctly, you can do the Scarlett and Torgue DLC at a lower level, but the Tina and Hammerlock storylines are level 30.


Scarlett is worth playing early, because of the loot you can get... but if you can hold off, you get the best SMG in the game (Sandhawk) at a higher level, so...


This is my first venture outside of the gta section. Just seein if anybody has played the 3rd borderlands or if anybody still plays 2. I guess i could go read through the posts though huh?


You got it for 360 robert? Is it purdy good. I played the shit outta 2. Probably have more hours on it than i do gta


I loved the first 2. Pre ordered the pre sequel bit couldnt pick it up on release date cause of work. Rukered and myself read some reviews and watched some videos and it seemed different. I think 2k was the main company in design and not gearbox. May be wrong though but canceled the game.

Tryin to find out if gameplay is as fun or almost as fun as the first 2. If it is ill definitely buy it. I know id get pissed if i saw an orange gun float away into space. Dont know the new gun names but if i saw a bee shiels or conference call fly off id probably shoot the dalm tv with a 12 gauge.


This is my first venture outside of the gta section. Just seein if anybody has played the 3rd borderlands or if anybody still plays 2. I guess i could go read through the posts though huh?

I'm playing 2 on the 360 right now. Sat on it for almost a year before finally starting it. Playing through the Captain Scarlett DLC now

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