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Everything posted by Swift

  1. Zues' beard, who the fuck thought that delivering already filled waterbeds is a good idea, and what damn company is insuring your workplace so I can sell them a bridge in Brooklyn? uhhh...
  2. Some favourites... (Silent Night in Irish) and pretty much any version of O Holy Night, but here's a particularly good one... but most of all, this...
  3. Let's hear you say something in German. I for one can't pronounce any words with a "th" in them. Last year I was in the States and wanted to order three hot dogs at a hot dog stand and the guy got all angry at me, because he understood I wanted free hot dogs. As an Irishman, I sympathise.
  4. Guys guys guys... Mark Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer
  5. Fuck crossed eyed people. 2+ years and I still don't know where to look when talking to my boss.
  6. I think there's something wrong with me because I can never maintain a collection. I go all gung ho on buying stuff and then 6 months down the road, I fall out of it and move on with something else. I didn't used to be like this. In the last few years I started... ...a coin collection (sold most of them, kept two or three), ...a football (soccer) sticker collection. It was fun opening packs, but at some point I figured it was too much money to spend on worthless pieces of paper, at which point I moved on to... ...hockey and baseball cards. I don't even fucking watch hockey or baseball, but it was the possibility of pulling something rare that kept on reeling me in. Despite not knowing 95% of the players, it was fun and I like the Allen & Ginter sets. ...almost started a vinyl collection this year. I did a lot of research on what speakers and turntable to buy. Ended up buying the speakers, but had turned myself off the idea after that. ...started a comic book collection this year. Obviously bought stuff I wanted to read, but also would go to goodwill stores and buy anything they had. Archie comics for a $1 each. What an idiot. Collection has gone bye bye too. ...have toyed with a stamp collection. Did it when I was a kid, but I don't think I'd stick with it, so in one of my wiser moments, I didn't jump in. As for stuff I currently collect... starting to build a blu-ray collection, mostly Criterions (this is a second attempt, having dumbly sold 90% of them this summer). I half heartedly buy books I'll never read (have a small collection of old school Penguin covers) I just love second hand book shops, and the feel and smell of old paper. I have a CD collection, but it's just stuff I've amassed over the years. Likewise, I have quite a bit of Lego, but I don't really think of it as a collecting thing. I just buy sets for me.. ahem, my son to build. Stephen Leacock's On Collecting Things is apt here, particularly the bolded line.
  7. Swift

    I Check Movies

    Your shames list is brutal. Unfriend me. It really is. Utterly shameful. I do get a certain satisfaction though when I watch say [b[in The Mood For Love and "Woah, holy shit, Jae hasn't seen this yet! What's wrong with him?" Then relatively obscure 1950s Japanese noir... "Of course he's seen this" I'd be interested in seeing your list.
  8. Here's a strange one... Andrey Konchalovskiy was a collaborator with Andrei Tarkovsky, writing Ivan's Childhood and Andrei Rublev. 20+ years later, he's directing Tango & Cash and a Whoopi Goldberg movie. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0464846/reference
  9. Once again, I'm pimping this site - http://www.icheckmovies.com/ Basically, you check off movies when you've seen them. There are currently 151 lists on there ranging from IMDB's Top 250 to Top 50 Sci-Fi to the Criterion Collection. You're essentially checking movies off those lists (There are also thousands of unofficial lists running from Hitchcock's filmography to Jason Statham's filmography) As you progress you earn awards. To me, the awards are essentially useless. By far, my favourite function is comparing to your friend's profiles. And that's where you lot come in. I'm sick of comparing myself to Jae because he beats me in 99% of the lists. So befriend Jae and I (Rippa is on there too... well, once) and liven things up a bit. Me: http://www.icheckmovies.com/profiles/cameron+swift/ Jae: http://www.icheckmovies.com/profiles/jae+renfrow/ And just so this thread isn't just a shill, I'll post my Top 20 shames (movies which appear on the most lists which I haven't got around to seeing yet) 1. M (33 lists) 2. 8 1/2 (30 lists) 3. Casablanca (30 lists) - I kinda, sorta watched it, but dozed off in the last half hour, so couldn't bring myself to cheat 4. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (30 lists) 5. Annie Hall (29 lists) 6. On The Waterfront (29 lists) 7. Spirited Away (29 lists) 8. The Third Man (29 lists) 9. The Bridge On The River Kwai (28 lists) 10. Rashomon (28 lists) 11. The Wizard of Oz (28 lists) 12. The Godfather: Part 2 (27 lists) 13. The Seven Samurai (27 lists) 14. Touch Of Evil (27 lists) 15. Metropolis (26 lists) 16. The Best Years of Our Lives (25 lists) 17. Gone With The Wind (25 lists) 18. King Kong (25 lists) 19. The Maltese Falcon (25 lists) 20. City Lights (24 lists)
  10. Yes, because it refers to literally every male ever born.
  11. Rick Moranis stars in "Honey I Sat On A Needle"
  12. Completely random, and probably old news, but I just found out today that Nicki Minaj performed on one of Victoria's themes.
  13. Swift


    I have a year's free subscription in my car, and I have to say I'm quite liking it. I only use it for music, none of that talk show stuff. Chill is by far my favourite station. Sigur Ros and Boards of Canada showing up will do that. Also getting addicted to this song they keep playing on there. Quite like the 40s station too. The 90s station sounds incredibly dated however. Other recommendations?
  14. Holy shit. I just watched Death Wish 3 the other day and it was awful. Bronson was awful, and the guy playing the cop was especially terrible to the point where I had to look him up on IMDB to make sure he was actually an actor, and not just some ex-cop who worked on the movie. Turns out his name was Ed Lauter and he had quite the career.
  15. Obviously I don't know the ins and outs of your relationship, but you're posting it on a public message board, so I figure it's fair game to jump in and say something against the grain... Your wife deserves a hell of a lot of respect for not only being the caregiver to your grandfather in the first place, but for continuing in that often thankless role despite the differences between the two of you. That's not something that she would have been under obligation to do.
  16. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten around to watching Red or White in the last few years, so I was the lone Blue vote.
  17. Swift


    I've been rewatching it this year (currently mid-season 2; wife is watching for the first time) and there is so much amazing dialogue that I missed the first time, that it almost feels like my first time watching it. I'm sure I could just rewatch this show over and over again and always find something new. And it's not even just the major players. There's a scene where Alma Garrett dismisses her nanny, Ms. Isringhausen, as she doesn't feel she loves the child. There are no fireworks, no curses flying. It's so restrained yet filled with anger bubbling underneath. If anything, those scenes where the characters have to be polite, but also strongly getting their point across are some of the best.
  18. Iceland making it to the World Cup would be amazing.
  19. And what a dick Del Rio is. "Oh shit, your fiancee is about to get raped! Well, let me get the three count first..."
  20. I think I forgot to vote for Home Alone (and Home Alone 2, for that matter)
  21. Reigns is a part of the Anoa'i family and a former defensive linebacker, he's an hard cunt. Great main-event, chairs, spears through barricades, super-hot tags, perfect use of the enforcers, new champions, Brilliant. "A hard cunt" not "An hard cunt", we pronounce the H in hard, so you don't need the N. That main event was so much fun. I was pretty sure they were moving the titles along, but I wasn't sure if it would've been by Bionic Elbow or Falcon Punch. Show mauling people with his fist is everything that's right with America. My main problem with this whole storyline remains Stephanie. I think at this point it's clear that IF she gets her's (and that's a massive if), it will come at the hands of a Diva. But after a couple of months of semi-feuding with AJ, she's all of the sudden doing her favors by tossing her opponents to the wolves? Her lack of focus is killing me. I don't always correct a person's grammar, but when I do, I like to make sure I do it right after they've criticized somebody else's. There is no such word as "her's". It's "hers". Likewise, there is no such phrase as "all of the sudden". There is no particular "sudden". The correct idiom is "all of a sudden". And besides, as already pointed out, he was being a Cockney. Anyway, on to Raw. This was my first time watching WWE since Wrestlemania, and I've barely kept up with what's been going on. Some random thoughts... 1. Jack Swagger looks a lot bulkier up top, but not necessarily muscular. Also, are those guys in danger of becoming faces? Their "we the people" bit was somewhat over with the crowd, and Cesaro's swing definitely was. 2. Why was Daniel Bryan upset that his wrestling fiancee was put in a wrestling match? 3. Why was the fiancee screaming behind the closed door even though it appeared that Randy Orton wasn't even in the room when Bryan entered? 4. How does Shawn Michaels figure into the upcoming match? Has he been established as overwhelmingly favouring Orton over Bryan, or are we just supposed to suspect that he might because HHH is his buddy? 5. Is there a better (in terms of safety) hardcore spot than the spear through the barricade? There never looks to be a risk of injury to anybody (except maybe the poor timekeeper) and yet it always gets a "Holy Shit" chant. 6. Yes, the last five minutes of the show were great, but everything else seemed solid to me. Maybe it's because being out for a while, I'm not particularly jaded right now. As somebody pointed out, the lack of recaps throughout the night helped things move along nicely too.
  22. Whatever happened to Bull Buchanan anyway?
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