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I'm far behind here.

Back to Hunter/Hayes vs Delaporte/Bollet:

Bollet is such a strutting jerk:


It takes a special kind of jerk to cartwheel like this and then immediately get stooged:


Everything about this is pretty great, both the way they put him in and the fans rushing forth to help:



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Running through Arabet Said/Serge Gentilly vs Yves Amor/Georges Gueret quickly with just one gif.

This is so nonchalant that it's pretty hilarious. Gueret was a great character who has a sort of Larry the Axe vibe to him:


On to Jean Corne & Isha Israel vs. Marcel Mannevau & Claude Gessat which was great.

Check out the agility involved here!


Beautiful heeling:


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If somebody doesn't use what's shown in those last two gifs I'll be incredibly sad.  Heck, you can have FTR against some flippy team on Dynamite using those and it would be fantastic.

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More of the tag:

Look at the struggle at the start on the top wristlock, the way he resets things with a little hop so he can get the space to go up and over. Obviously it's the kip up/headbutt that's more impressive but look at how organic this all is relatively:


Is this nuts? This feels like it's nuts to me:


If we ever had gotten that heel John Cena tag team run...



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2 hours ago, Matt D said:

More of the tag:

Look at the struggle at the start on the top wristlock, the way he resets things with a little hop so he can get the space to go up and over. Obviously it's the kip up/headbutt that's more impressive but look at how organic this all is relatively:




That's how Cactus Jack lost his ear, doing the hangman spot.


3 hours ago, AxB said:

That's how Cactus Jack lost his ear, doing the hangman spot.

Yeah, but Foley was a little more methodological in how he got stuck (though he had some good momentum on that one obviously). This feels like a smoother, crazier motion to me.

On 12/2/2020 at 7:39 AM, The Natural said:

Stupid Sting strikes again.

I LOVED this angle. Also, I really love that somehow Flair's betrayal knocks Randy Anderson off his feet.

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