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You know that being a Hamilton fan is a miserable proposition when you're happy that one win means that at least they won't run the table of incompetence this season. At least they'll have the most Canadian corporate-sponsored stadium name next season.


And now we're watching Edmonton playing back-to-back games in a downpour. 


It's gonna be a long year with this particular batch of Alouettes,


Is Calvillo's age finally catching up to him?

More like a horrendous o-line.


The East is all over terrible. It's a coin flip which two of these travesties is going to make the playoffs, assuming the West is crossing over.


Montreal changed coaches and schemes and 5000 year old Calvillo wasn't smart enough to walk away. I can't wait to see what they do next year without him assuming he doesn't decide to be Favre North and keep hanging on for absolutely no reason.


Also, Edmonton aren't very good on offense at all so I don't know if there's any crossover guarantee there. Calgary, Sask, and BC are really all tough wins for my boys right now. Watching them play without Fred Stamps tonight, it's really obvious without him we've got very little. Dude is the best receiver in the league.


Also, I honestly enjoy how fucked up football gets in the rain. It's like watching football in the 1950's all of a sudden. Some crazy billionaire needs to build a dome with an indoor weather system so it can rain every game all the time.

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Fuck, that was the longest, coldest most depressing game to sit through. Just embarrassing.


Buck got hurt? They didn't announce anything, so we just figured he was pulled because of how god fuck awful that offense is. The defense looked like utter shit until Ray and Kackert went out, no wait, they looked like shit after that too. Just a piss poor effort all around.


Great kick coverage in the second half, so one bright side there.


Why is Jovon Johnson still returning punts? Fuck, why can't anyone any this team block for kick returns? The Bombers should have the option of just accepting the ball at their own 20, rather than suffer the embarrassment of not being able to advance it any farther on a return.


This team....


Buck took a good shot on the second last play of the first half for the Bombers, got up and ran a draw play to Simpson, and did not come back for the second half.


Well, that's not terribly surprising to hear at all. Buck seems like the nicest guy, but it is tough having him as your team's quarterback.


So the Montreal/Calgary game went from 24-0 early in the 2nd to 35-24 early in the 4th. Talk about collapse. And it doesn't help that my man Noel Devine forgot that there was there was more than 100 yards needed on that kickoff return. Noel and fumbling = some things never change  <_<


So, after having power out for more than 24 hours, the first thing I see when turning the TV back on is a 24-0 game, and I elect to catch up on my Rifftrax.


When will I learn that no lead in the CFL is safe, especially after only 1 quarter?

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So. 3 minute warning, and the closest the Ticats have come to scoring is a rouge that was called back on a holding penalty.


It is gonna be a long year in Guelph.


It's officially Goltz time in Winnipeg. Apparently dropping weight and posing shirtless as much as possible did not actually prevent Buck from being injured. I guess you learn. We might as well find out what this kid's got.


Toronto with a stunning win tonight. Might have picked this score in reverse.


Also it looked like people actually went to a game in Toronto for a change, so that was nice to see.


Jim Popp is coaching the Alouettes now? What the fuck?  What an ugly year.

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