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I realize that I am usually the one that starts the Fantasy Football thread for the DVDVR League... I didn't start one this year because it filled up without actually making a thread since we had 11 back from last year and 1 more back from the year before.  But we still need a catch-all thread as drafts are starting, and if anyone wants to start another DVDVR league now would be a good time!  Although I guess I can take the chance to remind those in the paid league to, you know, start thinking about making arrangements to pay :)


As usual I am hoping to pick 5th, but I will probably pick 2nd.  Rippa will pick 1st of course per our usual tradition.


It wasn't actually Phil last year, I just enjoy giving him a hard time, he got lucky #12 last year.  But Martin was drafted first last year.  He probably won't be this year I don't suppose.


If only I could do as well in jelly bean leagues as I do in the Emeritus league, I would be so set. 


As I was trying to figure out how the fuck I won it last year, I realized I had won the year before also, which I have absolutely NO recollection of.


I'd have won the league last year if Mike McCarthy wasn't an asshole and let that bitch-ass James Starks vulture the touchdown that would've won it for me.

No, I'm not bitter. Why do you ask?

(Yes, I am bitter)


Aw, I really wanted to join this year.


Ah well, someone will start a league 2.

I hope so, because I want in too. . . . .


Well Kevin usually takes backups in case folks don't pay

Which reminds me - I need to pay


Yes.  Yes you do.  But you have two weeks.  


This is the first year ever that everyone came back from prior years, I always give returning players a chance to come back before I post on the board about it.  Kinda exciting to have a full slate of return players though.  Usually there is a second non-pay league, but I can't remember who normally makes it.


Here are some general tips that are true regardless of what type of points setup you have:


1.  Don't draft any Raiders

2.  Make sure you are up to date on preseason injuries

3.  Don't draft any Kickers or Defenses until late, most are pretty interchangeable so no need to use an early pick on it.

4.  Try not to draft any RBs that are over the age of 30. I don't care how good they look or have been, they have a high break percentage.

5.  Remember a good WR needs a good QB.  Like Fitzgerald last year, he is a great WR but he had no one throwing to him so he didn't really reach his preseason expectations.

6.  Don't reach due to personal opinions.  You are in it to WIN IT!  So don't draft all your favorite players unless its the actual appropriate time to draft them :)

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Make sure you know the rules/scoring setup of your league BEFORE you draft


Different rules will often dictate your strategy


Like for example - say you were in a points per reception league (PPR) - a running back who also catches a lot of passes out of the backfield suddenly becomes way more valuable in that type of scoring league than a non-PPR league


Or if you are in a league that starts starts two QBs - you probably want to grab a superstar early since two good/great QBs WAY more important than filling both RB slots with Peterson/McCoy types

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1.  Don't draft any Raiders


No Jets is often a good policy too


And I slighty disagree with Kevin in regards to Kickers/Defense - well just on the Defense part.


I am not saying draft a Defense in the first 5 rounds but some of the defenses (say like Seattle) can almost always be counted on to give you like 10 points a week.


Of course that ties back into the settings of the league - if the scoring has been tweaked so that a defense needs like 3 sacks for a single point (just randomly making stuff up) then it isn't really worth it worry about a defense since there won't be any difference.

And if the scoring is that wacky - get the hell out of the league


I don't have a league this year and I'm ready to fill in all your holes....








......But yeah, whoever makes the 2nd league needs to get in contact with me


Make sure when you are reading articles and looking at rankings, they are for PPR. 


It changes things. RBs who catch balls are more valued, WRs who are "possession" guys become important, and so on.


If it's your first year, and you're playing with more experienced guys, don't be afraid to ask questions. Watch what they do and evaluate.


The championship is won through the waiver wires and trades, so a mediocre draft won't kill you out of the gate as long as some of the building blocks are there.


The championship is won through the waiver wires and trades, so a mediocre draft won't kill you out of the gate as long as some of the building blocks are there.

Yep. Some one is going to get hurt. Someone will have a break out season that no one expected, and you've gotta be a vulture. The team I drafted always looks different than the team that I have in the playoffs.


Usually because I draft RBs whose legs explode. So keep an eye on combustible running backs I guess.


Everyone in the DVDVR league: would it be possible to push the draft back by a half hour or forty five minutes? On Tuesdays I have work obligations and getting home at 6:30 can be a chore.


You and Ryan can duel it out since so far y'all have been the oddballs with time commitments on a random Tuesday night, he has a commitment starting at 8ish on Tuesdays.  Download the mobile app, they are claiming they made it easier this year to draft via mobile.  Assuming you have a smart phone, if not you'll have to do that first.  Also I need some dues, I should let only those that have paid have a say in when the draft is :P


Yeah - considering I have a 2nd draft starting a hour after this one (and some other folks might to since it is Kris' league) I am already going to be double drafting so no moving this draft please :-)


Well hopefully you won't be double drafting for too long, although I can see how that would kinda suck.  But it should just be the last few rounds where you can throw some personal favorites that no one else wants (like Manning) in your queue and pay attention to your new draft.


I forget Kevin - since Paypal was being weird - did you still want fees via Paypal or via check?


Is this where we ask for advice too? Catch-All in the title kinda implies it, so here goes...


My group had our draft on Friday, and I ended up drafting Prater, only to find out the next day that he's being suspended for 4 games. :/


Now, the way I see it I have a few options. I can:


- Kick someone from my bench to replace Prater, and just use that guy as a backup/waiver wire feeder after week 4.

- Replace Prater altogether. Which is fine, kicker isn't that big of a deal position-wise. If it weren't for the fact that Prater is a top 5 kicker, I wouldn't even be giving it a second thought.

- Do nothing and just play without a kicker until Prater comes back.


Now, admittedly, option 3 sounds kinda dumb and self-defeating. So, assuming that is in fact the case, which of the two other options do I go for, and who do I pick up? Right now my best options on the wire are Dan Carpenter, Jay Feely, Blair Walsh, Matt Bryant, and Alex Henery. Thanks!


I forget Kevin - since Paypal was being weird - did you still want fees via Paypal or via check?

Either way, just PM me if you want to pay via check and I'll give you my address.  Afraid if I post it publicly I will get magazine subscriptions sent to my house.  The thing with paypal is last year I think they had some script that noticed people putting FFL or something similar in it, and I got an email about using paypal for gambling purposes and to stoppit.  So as long as everything is blank I don't think they could track it.

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