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Quiz time, nerds!

Fat Spanish Waiter

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BAM! Ryan nailed it!


1. Stinkfist - For whatever reason, MTV didn't want to play the video for Stinkfist with its actual title (can't imagine why), so instead the called it "Song #1" or something like that in the credits at the beginning and the end of the video, so 1 = 1

2. Eulogy - Supposedly, Eulogy is directed at L. Ron Hubbard. His novel, Dianetics, the bible of scientology, first came out in 1950.

3. H. - Pretty straightforward, h is the 8th letter of the alphabet.

4. Useful Idiot - One of their "filler tracks", it's just the sound of the end of a record. On vinyl, this was when you'd flip it from side 1 to side 2, hence 1/2.

5. 46 & 2 - Again, this one was pretty easy, and the first one I'd thought of.

6. Message to Harry Manback - It was hard to come up with a number to correspond to this "song". In it, the guy says "one of three Americans die of cancer", so there's 1/3

7. Hooker with a Penis - The song is about selling out. 4 + shift = $, so there you go.

8. Intermission - It's an instrumental, so I jest went with the length of the song, which is 56 seconds.

9. jimmy - The number 11 comes up several times in the song.

10. Die Eier von Satan - This is a eggless cookie recipe, read in angry German to screw with the listener. The recipe states to bake the cookies at 200 degrees for 15 minutes, so that's where 200/15 comes from.

11. Pushit - This was a hard one too. Ultimately, the song is about some sort of relationship, so I made 2 represent the two people in the relationship.

12. Cesaro Summability - Cesaro Summability is a math equation, which is where I got that from.

13. Aenima - The song references Arizona Bay, which is the last album that Bill Hicks recorded while he was still alive. As piranesi noted, 12/16/61 is Hicks' date of birth.

14. (-) Ions - Quite simply, I just used a negative number to represent the (-) part of the title.

15. Third Eye - Third Eye, 3....Pretty simple.


I was worried that it would be too easy. That was fun! :P

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Dammit.  I just listened to that Bill Hicks album and he sings "Jumpin Jack Flash" on it as part of a story about meeting Mick and Keef.  Ive been googling the shit out of Rolling Stones songs because of that.


Like a Rolling Stone was first recorded by Muddy Waters in 1950 (your clue #2).


I've wasted my life.  At least now I can close the 47 TABS I HAVE OPEN IN FIREFOX with Rolling Stones lyrics on them.

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