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I've not come close to spending all my strange coins yet. But I'd hoarded up around 700 of them before the whole Three of Coins thing came about. I spent maybe 250 the first week of TTK and I've not dropped much below 400 since while still buying 40-50 three of coins each Friday. I've only been playing on one character and even then I've been getting about 50-80 strange coins a week. I'm back over 500 this week.

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Yeah it's kind of crazy how common they made strange coins now.  You used to get 27 every week if you did the weekly heroic three times and then you'd be lucky to find another 4 or 5 coins all week.  Now you're finding double that without even trying.  Still kicking myself for giving up on acquiring them in the last expansion.  Once I had every exotic in the game I quit playing the weekly heroics like a dummy.

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I guess my confusion (if that is the right word) in regards to ToCs is - when does it run out?


Like if you kill an Ultra and an exotic doesn't drop - is the ToC over?


Or is it on a timer like weapon buffs?

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It goes away when you kill an Ultra.  So if you pop one and then play the rest of the night and don't kill an Ultra, it's still there when you log on tomorrow.  Once you kill an Ultra, you need to pop another one.  Just one at a time. 

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There are a few cases where they don't work. The 3 Psions in the Dust Palace don't count. Tanks/walkers don't seem to count (though I've not tested all of them). I suspect the first brother to die in the new Cabal strike doesn't count, but that's just speculation, I have had exotics drop on the last to die though. You can use them on Taken Champions in patrols, or the one that pops up in the Mars strike sometimes.

A quick note on the Dust Palace Psions and Super Cabal Bros. regarding loot. Make sure you put a bullet in each one as soon as they pop up. We've divided up the 3 Psions between us before and killed one each, and because I didn't put damage in the last one to die, I didn't get any loot. Same with the Cabal brothers.

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 The Psion Flayers aren't considered Ultras.  So when you finish that strike you'll see your 3oC buff is still active.  The two Shield Bros are considered as one Ultra so the exotic will drop after killing the second one.  If you kill the first brother and then look in your menu you'll see your 3oC buff is still active.  It goes away once you kill the second brother. 

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Just stumbled upon a video that says that farming the Gate Lord is easier than suicide killing Draksis


Basically you can return to orbit after killing the Gate Lord but before the timer starts so when you return, you are right back at the boss again

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Oh motherfuckers - with the patch coming next week - they are nerfing shotguns in the Crucible



With the deployment of Update 2.0.1, we will wholesale remove the Shot Package perk from all Shotguns. Any shotgun with Shot Package (depending on the exact weapon) will now have Close and/or Personal, Crowd Control, or Knee Pads. This change has not negatively impacted our PVE playtests.

Even though Shot Package is going away right now, expect to continue seeing Shotguns used to great effect by Crucible warriors. Each Class allows for movement optimizations that let players quickly close gaps. Most PVP maps have great flank routes and tight spaces. Game modes like Control, Salvage, and Rift ask players to converge upon and fight over small spaces to win. With or without Shot Package, even our shortest range Shotguns will continue to be effective death dealers in the hands of a skilled Guardian. With Shot Package on a time-out, we can recalibrate the effective range and research a way to hopefully reintroduce the perk after some time at the work bench.
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Finally, a nerf that takes a troublesome weapon perk out of the game instead of crippling the weapon entirely. 


The loss of Shot Package will not keep dudes with Full Auto or Rangfinder from fucking people up in the Crucible.  Thank God that the ability to re-roll is gone so that now players will be forced to deal with weapon perks as is whether it be vendor or RNG weapons.

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God I am a fucking dope (again)


I only just realized that I unlocked the Touch of Malice quest line.


I guess I really need to get cracking on the calcified fragments because I dont have 30 yet for Part 2

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God I am a fucking dope (again)


I only just realized that I unlocked the Touch of Malice quest line.


I guess I really need to get cracking on the calcified fragments because I dont have 30 yet for Part 2


I wish we were on the same console, I'd walk you through where they all are.  If you haven't done the nightfall this week, do it before reset because one of the fragments drops as a nightfall reward for strikes on the Dreadnaught.  There's another one in that strike that you might as well get while you do the nightfall.  It's in the room after you kill the tank.  The room that has the colossus in it.  It's under some rubble on the right side. 

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Excited for today, I'm off work at 1230, so I've got a full day for Destiny! Gonna move forward in TTK, then maybe run strikes for a few hours. We'll see how it goes.


Yeah once you run through the story missions, strikes are your best bet in leveling up quickly.  Certain quest lines will give you a legendary something or another as well. 

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Now I am really pissed at myself


One of the fragments is on the same fucking ledge as the Chest of Yuul - which I have gotten TWICE including last night.


Grr... I don't know why I never thought to search that ledge


(Though to be fair - someone started a CoO battle while I was over there so I raced back to join in)

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I will try to help phil, ive got the touch of malice, there are a few that you get from CoO and you have to be the one to pop the rune for the t2 boss combos, nightfall specifics (dreadnaught strikes as nf), a few in story missions like regicide or shield bros strike as glf was saying, and the raid. We got this.

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My biggest things that I appear to need help for at the moment

- A Nightfall Strike

- Killing the Taken Champion in the Rocketyard (So I can finally finish Taken War)

- Killing the Taken Champion at Citadel for Queen's bounty (This one has been glitchy (like the Champion never appears after killing the Lieutenants) so I might be able to do this solo when not glitched the fuck out)

- A strike to get my 7 Orbs in 3 Fists of Havoc (easier with a fireteam instead of me getting weirdly paranoid that I am making randoms wait. I am weird)

- Possibly beating Promethean Codes (Heoric). I kinda was working that I could solo this. Obviously would go quicker with people.

I am not counting the collecting shit as part of the Raid since I consider that a different animal

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Excited for today, I'm off work at 1230, so I've got a full day for Destiny! Gonna move forward in TTK, then maybe run strikes for a few hours. We'll see how it goes.


What console are you playing on? I should be able to join you for a bit around 7ish Central tonight if it's on PS4.

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The only thing that can be a holdup on your fragments Rippa are the T3 CoO bosses since there's only one per week and also whether or not you have a skyburners command beacon and a charged agonarach rune.  Outside of that, you can just go get the rest of them.  You only need 45 and there's a confirmed 47 found right now so two can be skipped.  I never did get around to doing the one with the agonarach rune. 


The hardest one if you're by yourself is the one where you have to stand in the room for a minute to get the "scent of the worm" buff which lasts a minute and requires you to sprint to the chest which can only be gotten to by spawning invisible platforms.  It took me a couple times and when I finally got it there wasn't a second to spare on the timer.  It would be helpful if you had teammates already out there on the platforms so that you didn't have to waste time bringing your ghost up to see them. 

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Yeah - I printed out my list from Destiny Tracker to figure out what I still needed.


Skyburners I already have. I have a Charged Agonarach Rune already - I just didn't know where to use it (which I know now)


I can see myself dying a lot on the Scent of the Worm one - since I will be racing a clock, I am bound to bounce off ledges


At this moment - I see the Raid ones being my biggest challenge

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Excited for today, I'm off work at 1230, so I've got a full day for Destiny! Gonna move forward in TTK, then maybe run strikes for a few hours. We'll see how it goes.


What console are you playing on? I should be able to join you for a bit around 7ish Central tonight if it's on PS4.



Unfortunately, I'm slumming it on PS3. Open to teaming with anyone down here in the peasantry with me, though.


Spent my coins (I somehow had 43, despite spending them all last week as well, the economy has really changed since year 1). Picked up the gauntlet engram and then the rest on ToCs. Engram turned out to be the 'Get Off Me' (or some similar name), a set of Hunter gear that turns you invisible when you get hit with melee. Broke them down to infuse them into my Sealed Akahamara Grasps, since I prefer the extra throwing knife to invisibility and they were very similar otherwise. Almost broke down for the Y2 Knucklehead Helm, because the Y1 version was my first ever exotic, but I wouldn't switch from the Grasps, so what's the point? 257 Light now, gonna knock out bounties before storyline, then it's on to strikes for me, hope for some more gear there.

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The King is dead.


We marched on his spaceship, knocked on his space door and punched him right in the space dick.


Hell of a run for a first clear, Took about 2 and a half hours. No wipes on the Warpriest, only 1 on Golgoroth, none on the Deathsingers and it took about 5 attempts to get Oryx. I'll take that considering i'd never done that encounter before and only 3 of the guys playing had beat it. Probably would have had him on the 3rd run but for some reason he didn't take damage from some of the bombs on the 3rd phase and it all fell apart.


Didn't break a sweat on the Warpriest, we almost got him in 2 rotations. Had the tiniest amount of health left on the 3rd.


Golgoroth was a walk this time. Took us 2 hours when we went in blind and only 2 attempts when we knew what we were doing. We went with the one gaze grabber strategy and it seemed to work a lot better. We just need to work on our timing of dropping the orb and getting the gaze to get a few extra seconds of damage in. A few more seconds of Black Spindle from 3 people, and a couple of regular sniper rifles could equal maybe 5-600k damage each orb.


Deathsingers got smashed. We left the first on a slither of health, slaughtered the second, then went back for her sister.


Oryx... Hes not really a hard fight, there's just so much shit going on its very easy for a mistake to happen. With 50% of our team doing it for the first time i think it went pretty damn well. Like Golgoroth, once we get the timing and jobs down i reckon it will be a breeze.


We probably died more dicking about with the jumping sections than to actual enemy fire.


A mixed bag for the rewards. I got 4 items, which is great, but 3 of them were only 300, which kind of sucked. But i'll take what i can get at this point and worry about cracking 304 later. Chest piece, class item and auto rifle at 300 and the rocket launcher at 306.


I will sleep now, its 2 in the morning.

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I guess yesterday was the day for beating that bastard. After a handful of unsuccessful attempts at PUGing the Oryx checkpoint, I finally cleared it on a fresh run with my usual crew.

It took about 3 and a half hours, but it would've been way shorter if not for the fact that

1) One of our guys got stuck for an eternity on the platforming sections. Every section. For so long on the pistons, the exotic chest was gone by the time he got to it.

2) And then the game kept selecting him to be the runner during the sisters! That did not go well.

I was the gaze holder on Golgoroth for the first time, and that was an interesting experience. That can get kinda intense. I forgot to call out the time once, but it didn't cause a big problem.

As frustrating as the Oryx fight can be at first, just because there's so much going on, it's extremely gratifying to see everyone "getting it."

I think the key was to have 4 guys with a designated quadrant, so they know what their pillar/ogre/bomb responsibility is. And if somebody goes down, it's easier to keep straight "Pick up so and so's area" than shouting "Back left" and have somebody go "WHICH IS LEFT?"

After a couple of runs doing that, your role almost becomes muscle memory, and it's much easier to focus on maxing your DPS.

Very fun raid overall. Bungie outdid themselves.

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