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Big Fresh

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Oh do I not like Rift

I like the idea, but it usually ends up with a super-coordinated team that knows what they're doing squashing a clueless opponent. Way more so than ol' Control.

The trick seems to be for your team to push into enemy territory BEFORE your runner picks up the spark. Throws the opponent into complete disarray, both in terms of securing the spark and defending the rift.

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It doesn't help that I was on Theives Den which I think I have played once before.


Hit Level 40 and now can start fiddling with the other stuff available


I'm over Light 200 now so I don't feel quite as squishy.

Gonna field test a weapon or two for the Gunsmith.

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I'm still not sure how the Petra/Taken quest works. You're supposed to kill Taken lieutenants to draw out Champions. Well, I did that, but nobody ever showed up.


Are the Champions the big fucking named dudes at the end of the Public Event?

I figured out my mistake. I had confused the Taken patrol mission for the Taken public events.


Ended the day at Light level 213. I'm about a bounty away from hitting another Vanguard level, so hopefully I'll pick up something to give me another boost.

I finished Cayde's Dreadnought Patrol sidequest, which as pretty easy, and Zavala's target sidequest, which was...not. Yeah, FYI they've really upped the difficulty on the "high priority target" patrol missions. If you go in there expecting to roll up on another lowly red bar enemy and shotgun them into oblivion in 5 seconds, you're going to get fucked up. Those targets are now Level 40 Majors (often shielded) and they come with Level 40 support mobs. The shielded guys are especially tricky right now, because you aren't necessarily loaded with special/heavy weapons for every occassion.

The last one I did was a 40 Minotaur with a void shield that gave zero fucks about Gjallarhorn.

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I am finally playing through the Previous DLC story missions before I touch Taken King content. I am up to level 34 with my Warlock and am trying to get XP on my Sunsinger. I really should have put more time into this in year one.


I am still debating between a Titan and a Hunter to build and use my spark of light on. I will end up building both, but I want to start with one first.

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241 light on my titan, last mission i tried to do was the one for a new sparrow. It started out as a time trial, or sparrow racing on patrols (3 of those, had to hit overcharge level 3) for ikora...last part glitched out on me or something, it didnt count the sniper shank or fallen saber kill in that strike, and i killed at least a dozen of those bastards and the boss fell to my hammer...idk, i guess back to the grind tomorrow.

Sleep needed, brain is mush

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I can already tell that my plan for tonight is to unlock (and work) on my Titan's 3rd Class and play Rumble matches.


I have a couple of quests that require me to be in a fireteam so I am going to need to hook up with mis and whoever else on my friends list who has Destiny for the One

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Oh I have that step in my Striker's quest where I have to generate 7 orbs at once 3 times in a Strike.


So now I just need to figure out which strike I want to do where - in theory - I can do that 3 times so I don't have to keep doing strikes. (Or I should say I don't want to do strikes until I get better gear and can earn Legendary Marks for my trouble)

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I've not done the 7 orbs yet but thinking about it, I'd recommend the Sepiks strike. Double back on yourself to the Steppes, you have those 3 hive majors (2 acolytes and a knight) in the bunker to the left of the starting location in a patrol. And they respawn every time you go back up the stairs (or jump at the back of the room) should be able to knock it out pretty fast, and Sepiks only takes 10 mins to run anyway.

I was thinking, is there any reason not to pledge to a faction? You get 100% vanguard rep and 50% faction rep when handing in bounties so why would you just pick vanguard? Is there something I'm missing?

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Moved my exotics to my vault and deleted my Titan and Warlock.   I will start a new Hunter as soon as I install TTK and complete the Veteran's Tour with my old Hunter. 


Hopefully I will get a shiny Hawkmoon for my new Hunter even though Hawkawsome has suffered much during the new Weapon Tuning nerf,


DLC will be in my hands tomorrow night.  Will proabably let the install go on overnight and arrive back in the Tower on Xurday,


Since a majority of the 360 dudes have migrated to XBone and I don't know when I'll get one, I will probably end up inviting my DARPA and retired Navy homies to the DVDVR clan and we will start recruiting like minded individuals to fly the standard.  Either that or we will found a new clan so that we don't have too many non-board members sullying the waters of the DVDVR clan.


Yeah, I learned the lessons of GTA5.

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Oh I have that step in my Striker's quest where I have to generate 7 orbs at once 3 times in a Strike.

So now I just need to figure out which strike I want to do where - in theory - I can do that 3 times so I don't have to keep doing strikes. (Or I should say I don't want to do strikes until I get better gear and can earn Legendary Marks for my trouble)

The Undying Mind.

It's very long, so you'll have plenty of opportunities, and there's that one section on the stairs that's a nonstop wave of yellow bar enemies.

Just don't forget to wear your exotic with the "create more orbs" perk. They've gotten stingy with the orbs since 2.0.

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I wasn't disappointed.  I was waiting for a buddy of mine to get on so I went to the tower and did the whole running back and forth from person to person thing.  I liked the new shaders that were available.  After that I jumped into some crucible to do a quest and did pretty well.  I liked the new maps.  I just played control though.  Messenger pulse rifle still wrecks shop.  My buddy finally got on and we went through the first couple of story missions.  Man, what a difference in the dialogue.  Much much better.  The story is actually a real thing now.  But that's all I got done.  Got up to 38.  Leveled up FWC which I decided to rep because I wanted the hand cannon and what did I get from the package? The hand cannon...with worse perks than the one you can buy from them lol.  Whatever though, it's something at least.  The new supers in crucible were pretty cool to see.  The Titan one definitely seems like the best.  The warlock one seemed kind of garbage for crucible.  I killed a handful of warlocks with the pulse rifle after they sparked off their super.  That titan one though seems kind of like golden gun on steroids. 

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Oh I have that step in my Striker's quest where I have to generate 7 orbs at once 3 times in a Strike.


Do what everyone else does.  Fire up Devil's Lair and instead of going along with your fireteam members, double back to the Steppes and haunt those three Hive Majors until you produce the orbs you need.


One Fist of Havoc should kill all three Majors and produce seven orbs total and if it doesn't use an exotic that buffs your orb generation.  If your fireteam bails, no biggie since I don't think you have to complete the strike in order to get that part of the bounty done.

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You do have to complete the strike - its just unclear if you have to do both at the same time.


Well, if you do the strike with me and Mis or one of my friends, we could wait around until you got your orbs and then get to killing Fallen again.


Oh... that's right... :)

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Hey dont blame me


You are the one who insisted on buying a house


Hey, I am trying to step up in my relationship and show my commitment to the woman I love.  Who knew that being a good man was such a hard fucking job?


There should be enough of Mis's crew on Xbone to loiter around in an active strike while you get the orb thing done.  Get them in a fireteam and do your thing.


The bad thing about that part of the bounty is that other randoms will be competing with you for orbs during the strike.  Going in with a fireteam of friends that will let you get your kills in is the best option.

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You do have to complete the strike on the same run you get the the orbs.

So if everybody drops out because some dickhead is running around in the Steppes while they do all the work, you've just turned the "quick and easy" way into the "super fucking tedious" way.

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