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The Assassin's Creed Series


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So, it turns out that the gameplay of Rogue is, essentially, Black Flag 2.

Sounds like a winner to me. Especially getting rid of the damn diving sequences.
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Got my first real glitch doing the Little Prince mission. Save him, speak to him, he says nothing, the objective changes to defend him, he doesn't move. Kill every single bad guy in the area, he's still cowing in the corner, won't move.

Also had my favorite random moment of fun. In one of the areas with the thugs guarding a locked chest, for fun I hit the Brute with a bezerk blade. Just as he starts brawling with his friends, two guards chase a criminal in to the same area, and a six way brawl breaks out. I wait until the bezerk Brute is the last man standing, drop down, kill him, loot all six bodies, pick the lock on the trunk, it's 4000 franks plus however many I looted.

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Got my first real glitch doing the Little Prince mission. Save him, speak to him, he says nothing, the objective changes to defend him, he doesn't move. Kill every single bad guy in the area, he's still cowing in the corner, won't move.

Did you try talking to him? I just did that mission yesterday and you have to talk to him after every battle to get him moving again.

Also had my favorite random moment of fun. In one of the areas with the thugs guarding a locked chest, for fun I hit the Brute with a bezerk blade. Just as he starts brawling with his friends, two guards chase a criminal in to the same area, and a six way brawl breaks out. I wait until the bezerk Brute is the last man standing, drop down, kill him, loot all six bodies, pick the lock on the trunk, it's 4000 franks plus however many I looted.

Fun stuff. I love the way different factions will start brawling like that.
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Started playing the Dead Knights DLC. A lot of fun to be sure but I already encountered a hiccup where I have to find a little boy in the town and he isn't marked anywhere on the map not even a green search location. Looked on YouTube and low and behold....those guys had the search area and pinpointed him. i went to the same area on the map, no search area and no kid. 

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Same basic thing happened to me and others the first time I tried the Danton's Sacrifice co-op mission.

Already mentioned my little prince problems.

I really like the game, but it's still a bit buggy.

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The main storyline for Assassin's Creed 3 has completely gone off the rails since the third game.  It's like they don't know how to build a game off of characters reliving the memories of distant relatives anymore.


Isn't Juno supposed to try and take over the world or something?  What happened?

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So, now that I've finished the main game and am just running around cleaning up side stuff and debating how much more I'll do, here's my review:

Assassin's Creed Unity - Man, this game does so many things amazingly well. It improves in a lot of areas on the past games in the series. One way in particular is that there's none of the jarring "oh hey, walk around an office" modern day nonsense. There's only one required modern day sequence and it is AWESOME.

climbing the Eiffel Tower during WW2 while being attacked by fighter planes

. Another is that there are a lot fewer of the painful "follow character XYZ on loooooooooong, sloooooooooow walk" sequences and the ones presented are a LOT more palatable than in the past. For the first time, your weapons and gear really matter. There's a difference in damage from the best weapon to the worst, the range changes on pistols, etc. This is a VERY welcome improvement. The visuals of the game are incredible, with mind-blowing depth, detail and variety in the environment. There's vineyards, canals, a million kinds of buildings, and all kinds of unique-looking neighborhoods and areas. All of those areas are heavily populated and feel really ALIVE. And the buildings themselves are now open and able to be fully explored. And the stuff you're asked to do, in general, is a lot of fun. Ubisoft has opened up a lot of the game so you have more freedom to attack. No longer are there the ridiculous "don't be detected" requirements that immediately end a mission. And so forth.

Having said all that, the game is not perfect. There are glitches. I ran into a couple that forced me to restart a couple side missions. Nothing major, but annoying. There is slowdown when running through heavily populated areas. The in-game map, while vastly improved over previous games, is not perfect. It doesn't differentiate between Nomad chests that you've unlocked and those you haven't (you have to unlock them in the companion app before you can actually open them). It also doesn't differentiate between co-op missions that you've already completed once and those you haven't. The only way to tell is to either remember or to actually go to the mission location where you will be told. Ubisoft also removed stuff that I wish had been left in - the ability to pick up and move dead bodies, the hiring of thieves and prostitutes and a few other small things. And, as always, controls remain a problem. There are still faaaaar too many instances where you're trying to simply run and your character will begin climbing. Or will go in a direction you don't want. Or will get "stuck" to a wall/rope and simply refuse to let go. Or simply refuse to go through a window. And so on. This is an area that still needs a lot of help.

Unfortunately, the story simply doesn't live up to the gameplay. It's uninteresting, dull, and not creative. It (for the most part) eschews the supernatural nonsense of earlier games but does so in favor of a convoluted, generic tale of revenge. And even that gets ignored for awhile as you try to hunt down your watch (seriously). The resolution is unsatisfying as well.

So what's the bottom line? This is a great game. It's a LOT of fun to play. Gameplay and missions are easily a 9 but the story drags it down. So I'll go with 8/10 for Unity but this is a really, really good game. It's not on the level of AC2 or Black Flag but it's really, really good.

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Fwiw, the nomad chests are light blue, regular chests are white on the in-game map.

That's not at all what I was saying. I know which ones are the nomad ones. The problem is, the game doesn't tell you which ones have been unlocked/made accessible via the companion app. They're the same blue shade as the ones that you can't access. THAT was my gripe.
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There is a lot more variety in level design in Dead Kings. Almost a Zelda/Tomb Raider vibe. But hooky fuck twice now I've gotten to a point where it pops up on screen "press R2 + X to jump back" and Arno just refuses to do it when I push it. First one legit took over five minutes of me just pushing them before he made the jump, still stuck on the second.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been spending a lot more time on Unity. Knocked off all the Nostradamus Enigmas - ain't gonna lie, I Youtube'd the solutions for them since they suck, IMHO - and have gone back and redone the memory sequences on which I didn't have 100% sync. The first 11 memories are all done and now I just have 2 of the 3 sub-parts to memory 12 to re-do. Probably going to need to check out Youtube for some tips on those as I tried to do them originally without success. The do-overs have been fun, forcing me to take some missions a lot slower than I did originally and be a lot more careful.

Interesting thing, not sure if good or bad - the game doesn't require you to complete all objectives for a mission in the same playthrough. So long as you hit them at least once in ONE playthrough, you're golden.

I would like to get every trophy but one of the trophies is a co-op one that requires synchronized kills with a partner - something I dunno if I'll feel like setting up.

Also, at this point, I've got one co-op mission left to do and haven't been able. It's pretty much the only one that can't be done solo and I've had no luck getting an online partner to play it with.

If I can somehow knock out those 2 co-op issues, I'll definitely make the push to get all the trophies. Then I'll take on the DLC.

Considering I paid $30 for this game, I have waaaaaaaaay more than gotten my money's worth.

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