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Everything posted by assfax

  1. Wait 'til you get a good sniper that you get real attached to and a couple more guys fully promoted. Then this happens
  2. I want all the utility type perks and none of the lame ones like VANS or ammo/cap scrounger. Somehow I think that local leader perk will just be worthless. So little is know about how the settlement shit actually works. If it's just one of those fucking tower defense things where you'll get a call and have to fast travel back to shoot some bandits..... Sneaking hasn't been fun in any of these new fallouts. Outside you're just always exposed. Inside, there's just never enough opportunity. Might have been improved but it's never had the playability that sneaking had in Elder Scrolls. I never thought Mr Sandman was useful in any way. I wonder if you can still just pick up loose items in stores and carry them off to a shady corner to squat 'n' steal. It's just going to be way too easy after the early game to invest in shit like percentile resistances, damage/critical boosts or that x3 experience boost shit.
  3. http://www.rpg-gaming.com/fo4.html Character builder, because there's still a billion years to fucking go.
  4. Steam sale, got Odallus, Oniken, Castle in the Darkness and English Country Tune. Also, Mark of the Ninja DLC. Shit's tight yo. Get the Odallus bundle and you get Oniken for free basically.
  5. http://vault111.com/character/ you can do character builds and look at perks. Not much to it, but you weren't doing anything better anyway.
  6. I've still got Famous Funnies #1 sitting in a stack over here. There's like 200 issues after that. Worse than trudging through Hellblazer. Sheeit.
  7. Tenryu whippin' out some Bugs Bunny-tier shit. My man.
  8. Karnak is a water head baby. Razor Fist just uses towels by his lonesome. Most times he does the Andre in Japan depth charge though. "Pampering" is taken literally.
  9. B0HWQH142CM0MG4X B0HXK5491LH2M8S3 Triforce hero 3ds demo codes
  10. Just beat the forest on Super Meat Boy vita. What the fuck is wrong with the music? Shit sucks.
  11. Yeah, I did that 10 dollar deal and got Satyricon for 15 bucks.
  12. I've dipped a little into this H.P. Lovecraft shit and the scariest thing about these things is that second where I realize I'm drifting off to sleep and wake up startled like I'm slipping on ice. SHIT SUCKS. I know books are bad when I fall asleep reading like I'm in school. I got this complete collection ebook thing. I started off chronologically but had to start skipping around to stuff that at least sounded good and I'd heard of. Like, that first story was a dude finding a treasure map that led to nothing but reimbursed him for his expedition. I understand that was an early story but geez. At least I remember Sword of Parmagon. Polaris was unfocused. Dagon was OK but definitely established the formula. "I write this correspondence of a nature which I daren't speak as to lead to complete discombobulation. etc...". The Herbert West shit was funny and also showcased that old-time racism that I'd heard about. Are there more stories where he isn't writing 'found footage' letters about things which should not be spoken aloud? I read a bunch of the old REH Conan stories and they were awesome. Tons of blood and monsters and nudity. Plus there is like, space aliens in those old Conan deals. Tower of the Elephant? He's always like, "the coldness of interstellar space". It's kind of how Slan had all these suprisingly advanced nuclear ideas way back in the goddamned. Even on the shit I already knew from Savage Sword it was still great to read Frost Giant's Daughter. That still has power no matter how you approach it. Say awful abode a thousand times. You can make a career out of it. I know old books aren't bad because they're old. It's because they are bad. Other shit I've read recently. I got a little into Hamsun's Hunger but I just wasn't feeling another dense "romantic writer in poverty" deal after the exuberance of Ask The Dust. Maybe it gets different but I'm doubting it. Gunslinger: Eh, I guess I thought more was going to happen. I'll Probably read the rest eventually. This shit along with that Lovecraft garbage was on a .txt file I wrote last year indicated shit I wanted to read in 2015. Along with "Mark Twain Shit" and "Pound Cantos". Bentley Little: Mailman: this is different than the short story. It boils down to this The Store: Probably his best concept. I mean as soon as it got into a weird blind sex thing we all knew what the fuck was goin' on. Dumb nebulous ending. Didn't extrapolate on any of the actual weird things that happened. The Ignored: Great concept when it hits. Really gets dumb with the ending. What was with the evil clown sticking his cock in his wife's mouth? Also, cardinal sin of mentioning another better book to explain shit "Great God Pan" The Town: Had the kernel of an interesting idea with some seemingly well researched or at least intrinsically understood subjects of obscurity. It boiled down to an evil gremlin. The House: Some great stuff, mostly fluff. Could've been 100 pages shorter. I guess I understood why the intro happened but still kind of lame and unexplored. No need for the repetition. Death Instinct: EVIL RETARD. I was kind of expecting a Giallo ending seeing how easy it is to figure it out. Lots of unnecessary fluff. What was with all the phallophobia? I mean I know why they had all the evil serial killer brother shit but it meant nothing! Dispatch: Now we're talking. I'm maybe 200 pages in right now but this is like a fantasy Ham on Rye. This has the makings of an unqualified recommendation. I read the first two books in this Night Angel Trilogy. I'm pretty sure this is my first foray into these "epic" 1200 page "epics". I really liked how magic was used. The weird anime relationship shit kinda clogged up the pacing. "Oh, I'm this immortal assassin but if we happened to oh I don't know... KISSSSS" SHIT.
  13. I just watched this Burn After Reading movie and I can't find out who the hell John Malkovich's dad on the boat was. When I was watching it I thought it was Robert Altman. I can't find a goddamned thing about this. Driving me nuts.
  14. Fuck Untangling old 100 foot speaker wires. 5 different speakers that all have these gigantic neverending spools of the same colored wire. All Christmased up and making me sweat in my own home in October. Woe is me. Can't find my goddamned wire stripper either so I need a new one. Nail clippers ain't cuttin' it. What a bunch of fiddly bullshit. I got some banana plugs on goddamned order with some nice bigass b-tier sony bookshelf speakers, and a fresh spool of wire that I can just clip like 12 feet off of instead of this giant Buddy Guy guitar cable length shit. I want to cannibalize as many good working speakers I already have. I'd still be using old huge wood cabinet speakers that probably had an old forgotten dope stash my dad left in it 40 years ago but they blew up. Ain't chintzy, it's thrifty.
  15. I massively lost interest once I read that you need 50 stars to upload more than 10 levels.
  16. Last time I saw youtube without adblock and noscript I thought I was on a lookalike scam site. Just let me watch my Russian car crashing and newscaster swearing in peace.
  17. My old Meatboy save that had me halfway through cotton alley was lost in an old dead hard drive. This was before steam backed that shit up constantly. I played the absolute dogshit out of that game. The End.
  18. So I was bored enough to pop in this PS4 Infamous game. First thing it does is blind me with that stupid controller light. So I get underneath a blanket. Then, after I'm settling in for a long winters nap, the first thing it has you do is turn the controller sideways and shake it. Then you kind of awkwardly aim it like you're helping one of those moonie dolls take a beer piss. Then it had to install more right in the middle of gameplay. This is with the disc version that I assumed was "updated and installed". I had to eject the disc to jiggle th' handle. Then I killed a bunch of those drones. Then I figured out that I could kill cars to get smoke power. Then I killed a bunch of buskers. Then I kept trying to kill those giant RVs and kept dying a bunch 'cause I was impatient and ready for bed. Stupid touchpad holding shit is going to get my gall goin'. Bad guys are still never-ending obdurate little yapping dogs that shoot you from a half mile away. Alberto Del Rio is his brother.
  19. So I have Witcher 3 beat (until the DLC) and MGSV bought but kind of on hold because I really don't give a shit. Really I think I'm dealing with a game where if somebody just says that some major character dies that would somehow unravel the big crappy plot that I could unveil on my own. Wait a minute this is in a dragon age thread. I think I know how to beat Inquisition : Just keep playing it.
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