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The Z

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Everything posted by The Z

  1. I already preordered a PS4, but I'm starting to get second thoughts, if I should have. For one there aren't any must-have day one release titles for me personally and secondly there are still so many PS3 I still have to get through.
  2. I never read those, but I remember really loving Torso. Never got around to Powers aswell for some reason. I'd probably say his Daredevil run was the best thing he's ever done.
  3. We got Assasin's Creed 3 this week. Suck it, America!
  4. Oh god, I can live with seeing Bryan being beat down week after week and the whole roster being made to look like cowards. What I can not live with, is seeing Bryan being turned into goddamn Sheamus. That segment really pissed me off.
  5. Nightcrawler? No, the one with the thing that does the stuff. Ronan the Accuser?
  6. Well, I never really disliked Remender. I read his Frankencastle and the first trade of Fear Agent and liked both. I just thought the hype over his Uncanny X-Force was exaggerated after the first few issues I read, especially after Craig Kyle and Chris Yost just did such amazing work on X-Force right before. Jonathan Hickman I just don't get. The only one I really hate passionately is Morrison.
  7. OK, I wasn't on the board the entire last week, so I missed the whole Ben Affleck discussion. All I want to say is: Who cares who plays Batman? We're talking about "Man of Steel Part 2: Electric Boogaloo ft. Batman". It'll be terrible regardless of who plays Batman.
  8. I have to retract a previous statement of mine. A few months ago I unfavorably compared Rick Remender to Grant Morrison and Jonathan Hickman, but upon further reading into his Uncanny X-Force run, I have to say he's actually pretty damn good. I'm still not sure, if I prefer his run over Kyle & Yost's, though.
  9. Sometimes I wonder, if there is even one sane person left at DC. That Lobo redesign is just awful.
  10. Yo Germany, I'm really happy for you. Imma let you finish but I just got to say The Chaser is one of the best Han Cinema movies of all time. *drops mic* I am German and I agree with that statement.
  11. I've never owned a PS1 or a PS2, but the PS3 made me a fan of Naughty Dog, so I've recently purchased the Jak & Daxter Trilogy for the PS3. I've already played and liked the first Jak & Daxter; not as much as any of their PS3 games, but it was good. But now I'm playing Jak & Daxter 2, so could anyone please tell me what the fuck they were thinking, when they released this broken mess of a game? This has to be one of the most frustrating experiences I've ever had with a game. I've just reached the point, where I just wanna quit and move on to the next one. Please tell me the third game is better.
  12. I personally thought STID was the sure-fire bet for a top freshness rating. I easily put it at #1 in my RT list. Me, too. I think I had it at #1 as well. It's also my personal favorite movie of the year so far.
  13. Kid Rock performs on cruises?
  14. Ugh. The entire selling point of that book was the reunion of Giffen/DeMatteis/Maguire, Well, that'll teach me never to get excited about anything DC again.
  15. Sex? You really think that's necessary?
  16. I love almost everything Brubaker, but he was phoning Captain America in a few years into his run in my opinion.
  17. I find their paperback collections to be a bit expensive, though. The standard seems to be 4 issues for $14.99. Apart from Invincible and Walking Dead what other Non-Marvel/DC Kirkman books are good? Is anyone here reading Super Dinosaur or Thief of Thieves? I wish they would put out an Omnibus of the complete Astounding Wolf-man.
  18. Oh, I thought this was a montage of Admiral Akbar warning Sting when he is about to be betrayed. I confused my Akbars there and military ranks.
  19. The Hasbro figures were awesome. I wish they would do a little bit more cartoony ones like that again.
  20. Ugh, yes you're correct. At the time there was Amazing Spider-Man and Peter Parker: Spider-Man, both written by Mackie, one was drawn by Byrne, the other by Romita jr. But around the same time there also was the Spider-Man: Chapter One 12-issue maxi series both written and drawn by Byrne. Yeah, I didn't like any of that.
  21. There's stil some hope that Marvel will collect them eventually.
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