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Bum is in some of my earliest memories of football. God, I loved the man. Too bad his son was so very punchable.




From the NFL Network Top 10 (Most Colorful Personalities)


"Hey. . .that's three holdin' penalties on one football team in a quarter and a half. (pause) It ain't funny."


Sadly, I missed most of the Bum Phillips era. . .everything I know about the guy comes from NFL Films.


As per the old Ken Stabler biography Bum was a true good ole boy that was a joy to play for but was so stubborn that he refused the change his offensive philosophies.  Those hats and shirts he wore and the nickname Bum were awesome though


Totally gutted.


Bum is the most beloved coach to ever coach in Houston.  More than any Oiler or Texan coach, more than any coach in any sport.  Yes, even more than Rudy T, and he won two championships with the Rockets.  He was so quintessentially a Houstonian and a Texan, there really is no comparison.


People are still pissed that Bud Adams fired him. 


Here's to hoping it motivates the Texans to reclaim this season.


I'm going to go out and buy a package of Blue Ribbon bacon in honor of this man.


I used to love him, and the Oilers in the late 70's.


I just wish there was room in the modern NFL for more guys like Bum Phillips.

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