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Grand Theft Auto V Talk.

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I'm still pissed off that I didn't survive that 9K bounty.  melraz and I holed up on a roof near the mall and murdered everybody that came at us, including the two tanks.  We probably had about 30 kills up there.  Finally, one of them realized that they had a clear sniper shot from down the hill, and that being uphill from us, or near us, was a serious disadvantage.  I guess they had to get smart eventually.

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Fun times last night on the night shift.  Lil Dewsh couldn't stay in a tank very long, damn things kept exploding on him. Stout got him first with the sticky bombed car, Robert got him next with a sticky bombed melraz, the Allah Axbar, is that how it's pronounced?  


I was having internet connection issues starting off the night, couldn't stay connected to xbl or the party to start off the evening, so I caved and made dinner.


I clocked back in for the night shift at about the same time Phil and Dan I believe were clocking out.  


I wasn't in there long before I had a RUkered hood ornament on my Adder when griefing the cops and some poor dumb bastard at LSC.  


I ended the night bringing my K/D up to 1.43  which is mainly due to freemode, and not having to play against the likes of Dan, Robert, and Nate in deathmatches...


I like it a lot better when we work together, and Nate doesn't have a sniper rifle trained on me.

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Well my ass just woke up so if work don't call I'll be on tonight. Somethin I happened to remember was roast, dan, and I whooped the shit outta lumberyard survival. I don't think anybody got but down till wave 10. That was the first time I'd cleared that one. Now just got one to go.

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Then again, there's nothing like us sharing a good laugh over one of you assholes fileting me with a broken bottle while I have my back turned during a deathmatch. 


I much prefer Freemode when everything's going well and I've got a gang looking out for me. When it's not going well, it sucks, but even then you might manage to turn it around. Nobody else was, but I was having a tough time with RussianBadAss or whatever his name was (he's probably from Minnesota like every wrestling Russian), but he started playing stupid and found himself eating the business end of my assault shotgun on a couple of occasions and he kinda disengaged after that. That felt pretty good.


And that successful Allah Akbar on the tank was good for what ails. Several of the kills against me were kinda fluky, like me firing an RPG over a car coming at me. I've got to remember to shoot straight down.


I think a big difference between Freemode and Deathmatches with the crew is that none of us are going to do anything really stupid. We're not gonna rush each other in cars or run straight at someone without a weapon drawn. But there's a lot of stupid in Freemode, and it's fun to easily defeat it and go "really, dude?"

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Well my ass just woke up so if work don't call I'll be on tonight. Somethin I happened to remember was roast, dan, and I whooped the shit outta lumberyard survival. I don't this anybody got but down till wave 10. That was the first time I'd cleared that one. Now just got one to go.

Yeah, you found that excellent spot directly underneath where I was on the bridge somewhere around Round 3, and we were just peachy keen from there.  Above, I was able to grenade away any cars, you took down the hilos, and Dan was murdering everyone that was spawning in the Northern part of the mill.


Finally got overwhelmed up there in rounds 9 & 10, but for a survival that had been roughly impossible before (I'd only gotten to level 4 or 5), that was smooth as silk.   Industrial Plant needs to fucking go down.  I think it's going to take a full crew and a full inventory of body armor. 

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That was one of the funniest things EVER, bless his heart.


Anyway, it's me, Mel, RUkered and one little lonely dot left in the room. He was a level 14, but he had to go. I mean, if you're Brock Lesnar in the Royal Rumble and it somehow comes down to you and Hornswaggle, you toss his little ass out, right? It's Loser Leave Town, and we ain't losin'.


So we helicopter in, RUkered's covered in sticky bombs and in passive, I'm parachuting out. RUkered blows him up, we all gleefully pound his head in until he goes into passive. So we run him over a million times. He comes out of passive and things get worse. At one point, we're on a road with him, and he'd get killed, spawn further down the road, Melraz would immediately shoot him, he'd spawn down the road, die again, etc.


He finally gets into the industrial area of town near the docks and here comes more asswhoopin'. He finally sends Mel a message. A voice message. So Mel plays it, and it's some little kid and it's just hrufunufunur hrufunufunur hrufunufunur hrufunufunur pistol. "Pistol" is the only word that can be made out.


We give him more grief, and he sends Mel another message. This one is more easily understood. He said "BACK OFF!"


I'm not sure if he expected us to to say "Back off? Sorry sir, anything you say, sir, we'll back off right now," but holy shit, did he miscalculate there.


We absolutely cranked it up to 11 on the poor goof - I was calling mercenaries on him, we shot him some more. He went back into passive and two of us were in fire trucks for a bit, then at one point all three of us were in cars and we had the cops so pissed off at us that between us and the cops, he was in the middle of being run over by nine cars.


He managed to get in a car and we were chasing him when I tried to sticky bomb him and blew every single one of us up. He finally got to an AmmuNation and escaped via the shooting range. 


Mel analyzed his message later and the kid basically said it wasn't fair that we were picking on him 'cause he only had ammo for his pistol.


That was one of the prickier things I've done in a while, but HOO BOY, was it fun.


And there was some guy in a room were were in named "Cheesus." Every time one of us killed him (which was often), we'd say "Cheesus!"


I'm not even talking about the night-ending session. Holy shit, I got my head kicked in all session long. Was just brutal. On the bright side, no God moders, no invincible cars all night long.

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Oh and JT out of all your lady friends do you think one of them would be my gta mommy. She could join the party and say it's time for bed lil nate you need your sleep. And I would say yes gta online mommy you are right. Then I would go to bed and get some sleep before work calls at 2:56am.

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The problem with my GTA homegirls is that they keep the same hours as the Night Shift and are more likely to want to keep playing than remind me that it is time for bed.

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I completely forgot about tag teaming him with the fire trucks. I was cackling like a madman. If I were Catholic, I'd be in confession today.

"Father forgive me, for I have sinned. I sticky-bombed a level 16 and then ran him over and took the hose to him when he was in passive."

"Son...just...just leave and never speak of this again."

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Last night was kind of a mixed bag.  Lots of good competition at times.  Also, my router decided to make JT's look good by comparison and disconnect me 8 or 9 times, so I missed the hilarity Stout described.


I did end on a good note, though.  We'd been warring with iceman for quite a while, and he was doing a number on us.  I was two down on him and creeping up on his location, when somebody killed scrolls, another guy I'd been fighting with on and off.  Scrolls spawned just down the street and behind me, and he was the bigger threat, since he had a clear view of me.  I shifted my position slightly, sniped scrolls in the head, and turned back to find iceman coming at me hard while I was distracted.  I managed to get him with the Mary Lou / shotgun combo. 


3 jets flew over in quick succession right after that, so I figured I'd end there and go to bed.  I slapped it into passive and climbed on a roadside hedge to watch the jet carnage.  After a minute or two, I saw an ambulance barreling down the street at me.  It crashed into the hedge and came to a stop right below me.  That's when I realized it was scrolls trying to run me down.  He might've been pissed at me because I'd killed him 5 or 6 times in a row, and I don't think he even managed to put a single bullet into me.


I had one of those "what the hell, I gotta try something" GTA moments and jumped onto the top of the ambulance. Apparently scrolls didn't realized you could surf those things, because he took off and started braking hard / ramming things to try to throw me off.  I was laughing continuously as this poor guy spent several minutes trying everything to get me down.  Finally, I guess he gave up, because he just started driving across town at high speed.  The obvious solution to the situation finally came to me, so I came out of passive, threw a sticky bomb on the roof, and hopped off.  I didn't take any damage from jumping off a moving ambulance at high speed, but poor scrolls died in an exploding ambulance.  Surprised I didn't deafen Stout and/or wake up my wife from laughing so hard.

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I was trying like hell to get into a position to see that, but he was too far away.


That Iceman guy made me his bitch (Robert and MIs fared better with him) right after those four dudes working together (man, it sucks when they do that, buncha cheaters) were beating my ass.


We got into the room and there were just a shitload of dots at Eclipse Towers, so we thought "let's join the fight." Turns out it was no fight, it was dudes who knew each other. We eventually ran them off, but I had to run to the hospital to get a foot removed from my ass. Then I ran into Iceman.


I should've sent him a message. "hrururur hrururur hrururur hrururur hrururur hrururur pistol." Cheesus!

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Iceman was good at finding an advantageous spot to camp in is all. It does seem like my guns and rpg's were shooting marshmallows at him while his guns rained firey death on me. I think he was still up a few kills on me but I closed the gap by getting on a roof and sniping the ever loving shit out of him near the end. I ended the night getting killed more times than killing, and the k/d took a .01 hit.

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Hopefully this works. I've never messed with Soundcloud until today.


Anyway, I'm posting this on behalf of Melraz. Now you can hear pansy whining for yourself.


I also enjoy that before you hear the kid's message, all you can hear is utter chaos. Gunshots and an ass load of sirens.


Murmurmurmur PISTOL, indeed.



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It sounds like the kid is talking Cajun up until "pistol."


"Whatsamimaw hoowee crawdad guar-an-tee pistol."


That's even more gibberish than Melraz explained it to be. I literally can't make out a word of it except "pistol." That's cream of the freakin' crop right there. I feel honored to be a part of that little experience.


I'll never forget my incredulous "oh no he di'nt" when Mel said he sent another message telling us to "BACK OFF!" He was speaking two-word shorthand for "try to stomp my ass much harder than you were already stomping it, gentlemen." He really threw a barrel of chum into the ocean and wondered why the sharks kept swimming by.


Speaking of which, someone explained a new buggy tactic to use on people in passive. Can't wait to try this one. If you go to the blue menu (the select menu) and kill yourself (the kill yourself choice, "take the easy way out,") when you respawn, you should be able to call mercenaries and muggers on people in passive. I only wish I'd known that with ol' Pistol. Don't know if mercs can shoot the person in passive or not. Needs study, and I'm a rich eccentric, so I don't mind spending the money.


Muggers on ol' Pistol in passive would've had him saying "cheesis!" Bless his heart.

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Real life is getting in the way of me murdering people.  I am starting to get depressed.


Yeah - I was on both ME and GTA last night briefly and no one was on. I think I saw Robert online for maybe like 20 minutes.


It ended up for the best as real life definitely blew up last night so I would have had to bail mid-game if I was on anyway

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Yeah, I kept trying to get on, but stuff kept happening.


First time, I fell asleep as soon as I sold a car for Simeon.  Second time my wife started shouting at me that the kitten's left ear was coming off.  Third time my router died while I was in mid conversation with melraz.


At least my router problems should be solved soon.  We're getting the whole house wired for cat5 in return for dinner for a guy and his girlfriend. Router will be replaced at the same time, so maybe I'll have an actual, functional network.

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