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Those of you who follow the DVDVR Twitter account already know that I was quite giddy yesterday to find that Bix's angelfire site dedicated to the Japanese Wrestling Space Jews was still active. (Be warned that since it is angelfire, it is amazingly ad-tastic and could be gone at a moments notice.)


God this is bring back some memories. I wish there was footage online but alas we will just have to go with sleazy Kimura footage







And please don't bother posting the Rickson Gracie nonsense

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Why has no one put this online yet? 



RYUMA GO vs. UCHU MAJIN SILVER X (Go Gundan)- 4/2/95 

(note- Hi this is Dean. Ray would only review this match if we promised to put in the "greatest matches you need to see" column and being a man of my word....:)) This match gets on the list because it's so bizarre you have to see this. On 4/2/95, there was a huge copromotional show run by one of the magazines in Japan. All the big promotions in Japan were on the show, NJPW, AJPW, AJW, FMW, M-Pro... all of them except for WAR who decided to run against this show. Anyway, I guess they added this match to the card to fill that open slot. Go's gimmick was that he was the Interplanetary Champion and was fighting "aliens". The aliens consist of two guys wearing alien masks and wearing overalls (I guess they're intergalactic white trash. Their saucer must be up on blocks in the yard with a bunch of 10 eyed dogs living under the porch) and two guys in hockey masks, one with a Star of David like design, I guess a refugee from Mel Brook's Jews in Space. To his credit, it seems like everyone's into Go during his entrance and it seems like everyone's into the spirit of the match. The guys who are taping the handheld seem to be laughing their asses off as well. The fans chant "baka!" which I believe means "stupid" at go and comes off like the old ECW "SHAH!" chant. X spends a lot of time adjecting his hockey mask and has intergalactic buddies interfere liberally. X goes after Go's leg using the Crab Nebula Clover Leaf and and figure four. It starts getting really goofy when Go started headbutting X (who's wearing a hockey mask mind you) and X's is selling it. Go starts working submissions and the aliens start attacking him with some sort of object which looks suspiciously like a vibrator on the jumbotron. The match has more than it's share of blown spots, but it I think it adds to charm of this. This one match in the dome probably had more people watching a Go Gundan match than if you added all the promotions house shows attendence together in the entire run of the company. 
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Holy fuck -- the aliens come out to the Imperial theme from Star Wars and Ryuma comes out to "Eye of the Tiger"


I must've been so drunk last December that I didn't notice you even posted that match. Ryuma Go fighting Semitic redneck alien wrestlers with a dildo has to be waaaaaaay waaaaaay up there on the DDT/HUSTLE scale of "things that you never thought would happen in wrestling but did, and should never happen again".

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