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Everything posted by AxB

  1. It's hard to say he matured as a Wrestler, because he never really got away from the spotfest style. It's just the spots themselves became less about "Wow Super-athlete!" and more about Attitude era "Pop for my signature pose, rubes!" stuff. I mean, he stopped rushing so much, but that was more the necessity of not moving as quickly than it was learning a smarter pace. But he never really became a storyteller in the ring at any point. If he'd started doing the Big Poppa Pump gimmick in 1991, obviously he'd have to modify it because all of the size matters, Big Bad Booty Daddy stuff wouldn't make sense when he's only 240 lbs, but if he'd been that arrogant shit talker... I dunno, because his moveset then was full of all these Super-athlete spots, and those are babyface moves that people pop to see. And going to clotheslines and elbowdrops without the giant mass, people wouldn't get the Wrestling logic why his moves were more deadly than those of a big guy like Windham or Sid.
  2. Nah. It's derivative. Pretty, but derivative. Cameron hasn't made a good film since Terminator 2, unless you think financial success is an indicator of quality.
  3. This Guns n Roses documentary on BBC4 is pretty awesome. Once it got into the interviews and the opening sequence puppet show was over.
  4. Finally getting deep into Shadow of the Colossus. Keep forgetting that when you get to the critical point, you raise your sword for the critical hit, and the longer you wait before striking the more damage you do. But because you have to spend so much time finding the weak spot, and the game often screw you over on the approach to the weak spot so you fall off a few times, whenever I get close I just go for the quick jab and do almost no damage. And then fall off. It's a little bit very frustrating.
  5. Stro mate, when people decide you're a troll, everything you say is assumed to be trolling. Back in the day, FSW couldn't even wish someone Happy Birthday without people assuming he was being sarcastic and wanted them to have a shitty Birthday really.
  6. I always preferred Baby Cow Killer, myself.
  7. Does anyone really take the opinion that you've put for people who don't support intergender Wrestling, though? Because that sounds like a ridiculous position based on wild extrapolation beyond all bounds of rationality. People on the internet would never do anything like that.
  8. Sanada's TNA run was alright to be begin with, but it was trying to hard to be Tajiri's ECW run. Altough Tajiri's ECW run was really good, so it worked. Then he got kidnapped and brainwashed into becoming The Great Sanada and was a Muta tribute hanging out with Abyss and Khoya and it kind of sucked. Then he lost a match and disappeared forever because of Global Farce wrestling or something... none of the guys who left TNA for GFW were a part of the GFW invasion angle in TNA. Because they all left to get away from that shit, so why go back? Just because it makes storyline sense, doesn't mean you'd want to subject yourself to paper plates and fucking plastic ridiculous (TM Scott Steiner).
  9. Actual acoustic guitars get a build up of dust inside them, and if you smash an actual acoustic that's been used for a while, you do get the cloud, But Wrestling guitars, that's talcum powder.
  10. Snitch from 2013 stars Rock 'The Dwayne' Johnson, Susan Sarandon, Jon Bernthal, Michael K Johnson... so it's got a great cast, anyway. The plot itself is pretty standard, and the characters are fairly thin and one-note, but it doesn't really matter because the cast is so good it carries the whole movie. Plot... not holes exactly, but pickable nits definitely do abound. A kid is recruited by his friend to do a drug deal, but the friend has been got at by the DEA, and he does a deal to grass the kid up (even though he technically never agreed to go in on it in the first place). So now he's going to jail for 10 years minimum because that's how the law works in American apparently, and he can't do his own deal by informing on anyone because the only drug dealer he knows is the one who grassed him. So his Dad (the Rock) decides to go undercover in the criminal underworld because you can do that. He does one driving job for some small-time dealers, and somehow is so impressive in doing that, that he's immediately recruited by the head of the entire cartel, to run their entire bank from Texas to Mexico. And it's ridiculous, but it still kind of works enough that you don't mind the ludicrosity too much... which usually only happens with cartoonish action movies. Whereas this is supposed to be a hard-hitting, based on a true story, real serious 'this could be you' type dealie.
  11. You do know the books the Expanse is based on are (co-)written by GRRM's personal assistant, right?
  12. Thinking about it, Natalya and Tyson Kidd can both do it well, too. Harry Smith, not so much though, last I saw.
  13. I googled Intergender Wrestling Controversy, and the top result was a match from March 2015 between Chris Dickinson and Kimber Lee*. So if you're talking about that... no, it's been as big of a thing as it's going to be. If it's not that, if it's something else, then it's not a thing yet, and might not be ever. I can see that an indy promotion might be all controversy = business and try to manufacture outrage by having an intergender match devolve into a worked shoot domestic violence situation, that's a fairly standard scummy Wrestling promoter idea that you'd think Ian Rotten would have tried fifteen years ago. But you can't manufacture virality, no matter how much you want to. * The youtube video had 136,000 views, which is a lot for an indy promotion, but it's not millions or anything.
  14. Riki Choshu and Marty Jones both did good Sharpshooters. Not that they called the move that, though.
  15. Not really. You don't have to register your copyright. It's automatically there as soon as you create your work. It does, however, make it a little easier to sue if you actually might have difficulty proving you have a copyright. This guy, barring an agreement with LeBron turning up, won't have any trouble doing that. And yet, in WWE games, Undertaker's tattoos look like Undertaker's tattoos. CM Punk's tattoos look like CM Punk's tattoos, except for the Pepsi logo and that GI Joe thing.
  16. I was taking some library books back, thought I'd look on the shelves to see if there was anything worth borrowing, and there it was: Mass Effect: Ascension. If it's any good, it's probably going to get me playing the series again, isn't it?
  17. I always wanted to watch On Her Majesty's Magnificent Seven Service, but I never got around to it.
  18. I watch movies at random sometimes. Piranha 3DD (2012) is a cheap-ass sequel to Piranha 3D, which was basically an exploitation flick assuming that what people really wanted to see with the new 3D technology was naked ladies boobies (and blood gushing from horrific wounds too, but mostly boobies). But it actually had a decent budget and some decent actors in the cast. The sequel, not so much. Cast of dozens rather than thousands, no real name performers except Dave Hasslehoff doing a self-parody dealie (he's actually really good). The CGI killer fish look like crap too. It's pretty crap, really. Vanishing Point (1971) is kind of one of those movies I don't like, where it's really slow paced and doesn't have much of a plot, and there's lots of lingering long shots in which nothing happens and nobody says or does anything. Except for most of those shots, although 80% of the frame is 'look at this pretty landscape I filmed', the other 20% is a big white muscle car tear-arsing it across the screen at 100 miles per hour, and there's some awesome classic soul music blasting over the soundtrack. That makes it better. It reminded me quite a lot of GTA: San Andreas, because a lot of the Colorado/ Nevada/ California scenery that they drive through in this film looks like the area along the north of the map, from Las Venturas to San Fierro. It's one of those movies that, even though you've never seen it before, it feels familiar because you've seen it ripped off in lots of other movies and music videos and that. American police cars in the 70s couldn't corner for shit, could they?
  19. Bronson? Charles Bronson? What's he got to do with James Bond? Oh, you mean Pierce Brosnan. Autocorrect problems?
  20. You know how when you're watching something on Tivo, and when it ends your TV starts showing whatever is actually on at that point? Well, BBC1 starts simulcasting BBC News 24 overnight, and the other night I dropped in halfway through this: And it was really interesting. Didn't even know he was in the country.
  21. See, arguably Bond doesn't count because it's not properly episodic... we aren't seriously supposed to think that the James Bond who was Sean Connery in the 60s is the same man who was Roger Moore in the 80s and is Daniel Craig now, are we? It's basically rebooted every time they recast (although they were rebooting it years before anyone used to word 'Boot' to mean start, so really rebooting a franchise should be called Lazenbying). Carry On movies aren't episodic either. They all had the same cast, but they all played different characters. Well, characters with different names. Usually the Sid James character was a lot like every other Sid James character, and the Kenneth Williams one was a lot like Kenneth Williams. Different, see?
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